Sunday, December 8, 2019

Wearable Device In Health Care Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Internet Of Things In Wearable Device In Health Care. Answer: Introduction Internet of Things is new technology that helps in controlling and maintaining the internet for devices. The connection of devices with internet can be possible with help of internet. This report focuses on the use of Internet of things in wearable device in health care industry. There are various problems discussed in the report regarding the health care industry. This report outlines the support provided by the wearable devices to the patients in the hospitals. There are many wearable devices discussed in the report. People suffering with long-term conditions and other diseases are facing difficulties due to bad care services provided at the hospitals. Individuals are busy in their lives and not getting time to visit doctors and care providers in hospitals (Bonomi et al., 2012). Therefore, there is a serious condition generating in the society with the individuals not getting proper care services. Solution with features The IoT has helped in providing the solution of the problems faced by individuals in the society. There are different projects started for providing solution to the problems with the help of IoT. There are different types of wearable devices invented to resolve the problems in the society. Wearable devices include smart watches, health bands and motion trackers (Batista et al., 2012). These wearable devices help in monitoring the health condition of an individual. One of the motion trackers has been made by Samsung that helps in recording the motion of the body movements of an individual. The sensor installed in the motion tracker detects and analyse the motion of body and record the health condition of the body. As it is a wearable device, individual can easily wear this device all time on their body. Explanation of working The above figure explains about the working of the wearable device on the body and connection with the cloud. These wearable devices are connected with cloud to store the data of the health condition of body. These wearable devices can be accessed from the smart phones that help in easy accessing of device (Gubbi et al., 2013). As shown in the figure, the wearable devices are connected with the cloud server through internet. The device sends signal to the cloud server for accessing the data stored and provides the outcomes to the user. These devices work with help of the rechargeable Li-on battery. Some wearable devices run on heart beat of human body. This helps in checking the pulse rate of the human body (Miorandi et al., 2012). This main concept is taken in many systems resulting in a smart gesture control. Pros and Cons of wearable devices in health care industry Cost The wearable devices help in minimizing the cost of the health care process of an individual. It reduces the daily cost of check up to a doctor (Miorandi et al., 2012). This device provides an opportunity for personal check up of an individual at home. Accessibility These devices can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. An individual wears these devices during daily work. Therefore, it provides a user-friendly environment for the individual. These wearable devices are attractive in seeing and are worn as luxury items (Tariq et al., 2012). Security The data of the check up is stored in the cloud that helps in providing security to that data and health information (Xia et al., 2012). The data are transferred in encrypted form that protects the data packet from being breached. On the other hand, wearable devices has some disadvantages including the high initial price of the wearable devices are not affordable by all individuals (Gubbi et al., 2013). These devices also damages skin of the individual causing allergies and irritation. The device can broke due to regular use by an individual. Conclusion It can be concluded that the IoT has helped in managing the health problems of an individual. There are varies ranges of products available for health care devices solving health problems. The advantages and disadvantages of wearable devices discussed in the report. References Batista, N. C., Melcio, R., Matias, J. C., Catalo, J. P. (2012, October). ZigBee wireless area network for home automation and energy management: Field trials and installation approaches. InInnovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe), 2012 3rd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on(pp. 1-5). IEEE. Bonomi, F., Milito, R., Zhu, J., Addepalli, S. (2012, August). 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