Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Discussion Example

Essays on Discussion Coursework Insert The Problem of Social Inequality I feel that social inequality in the United s is a serious problem which sees national resources being disbursed unfairly and largely based on doctrines of allocation requiring specific criteria based along some social factors that influential people consider as effective. The economic inequality in the country is dictated by the capitalism aspect of unequal apportionment of earnings and or wealth, which has since created a few billionaires as vast populations scramble for the limited remainder of the wealth. Many American citizens are feeling the pinch of uneven sharing of social and natural wealth because the tradition has created various social classes, with those who are most privileged occupying the higher end of the society while the less privileged occupy the lower class segments of the social and economic order. The working class fall in between – the middle class. Specifically, the problem of social inequality is influencing dis parity in the citizens’ enjoyment of the rights and freedoms, political power and other services offered by government including education, security, justice, health care, shelter, financial services, and infrastructure development. With social inequality, members of the lower social classes will continue to be disadvantaged in terms of enjoying these public services. The solution to social inequality lies in the fair distribution of the public resources without any influence from capitalist norms. This can be achieved by formulating universal social policies which cut bring lower social classes symbolically at par with members of the higher end. By enforcing stronger social welfare policies and laws such as the Affordable Care Act, the lower social classes will feel more empowered and earning their ‘rightful’ share of the national resources.

Discussion Example

Essays on Discussion Coursework Insert The Problem of Social Inequality I feel that social inequality in the United s is a serious problem which sees national resources being disbursed unfairly and largely based on doctrines of allocation requiring specific criteria based along some social factors that influential people consider as effective. The economic inequality in the country is dictated by the capitalism aspect of unequal apportionment of earnings and or wealth, which has since created a few billionaires as vast populations scramble for the limited remainder of the wealth. Many American citizens are feeling the pinch of uneven sharing of social and natural wealth because the tradition has created various social classes, with those who are most privileged occupying the higher end of the society while the less privileged occupy the lower class segments of the social and economic order. The working class fall in between – the middle class. Specifically, the problem of social inequality is influencing dis parity in the citizens’ enjoyment of the rights and freedoms, political power and other services offered by government including education, security, justice, health care, shelter, financial services, and infrastructure development. With social inequality, members of the lower social classes will continue to be disadvantaged in terms of enjoying these public services. The solution to social inequality lies in the fair distribution of the public resources without any influence from capitalist norms. This can be achieved by formulating universal social policies which cut bring lower social classes symbolically at par with members of the higher end. By enforcing stronger social welfare policies and laws such as the Affordable Care Act, the lower social classes will feel more empowered and earning their ‘rightful’ share of the national resources.

Discussion Example

Essays on Discussion Coursework Insert The Problem of Social Inequality I feel that social inequality in the United s is a serious problem which sees national resources being disbursed unfairly and largely based on doctrines of allocation requiring specific criteria based along some social factors that influential people consider as effective. The economic inequality in the country is dictated by the capitalism aspect of unequal apportionment of earnings and or wealth, which has since created a few billionaires as vast populations scramble for the limited remainder of the wealth. Many American citizens are feeling the pinch of uneven sharing of social and natural wealth because the tradition has created various social classes, with those who are most privileged occupying the higher end of the society while the less privileged occupy the lower class segments of the social and economic order. The working class fall in between – the middle class. Specifically, the problem of social inequality is influencing dis parity in the citizens’ enjoyment of the rights and freedoms, political power and other services offered by government including education, security, justice, health care, shelter, financial services, and infrastructure development. With social inequality, members of the lower social classes will continue to be disadvantaged in terms of enjoying these public services. The solution to social inequality lies in the fair distribution of the public resources without any influence from capitalist norms. This can be achieved by formulating universal social policies which cut bring lower social classes symbolically at par with members of the higher end. By enforcing stronger social welfare policies and laws such as the Affordable Care Act, the lower social classes will feel more empowered and earning their ‘rightful’ share of the national resources.

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Importance of Phantom of the Opera Essay Topics

The Importance of Phantom of the Opera Essay Topics Also seen Ramin who's wonderful. He is not really a singer. On the flip side, it is likewise the sort of song that would reveal if a singer leans towards the lyric soprano route. The song Think of Me is among the most memorable songs of the film. It's still what made POTO the timeless musical it is today. The Hollywood edition of the hit musical is forecast to deviate a bit from the material. The whole cast was amazing in how they could convey emotion through each one of the larger-than-life songs. Keep yourself abreast with the most recent updates regarding your favourite musicals. Life After Phantom of the Opera Essay Topics However, Christine sympathizes with Erik and makes the decision to sing for him one final time as a way of saying goodbye. On the other hand, she shared a different kind of bond with Raoul because of their childhood upbringing. On the flip side, mirrors were present to demonstrate truth. He has lots of power in his voice along with some exact soothing tones. To prove he isn't the only damaged soul within the room. The Persian manages to discover a release switch and the 2 men escape, only to discover that Erik's wine cellar is full of a significant quantity of gun powder. This facet of an imaginary character provides the viewer the anxiety of what things to unfold. Meg only prodded her knowing the type of talent she is able to deliver. But on the flip side, he's just another vulnerable character provided with the incorrect choices and circumstances in life. He is powerful up on stage and allow you to get a magic and distinctive moment. The New Angle On Phantom of the Opera Essay Topics Just Released The Word file provides unlimited customizing options so you can teach in the most effective manner possible. Length will vary based on format viewed. Updates would then be sent directly to your inbox. This playlist could have been on your mp3 player. Get the updates right to your inbox. There are various kinds of voices. She is the sole person who knew the Phantom's roots. And it is going to be their only means to the Phantom's lair. The Phantom, on the flip side, isn't familiar. The voice states it has made Christine a star. These settings receive a multi-dimensional shape, due to production designer Anthony Pratt. This kind of expressive voice. Christine grabbed the chance to unmask the Phantom. She begins to cry as well. She is young and beautiful, so she must be good. She admits she is afraid of the Phantom and tells Raoul he will never stop trying to recapture her. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Phantom of the Opera Essay Topics Its makers would be let down. However beautiful you're, you won't always find individuals to appreciate you. In addition, it highlights the demand for each and every human to be loved. And still wind up wanting more. He discovers they do, actually, share reciprocal love, and the both of them thus choose to turn into secret fiances for the brief time they've left together. But, they also cover a lot of the other issues unique to the work and to the world these days. It has to have become the cream foundation used. Compare and contrast the 2 men who wish to marry her.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Wearable Device In Health Care Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Internet Of Things In Wearable Device In Health Care. Answer: Introduction Internet of Things is new technology that helps in controlling and maintaining the internet for devices. The connection of devices with internet can be possible with help of internet. This report focuses on the use of Internet of things in wearable device in health care industry. There are various problems discussed in the report regarding the health care industry. This report outlines the support provided by the wearable devices to the patients in the hospitals. There are many wearable devices discussed in the report. People suffering with long-term conditions and other diseases are facing difficulties due to bad care services provided at the hospitals. Individuals are busy in their lives and not getting time to visit doctors and care providers in hospitals (Bonomi et al., 2012). Therefore, there is a serious condition generating in the society with the individuals not getting proper care services. Solution with features The IoT has helped in providing the solution of the problems faced by individuals in the society. There are different projects started for providing solution to the problems with the help of IoT. There are different types of wearable devices invented to resolve the problems in the society. Wearable devices include smart watches, health bands and motion trackers (Batista et al., 2012). These wearable devices help in monitoring the health condition of an individual. One of the motion trackers has been made by Samsung that helps in recording the motion of the body movements of an individual. The sensor installed in the motion tracker detects and analyse the motion of body and record the health condition of the body. As it is a wearable device, individual can easily wear this device all time on their body. Explanation of working The above figure explains about the working of the wearable device on the body and connection with the cloud. These wearable devices are connected with cloud to store the data of the health condition of body. These wearable devices can be accessed from the smart phones that help in easy accessing of device (Gubbi et al., 2013). As shown in the figure, the wearable devices are connected with the cloud server through internet. The device sends signal to the cloud server for accessing the data stored and provides the outcomes to the user. These devices work with help of the rechargeable Li-on battery. Some wearable devices run on heart beat of human body. This helps in checking the pulse rate of the human body (Miorandi et al., 2012). This main concept is taken in many systems resulting in a smart gesture control. Pros and Cons of wearable devices in health care industry Cost The wearable devices help in minimizing the cost of the health care process of an individual. It reduces the daily cost of check up to a doctor (Miorandi et al., 2012). This device provides an opportunity for personal check up of an individual at home. Accessibility These devices can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. An individual wears these devices during daily work. Therefore, it provides a user-friendly environment for the individual. These wearable devices are attractive in seeing and are worn as luxury items (Tariq et al., 2012). Security The data of the check up is stored in the cloud that helps in providing security to that data and health information (Xia et al., 2012). The data are transferred in encrypted form that protects the data packet from being breached. On the other hand, wearable devices has some disadvantages including the high initial price of the wearable devices are not affordable by all individuals (Gubbi et al., 2013). These devices also damages skin of the individual causing allergies and irritation. The device can broke due to regular use by an individual. Conclusion It can be concluded that the IoT has helped in managing the health problems of an individual. There are varies ranges of products available for health care devices solving health problems. The advantages and disadvantages of wearable devices discussed in the report. References Batista, N. C., Melcio, R., Matias, J. C., Catalo, J. P. (2012, October). ZigBee wireless area network for home automation and energy management: Field trials and installation approaches. InInnovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe), 2012 3rd IEEE PES International Conference and Exhibition on(pp. 1-5). IEEE. Bonomi, F., Milito, R., Zhu, J., Addepalli, S. (2012, August). Fog computing and its role in the internet of things. InProceedings of the first edition of the MCC workshop on Mobile cloud computing(pp. 13-16). ACM. Gubbi, J., Buyya, R., Marusic, S., Palaniswami, M. (2013). Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions.Future generation computer systems,29(7), 1645-1660. Jain, S., Vaibhav, A., Goyal, L. (2014, February). Raspberry Pi based interactive home automation system through E-mail. InOptimization, Reliabilty, and Information Technology (ICROIT), 2014 International Conference on(pp. 277-280). IEEE. Miorandi, D., Sicari, S., De Pellegrini, F., Chlamtac, I. (2012). Internet of things: Vision, applications and research challenges.Ad Hoc Networks,10(7), 1497-1516. Tariq, M., Zhou, Z., Wu, J., Macuha, M., Sato, T. (2012, October). Smart grid standards for home and building automation. InPower System Technology (POWERCON), 2012 IEEE International Conference on(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Xia, F., Yang, L. T., Wang, L., Vinel, A. (2012). Internet of things.International Journal of Communication Systems,25(9), 1101.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

T.S. EliotS Poem, Choruses From The Rock Essays - Religion, Theism

T.S. Eliot'S Poem, Choruses From ?The Rock? In order to understand T.S. Eliots poem, Choruses from The Rock, one must first understand Eliots views on contemporary theology and spirituality. He felt as if people were moving away from the Church and were losing their religion in favor of more secular worship. The following passage from Eliots poem can summarize his entire argument that he makes in Choruses from The Rock. But it seems that something has happened that has never happened before: though we know not just when, or why, or how, or where. Men have left GOD not for other gods, they say, but for no God; and this has never happened before that men both deny gods and worship gods, professing first Reason, And then Money, and Power, and what they call Life, or Race, or Dialectic. The Church disowned, the tower overthrown, the bells upturned, and what have we to do but stand with empty hands and palms turned upwards in an age which advances progressively backwards? T.S. Eliot - Choruses from 'The Rock' Eliot complains that something has happened that has never happened before: for the first time, man stands alienated from God. He believes that man stands lonely, in great darkness, with no light to guide him; and Eliot is right. Something has happened that has never happened before. One might ask why or how it has happened. These things do not happen in a certain moment. They happen so gradually that one never becomes really aware of when, where, or how. The civilized man has lost something because now we live in the man-made world where it is almost impossible to find any sign of God. God is hard to find in the asphalt roads or in cement structures. These things are not alive. How can one find God in machines or in technology? Even facing the greatest machine you cannot feel awe, you cannot feel reverence, you cannot feel like falling on your knees and praying. If you cannot feel like falling on your knees and praying once in a while, how can God remain a part of your being? Eliot claims that man is facing a tremendous flood of meaninglessness for the first time. Everything seems to be utterly insignificant, and the reason is simple: without God there can be no significance, no splendor. Life can have meaning only in the context of something that surpasses life. The meaning always comes from the context; now man stands without a context. The meaning comes only when you can look upwards to something bigger than you, something greater than you. When you feel related with something greater, holier, your life has meaning. Man has left nature and has created an artificial world of his own. This fact has been the most shattering phenomenon which has disrupted man from God and all that is implied in God: meaning, significance, majesty, love, prayer, meditation, and all that is valuable. The irony is, man has never been so rich as he is today. Both things have happened together: the inner, spiritual being has become poorer while the outer being has become richer. We have more money than any other society before, we have in every way more power than any other society ever had before, and still no society has ever felt such meaninglessness. Eliot thinks that we have cultivated reason too much and we have become lopsided. Science functions from the head while religion functions from the heart. Because we have become too obsessed with the head we think that is all there is. As we become more and more hung up in the head, we become more and more oblivious to the existence of the heart, and Eliot thinks that we will become more and more miserable. T. S. Eliot is right: ... something has happened that has never happened before: though we know not just when, or why, or how, or where. Men have left God not for other gods... That was very usual in the past; people used to move from one god to another. That was an evolution. The God of Moses is less sophisticated than the God of Jesus, since there are thousands of