Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Review Of Bacons Rebellion History Essay

A Review Of Bacons Rebellion History Essay Bacons rebellion causes a transition in the history of labor in the early southern colonies for the reason that the people involved in the rebellion were indentured servants, freemen, and slaves. Bacons rebellion was a popular revolt in colonial Virginia in 1676. It was a rebellion in which was based on the discontent of the majority of the people in the colony. The causes of the rebellion were high taxes, low prices for tobacco, and resentment against special privileges given those close to the governor, Sir William Berkeley, Berkeleys failure to defend the frontier against attacks by Native Americans. The rebellion then ended when Bacon died of bloody flux or dysentery. Bacons rebellion explains why African laborers eventually supplanted white bonded servants as the primary labor force (Bacons rebellion). In the rebellion, indentured servants play a role, and these indentured servants was what changed the labor in early southern colonies. Murrin explains indentured servants as people who had their passage to America paid by a master or ship captain (G-12). These indentured servants agreed to work for their master for a term of years in exchange for their cost of passage, bed and board, and small freedom dues when their terms were over. The number of years they have to served depended on the terms of their contract with their master. The servants that were brought to Virginia allowed planters to obtain a double profit. The double profits were, they get several years of cheap labors and for each new settler they brought, and they receive fifty acres of land. During the time, servants were cheaper compare to slaves, and since both were likely to die within years, servants were better bargains (Bacons rebellion). Eventually soon people learn to survive longer in the new land. Servants began to live long enough to achieve their freedom. These servants, who soon became free, were anxious for their land that they pressure the colonial government to expand westward into American Indian lands. They soon became unwelcome competitors to the already-established planters (Bacons rebellion). These indentured servants wanted more land and that was also a cause of the rebellion. They followed Bacon in the rebellion against Indians, not because they were rebelling against hostile Indians, and authorities. By overthrowing the Indians, they were able to obtain those lands. Land was what the indentured servants wanted, so it was a great thing for them to follow Bacon in his rebellion (Bacons rebellion). Bacons Rebellion demonstrated that poor whites and poor blacks could be united in a cause. This was a great fear of the ruling class that the fear hastened the transition to racial slavery. Indentured servants soon were replaced with slaves, because of the rebellion. Bacons rebellion demonstrates that a labor in which could challenge the authority of the planters was not desirable. It also shows that the poor laborers and farmers could prove a dangerous part against wealthy landowners. So by switching to chattel slavery, new white laborers and small farmers were mostly limited to those who could afford to immigrate and support themselves. In addition, improving economic conditions in England meant that fewer laborers would want to migrate to the colonies as indentured servants, so the planters needed to find new sources of labor. Africans continued to be voluntarily available and because many were not Christian, they could be enslaved and regulated in a manner that indentures could not. Virginia then enacted a series of laws, constituting a formal slave code that removed many slaves rights that they previously enjoyed and they also added further restrictions to slavery including anti-miscegenation law (Race). This shows the reason why the rebellion was a transition in the history of labor in early southern colonies. Indentured servants involvement in Bacons Rebellion caused the changed in history labors in the early southern colonies because of their involvement in the rebellion. Not only that, but because of their rebellion against the authorities when they became free. The rebellion was mainly cause by land, discontent of majorities, taxes, and tobacco, the resentment against special privileges given those close to the governor, Sir William Berkeley, and hostile Indians. Indentured servants are people who paid their passage to their master or ship captain to get to America. These servants were able to be free after serving their terms, and when they were free they wanted to obtain their land. So they pressure colonial government, which also leads to the rebellion as they involve themselves with Bacon. Soon the rebellion causes the replacement of servants with slaves, which soon starts to evolve as time continues.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Theories of Leadership and Motivation

Introduction:Leadership is the character which every administration wants to see in their staff and the individual who is self motivated and who can actuate the squad members become a good director. Leadership is nil but animating the squad leader is the 1 who does it, inspiration is nil but motive. So leading and motive is a chemical science which can take any hard undertaking to success. The leading and motive chemical science is largely helpful in direction sector whether it is in concern or in the squad ; every person posse ‘s leading but the 1 who patterns on the spell go a perfect leader. The chief facet a leader consists is a vision for the certain intent. When a undertaking or undertaking is taken over by a company the company searches for a leader who posses cognition on the undertaking and vision how to develop the undertaking, make usage of co-workers and give the administration a net income on it. A leader tends to act upon the undertaking to be continued and alter to be taken topographic point to do the administration profitable. There are several theories on leading by great leaders some of them say that â€Å" leading is an action non place or individual † . These theories help to fix a perfect leader, all these theories are proposed and practiced by great leaders and directors but latest direction considers a leader who follows his function.Leadership theories:Sing leading reveals school of idea giving different leading theories such as Great Man theory, trait theory, behaviorist theory, situational leading theory, eventuality theory, transactional theory and transformational theory. Great adult male theory is the 1 proposed before 20th century where it says that leaders are born with the endowment and leader should be a adult male this lead to the following theory trait theory.Trait theory:The trait theory rose from the constructs of the ‘Great Man ‘approach. This theory leads to place the of import features of a successful leader. The people who got the characters as defined by the traits attack are isolated or shortlisted and those are recruited as leaders. This type of attack was largely implemented in military and still used in some of the country. Harmonizing to the trait theory the individual who got the undermentioned accomplishments is said to be a trait.Ambitious and success orientedAdaptable to all sorts of state of affairssCo operative to all the members in the organisationHighly active or energeticDominativeGood determination devising abilitySelf-assuredAdaptable to emphasize conditions andReliable.These are the characters which make a individual trait and they should posses some accomplishments which areSkillsIntelligentSkilled conceptuallyCreativeFluent in speech productionTactfulSelf motivated and self beliefSkilled sociallyWhen these sorts of accomplishments and characters are identified in the individual, the individual is recruited in the squad.Behavioral theory:The trait survey does n't give any conclusive consequences and it was difficult to mensurate some more critical issues such as honestness, unity and trueness. This leaded the attending to be diverted on to the behavior theories. The behavior theory focuses on human relationship and success public presentation every bit good. Harmonizing to behavioral theory the director believes that the working environment should be like an amusement topographic point where the outgo of mental and physical attempts is treated to be drama and remainder. The thought of director is an mean individual non merely learns to accept but besides seek duty. The people will automatically larn to exert self-denial and self way to accomplish the end or mark. The organisational jobs can go inventive and originative.Contingency theory theoretical account:This theory illustrates that there are many ways for the director to take the squad to acquire best result. Harmonizing to the state of affairs the director can happen a best manner to acquire the best result. Fiedler worked on eventuality theory harmonizing to that he looked for three state of affairss which define the status of a managerial undertaking.Leader and squad member relationshipWork construction or undertaking constructionPosition and powerThe director should keep relation with their squad members to acquire along and make assurance and do them experience free to believe about the undertaking and give their thoughts to assist the undertaking to be finished. Undertaking construction is the occupation extremely structured or unstructured or in between. The power shows how much authorization a director does posses. This theory rates the director whether the trough is relationship oriented or undertaking oriented. The undertaking oriented directors gets success in such state of affairss where there is good leader and squad member relationship and structured undertakings or undertakings does n't count whether the place power is weak or strong. And acquire success when the undertaking is unstructured and does hold any kind of good vision by holding a strong power and place. The variables which affect the undertaking such as environmental variables are combined in a heavy some and differentiated as favorable and unfavorable state of affairss. The undertaking oriented direction manner depends on the favorable and unfavorable environment variables but the relationship direction manner stays in the center by pull offing or altering the variables to roll up with their manner. Both manners of directions got their sides to be good when all the public presentation and squad work good in the undertakings. There is no good or bad direction in these two directions. Task motivated direction manner leaders do best when the squad performs good and they are good in accomplishing good gross revenues record and public presentation better than their rival where as the relationship oriented leaders are helpful to derive positive client service and construct a positive image to the administration.Transactional and transformational leading:Transformational leading â€Å" is a relationship of common simulation and lift that converts the followings in to leaders and may change over leaders into moral agents † Transformational leading is pass oning with the leaders and the squad members to take them to higher degree something like a leader can go a moral agent and the follower can go a leader. Transactional leading technique builds the individual to complete the certain undertaking such as occupation done for the clip being. Some of the differences between transactional and transformational leading are Transactional manner of leading builds a adult male to finish a certain undertaking where as transformational manners builds a member to go a leader. This focuses on undertaking completion and tactical manner of direction where as transformational leading focal point on schemes and missions. These are some theories of the leading which shows how a leader act on different state of affairss and how different leaders behave to acquire success in the organisation.Motivation in Management:Theories of motive:The theories of motive can be divided into 3 wide classs. Reinforcement theories – stress the agencies through which the procedure of commanding an person ‘s behaviour by pull stringsing its effects takes topographic point . . Contented theories – focal point chiefly on single demands – the physiological or psychological lacks that we feel a irresistible impulse to cut down or extinguish. Procedure theories – focal point on the idea or cognitive procedures that take topographic point within the heads of people and that control their behaviour.Early Theories of Motivation:Hierarchy of Needs TheoryTheory X and Theory YMotivation-Hygiene TheoryContemporary Theories of Motivation:ERG TheoryMcClelland ‘s Theory of NeedsCognitive Evaluation TheoryUndertaking Features TheoriesGoal-Setting TheoryEquity TheoryHierarchy of Needs Theory:Abraham Maslow hypothesized that within every human being there exists a hierarchy of five demands:Physiological.Safety.Social.Esteem.Self-actualization.Maslow so categorized these 5 demands into lower-order demands and higher-order needs.Lower-order demands are needs that are satisfied externally: physiological and safety needs.Higher-order demands are needs that are satisfied internally ( within the individual ) : societal, esteem, and self-actualization demands.Theory X and Theory Y of Douglas McGrogor:McGregor concluded that a di rector ‘s vision of the nature of human existences is based on a certain blend of premises and that he or she tends to model his or her actions toward subsidiaries harmonizing to these premises:Employees of course dislike work and, whenever possible, will try to avoid itSince employees dislike work, they must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with penalty to accomplish endsEmployees will avoid duties and seek formal way whenever possibleMotivation-hygiene Theory:Harmonizing to Herzberg, the factors taking to occupation satisfaction are spliting and distinguishable from those that leads to occupation dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors include factors such as: company policy and disposal, supervising, interpersonal dealingss, working conditions, and salary. Motivator factors include factors such as: attainment, acknowledgment, the work itself, duty and growing.Hygiene FactorsCompany regulation and direction ;Supervision ;association with supervisor ;Work fortunes ;Salary ;Rela tionship with equals ;Personal life ;association with subsidiaries ;Status ;SafetyIncentive Factors:attainmentrecognition ;Work itself ;Duty ;patterned advance ;GrowthContemporary Theories of Motivation:ERG Theory:ERG Theory proposed by Clayton Alderfer of Yale University: Alderfer fights that there are three groups of nucleus demands:BeingRelatednessGrowthExistence group is worried with supplying our basic stuff being demands. Relatedness group is the desire we have for keeping of import interpersonal relationshipsMcClelland ‘s Theory of Needs:McClelland ‘s theory of demands focal points on three demands:AccomplishmentPowerAffiliationCognitive Evaluation Theory:Allocating extrinsic wagess for behavior that had been antecedently per se rewarded tends to diminish the overall degree of motive. ( This construct was proposed in the late sixtiess. ) The mutuality of extrinsic and intrinsic wagess is a existent phenomenonUndertaking Characteristics Theories:These theories seek to place undertaking features of occupations, how these features are combined to organize different occupations, and their relationship to employee motive, satisfaction, and public presentation.Goal-setting theory:Specific and hard ends lead to higher public presentation. Feedback leads to higher public presentation than non-feedback. In add-on to feedback, 2 other factors have been found to act upon the goals-performance relationship. These are:Goal committedness.Sufficient self-efficacy.Equity Theory:Persons make comparings of their occupation inputs and outcomes relations to those of others and so move in response so as to take any unfairnesss ‘ . Stacy Adams proposed that this negative tenseness province provides the motive to make something to rectify it. There are 4 referent comparings that employee can utilize:Self-inside.Self-outside.Other – interior.Other – exterior.DecisionThe alteration in the leading theories clip by clip says that the leader should posses certain characters which lead the organizational success whether to believe in keeping a relationship or to travel on tactically the director or the leader should move to the state of affairs and acquire success at the terminal. Depending on the companies motive the leader should respond or act with the squad members to accomplish the mark. Normally keeping a good relation helps to do the squad members life easy and pull off the work merrily. The squad members become more advanced and achieve marks easy where as with tactical manner leading may make some kind of force per unit area on the squad members, there is no warrant that in every state of affairs relational ship direction is successful. the leader should accommodate himself for the state of affairs and mo ve harmonizing to a peculiar state of affairs. We have discussed above merely a aggregation of the motive theories and ideas of the assorted advocates of direction.In some of the theories and sentiment presented, nevertheless, one can detect some ‘glimpses ‘ of the individual and how, possibly, he or she could be motivated. This is fulfilling in itself. But, as noted earlier, pattern has been in progress of theory in this field, so allow us now move to the realistic side of direction of human behavior and motive in the workplace.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Law Enforcement Agencies Critical Issues Essay

There are many different ways law enforcement agencies fight crime and solve them. The continuous usage of technology is one of those major ways. Law enforcement agencies uses different technologies that are needed depending on the situation and the outcome of it. Some examples of technology that police use Today are GPS systems(global positioning systems), cellphones, surveillance equipment, communication systems, license plate readers, and mobile computer systems that have features such as WiFi, video, etc. The GPS system is used to track down a certain location or to reach a destination. The GPS system is very common in law enforcement agencies. For example, if a car is stolen or a criminal is on the run and it has a GPS system in it, the officers can use this device to track the car down. The GPS will give the current location of the car which would help officers to find the victim and follow them. Officers also use the GPS system to locate another patrol car. Cellphones is anoth er popular device law enforcement uses. Cellphones can be used in numerous ways during any situation. For example, if a teenage girl is kidnapped but is able to still use her cellphone to call nine one one, officers can try to trace her call. By tracing the call, it will be able to give off a location or give a close range of the location to help find the girl. Another popular technical device law enforcement agencies use is surveillance equipment. Surveillance equipment is used to watch and keep track of a individual or a place and their activities. For example, if a drug dealer is going out everyday to sell drugs and officers need proof of that to convict him or her, they will use the surveillance equipment to take pictures, videos, etc. They may use a special kind of camera to get the pictures they need and take them to court to use for evidence. By using these devices, it will help to enhance law enforcement agencies by assisting them to help bring criminals down. It  improves the efficiency and effectiveness of how law enforcement reacts to a situation and how quickly. Over the years, law enforcement agencies have dealt with a lot of criticism when it comes to officers using their firearms. In some cases, after being involved in a shooting, officers are thoroughly investigated to find out why and how the shooting happened. Because of this, officers now have the opportunity to use less-than-lethal weapons. One popular less-than-lethal weapon is the taser. â€Å"A Taser is a battery-powered electro-muscular (EMD) that fires two metal prongs, which are attached to a wire that delivers approximately 26 watts of electricity at more than 50,000 volts. The electricity causes substantial muscular pain and typically results in the immobilization of the suspect† (Walker, S, & Katz, C.M. 2011 pgs. 508). By law enforcement using a taser, there are lesser injuries occurring than before. Another type of less-than-lethal weapon is a shotgun. Although it is a shotgun, real bullets do not come out of it. This type of shotgun shoots rubber bullets. Although the bullets are rubber, they still have enough force to temporarily hurt a victim. If a victim is acting out of control, this type of gun is used to drop him or her to the ground. One other popular less-than-lethal weapon is pepper spray. This type of weapon is very popular amongst large and disruptive crowds. In order to control the crowd, an officer may use the pepper spray and shoot towards the crowd with it and spray it in someone’s eyes. This will instantly cause a burning sensation and temporarily boundless to the eyes. In most cases, this will force the victim to sit down and the officer will remain in control. Each and everyday, police officers risk their lives to help protect communities and to keep the streets safe. There are many dangers that police officers face on a daily basis. For example, stress is a major factor in a police officers life. Being stressed about something can take its toll on the officer. It can affect his performance at work or it can affect his home life. Stress is something you have to pay attention too by taking it seriously. Another example of danger police officers face is the chance of being shot. Officers pull over people for traffic laws or anything else simple. A person may panic seeing a cop pull them over. They may think it’s for something major when it’s really not so they will try to shoot the officer so they can get away. Another danger police officers deal with is the high temperature changes. This may sound  simple, but an officer stands around and walk around his entire shift. He may do this outside and if it’s hot outside, it can be very dangerous for an officer if he didn’t keep himself dehydrated.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Why was Elizabethan theatre so successful Essay - 822 Words

Why was Elizabethan theatre so successful? One of the reasons that Elizabethan theatre was so successful was that it was enjoyed by the Queen. Elizabeth never visited the theatre herself, but was known to have invited companies of actors to perform for her at court, as is shown by this extract from government records in 1572: To the Lord Chamberlains players at Whitehall, 25 February 1572, for a play presented by them before Her Majesty on St Stephens Day. She was a very important patron of the theatre, even allowing one company to call themselves The Queens men. This meant that people would think that the theatre was not a bad thing as the ruler appointed by God supported it, and therefore they could not be doing†¦show more content†¦An attraction to the theatre was its cheap entry cost, for groundlings it only cost 1 penny, this meant that it was accessible to even the poorest Elizabethans. The theatre cost different amounts depending of where you wanted to be, the yard where everyone all stood together cost 1 penny, to sit cost 2 pennies and for a wealthy person to sit comfortably in a place where they could be seen by most of the people in the theatre cost only 3 pennies. The cheapness of this attracted people of all classes, the poor to see the wealthy and to have a cheapish day out, and the wealthy to show themselves and their riches off in front of everyone at the theatre. The theatre was very successful because it held attractions for a wide variety of people. To the rich it offered a chance to show off their wealth and to make contacts. If you were a young, single man, going to the theatre dressed in your finest clothes could attract the attention of a young woman to you, and to criminals the theatre was an easy place to pick pockets and steal other desirable items from people in the crowd. To all the chance to buy fruit, nuts, wine and beer was also an attractive proposition. Another attraction to the theatre was the actors, these men had difficult jobs, they had to learn their lines and queues in the evening, rehearse the play in the morning and then perform it in the afternoon, before going home to learn their lines to a new play. The actors had toShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare as the Greatest Genius in British Literature1014 Words   |  5 Pagesliterature. While best known as a dramatist, Shakespeare was also a distinguished poet. Shakespeares extraordinary gifts for complex poetic imagery, mixed metaphor, and intelligent puns, along with insight into human nature are the characteristics that created the legend he is today. 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