Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Writing Experience Essay Example For Students

A Writing Experience Essay It is a month prior to the furthest limit of eleventh grade and my English instructor drops a five to six page research paper on the class. The subject of this exploration paper should have been on one of the issues individuals face in America in todays society. At that point, I needed just to go to the sea shore and be out of school for the mid year. Consequently, I was definitely not eager about this undertaking. Every person in the class was to pick the subject of their exploration paper out of a container. Fortunate for me, I was given a point that was exceptionally expansive and permitted me to expound on various thoughts. My exploration point was Homelessness. Individuals frequently have certain perspectives on vagrancy in view of how or where they are raised. So as to depict an exact report, it was important that I ignore these mistaken cases from my report. I expected to look for verifiable data or speculations that are supported up by measurements or individual encounters. This report required a lot of work and consideration. The initial step of the task was to assemble general plans to turn out to be progressively proficient about the theme. I went to the library and assembled realities from different books managing vagrancy. The books were fairly useful, however they couldn't give me exact insights because of the way that the books were composed numerous a long time back. In this way, I took a gander at articles that were dated as of late so as to get my required data. Now, I had note card after note card of data, however something was all the while lacking. I expected to interface with my subject on a progressively close to home level so my paper could be composed with sympathy and feeling. Hence, I drove down to Center City, Philadelphia to get a direct thought what destitute life is truly similar to. It took a great deal of guts to stroll over to destitute people and inquire as to whether they would consent to a meeting. Shockingly, huge numbers of them were more than ready to do as such. I asked them numerous inquiries about their way of life and how they came to be that way. I never acknowledged how kind and sad vagrants are. Up to that point, I generally accepted that vagrants were all medication addicts that were too languid to even think about getting an occupation. These are the terrible and regularly wrong thoughts that are put on society. I understood numerous individuals regularly make a decent attempt to land well-paying positions and make a decent life for themselves. Despite the fact that there are numerous vagrants in America today, the number stays a minority. Along these lines, vagrants are regularly disregarded and not given a reasonable possibility. There was one vagrant that hung out in my psyche. I felt such compassion and sympathy for her circumstance. She was getting away from a damaging relationship with her sweetheart and felt she may pass on except if she exposed herself to the boulevards. She saw no other way out. This lady had no family to go to. Since she had been in this oppressive relationship for such a long time, she had relied upon him to help her. She left with nothing, trusting he would not follow her down. She had just been destitute for a couple months now and was attempting to better her life. This lady gave me the information to compose my paper with the vital point of view toward vagrancy. This composing experience showed me more than I at any point thought conceivable. It empowered me to value all that I am given throughout everyday life and never to take that for stone. I never up to that point acknowledged that I am so fortunate to be raised in such an adoring and protected condition, liberated from neediness and wrongdoing. I likewise turned out to be progressively mindful of the ways of life in which others live and how extraordinary they are from my own. The experience this composing experience gave me will probably assist me with collaborating with every extraordinary sort of people. .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 , .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 .postImageUrl , .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 , .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33:hover , .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33:visited , .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33:active { border:0!important; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33:active , .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enhancement: underline; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enrichment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70 742496d33 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u453816525a0dad4cc54aa70742496d33:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Interpersonal Communication Essay what's more, I currently really comprehend the idiom, Never pass judgment superficially; assumptions can just make an individual more nave and oblivious to contrasts. It is important to .

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Juvenile Justice Module 8 Online Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Adolescent Justice Module 8 Online - Essay Example In adolescent equity framework guardians, social laborers and post trial agents are associated with the procedure to accomplish positive outcomes and maintain a strategic distance from any further wrongdoings by kids. The adolescent probation is the focal point of adolescent equity framework. Probation is the apparatus utilized by adolescent equity offices. It is a casual observing of youth and maintaining a strategic distance from their contribution in genuine violations. The primary duty of adolescent probation is security and insurance of open from wrongdoings. The adolescent probation rehearses must be strategic, execution based and result-arranged. Numerous probation abilities and approaches are utilized. In this probation practice, the guilty parties are administered in their schools. This training is helpful as in the kids invest most of their energy in school. The post trial supervisor winds up in the situation of better observing of the adolescent guilty parties. In this training he has more contact with the adolescent and ready to see conduct of the guilty party with his colleagues. This training additionally will assist the young with becoming progressively mindful in school making a decent understudy. An investigation uncovered that school based probation brings about better scholastic execution, less violations and increment in school participation. This examination was carried on 75 arbitrarily chose wrongdoers. The most significant objective of the adolescent equity framework is to change the youngsters. The reason for this training is to make the wrongdoers productive members of society keeping laws and guidelines. The post trial agents assume a significant job in restoration of the young. For this reason the post trial supervisors help in build up the working abilities and learning aptitudes. The aptitudes which are expected to make serene and valuable residents. The guilty parties likewise need to change the manner in which they think and decide. Their perspective is changed by intellectual mediations. The need is surveyed and objectives are set in like manner and afterward the ability building programs are made. It is significant for the guilty parties to

Friday, August 7, 2020

Europe in Winter

Europe in Winter Reasons to Visit Europe In Winter Home›Informative Posts›Reasons to Visit Europe In Winter Informative PostsPeople are likely to travel more when the weather is warm. You can take fewer clothes, feel comfortable outside and sometimes even visit some fascinating places. However, taking your vacation during the wintertime can also be quite gripping as well as beneficial. There are a lot of places in Europe which look much better when covered with snow. Surely, there are minor disadvantages, like a long slippery road to the destination or no sunbathing, but visiting the most amazing winter places of interest is worth missing your summer holidays. Here are a few reasonable explanations why visiting Europe in winter is so profitable.How to Create the Best Winter VacationROMANTIC EVENINGSWhat can be better than taking your honey for a walk under the endless vastness of stars in the shining Milan or Paris? You should not forget about a cup of hot cocoa and a piece of fruit cake to make your evening unforgettable. Moreover, if you find a place to enjoy the view of winter evening city and finish it with a passionate kiss, then the phrase “the happiest moment of my life” will not remain just a phrase.BENEFICIAL FLIGHTSAs it has already been said, the majority of people prefer travelling during summer time. The result is increased ticket prices and sometimes even inability to order such a necessary ticket. When it comes to travelling Europe in winter, you can observe that ticket costs are considerably lower, and the availability of the tickets is much higher. Apart from that, if you search deep enough, you will manage to find the tickets for a really low price.DIVERSE FOODEvery European country has a unique cuisine. Even if the names of the meals are the same, the flavors and the serving may be absolutely different. What can be better than to have a good, heavy and the most important hot dinner after the long walk on a chilly street? Your desire to get hot food w ill be even greater during wintertime, and the diversity of European meals will warm your appetite even more.EVEN MORE BARGAINSTaking your plane to the destination point in the days of holidays will significantly reduce the cost of a ticket. Who else will be as weird as you are and celebrate the New Year or Christmas Eve on the board of a plane? If you do not mind popping your champagne at the altitude of 10.000 feet, then there are no problems at all. However, you should be ready for the fact that most restaurants are closed during those Eves, so be sure that you get this information in advance.SHOPPING PARADISEIf you are still wondering when to travel, here is a tip â€" indulge your honey and yourself and visit Christmas markets in Europe during the holidays. You might have never seen such a great variety of gifts, candies, jewelry and more than 1000 other items all over the holiday fairs. What about wine market? Cheese section? Everything that you can wish, you will find on one o f those magnificent winter markets while travelling Europe in winter.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Finance Written Assignment Free Essays

Q1. Define an â€Å"efficient market† and the three forms of market efficiency. Explain how each of the forms differs from a perfect market. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Finance Written Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Define arbitrage and explain what kind of information is needed for you to obtain arbitrage in each of the forms of market efficiency. (5 points) Q2. Please compare the advantages and disadvantages of the following investment rules: Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period, Discounted Payback Period, Average Accounting Return, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Profitability Index (PI). You can start by considering the following questions for each investment rule: Does it use cash flows or accounting earnings? Does it consider all cash flows or not? Does it apply a proper discount rate? Whether the acceptance criteria are clear and reasonable? In what situation it can be applied? What kind of weakness does it have? ) (5 points) Question 1 An efficient market is advocated by a hypothesis that under free movement of information, the true value of securities are fairly priced, which immediately and accurately reflect all information available to investors. By the assumptions that rational investors evaluate the price by ascertained future cash flows, and are able to learn and react quickly to new information once delivered, investors do not expect to achieve returns in excess of average market returns. The three forms of market efficiency are weak, semi-strong, and strong. Different degree of information is reflected by price in different forms. Under weak form, the prices reflect all past publicly available information, like historical prices movements. Under semi-strong form, the prices reflect all publicly available information, like financial statements and news reports. Under strong form, the prices reflect all public and private information. Generally, because of quick reflection of information in price and quick response of investors to the market, it is impossible for investors to obtain or use new information to find undervalued stocks. To illustrate, in weak form, using past prices for technical analysis is useless to predict future trend as past information is irrelevant to the future. In semi-strong form, using fundamental analysis is not useful as the prices are immediately adjusted once the information widely circulated in the market. In strong form, finding undervalued stocks is not consistent as all information is well known. Thus, no investors can earn excess return by trading the information or selling the stocks with too high expected returns. A perfect market is where no arbitrage opportunities occur (i. e. Law of One Price) because complete information is shared among all investors. Compared with efficient market, no distinction in degree of information is reflected in price here. Arbitrage means the practice of buying and selling equivalent goods in different markets to take advantage of a price difference. An arbitrage opportunity occurs if making a profit without taking any risk. An efficient market does not necessarily mean investors cannot yield excess return. Instead, an arbitrage opportunity does exist if they ask for appropriate information quickly. If a market achieves strong form efficiency given that it is mature enough, no investor can yield any excess return in long run. Thus, no more information is needed. On the other hand, private and latest public information are needed to obtain arbitrage in semi-strong and weak form efficiency respectively. (395 words) Question 2 Use of cash flows and discount rate All investment rules are determined by estimated cash flows but only NPV, IRR and PI consider all cash flows throughout the project’s life. Except payback period, the cash flows are discounted by proper discount rate under each rule. A positive NPV expects the project adding value to firm and shareholders’ wealth. All discounted expected future cash flows are taken into consideration compared with the initial cost. The discount rate estimates the risk level and the return and thus it is appropriate. Thus, NPV is the best because it accounts for time value of money and risk of cash flows. IRR is the return that set NPV to zero. Similarly, the calculation is based on cash flows and discount rate (i. e. same benefit as NPV). It provides a simple tool without estimating all details but intuitively appealing to know. If IRR is high enough, the time spent on estimating a required cost of capital is avoidable. PI measures benefit per unit cost based on time value of money to estimate an additional value to firm. Two versions of PI provide same decision and both are easy to understand and communicate. For calculating PI, NPV calculation is used and thus PI’s advantage is same as NPV’s. Payback period is the amount of time for future cash flows taken to recover the initial investment. It is a scanning tool for uncertain cash flows. However, it ignores cost of capital and time value of money since only cash flows for that current period are concerned. Also, not all cash flows are considered as cash flows beyond payback period are ignored. Similar to payback period, the only difference is discounted payback period better considers discount rate (i. e. time value of money). Therefore, payback period on a discounted basis will be longer. Clearness and reasonableness of acceptance criteria NPV, IRR and PI can provide clear and reasonable criteria while only NPV can be applied to all situations. The NPV rule is to accept a stand-alone project with positive NPV or a mutually exclusive project with the highest NPV. As NPV is estimated absolutely, the rule can still be applied despite of different scale of projects. The IRR rule is to accept a stand-alone project with IRR greater than cost of capital or a mutually exclusive project with the highest IRR. However, IRR rule is consistent with NPV rule only if all negative cash flows precede positive cash flows. In other words, the conflict is due to non-conventional ash flows and change in signs more than once. Thus, non-existent or multiple IRR(s) may cause uncertainty in decision making. IRR is unreliable when mutually exclusive projects are different in scale, risk and time horizon. PI is closely related to NPV, generally leading to identical decisions. PI helps evaluate and identify the optimal combination under resource constraint, especially for limited budget. The project with the highest PI should be chosen first. Nevertheless, it ignores the size factor and thus leads to incorrect decisions among mutually exclusive projects. Moreover, PI cannot be applied during multiple resource constraints. The rule of (discounted) payback period is to accept the project if it is less than a pre-specified length of time. It is easily understood and simply used because of clear acceptance criteria. However, an arbitrary cutoff point is required for determination. It is subjective since ignoring the impact of cash flows after payback period favors short –term projects and biases against long –term projects. Conclusion NPV is the most commonly used investment criteria and true at any time. If any conflicts exist among the investment rules, NPV rule should prevail. 605 words) Reference 1. Hong Kong Institute of Investors (2001), â€Å"Efficient Market Hypothesis†, retrieved 1 April 2012, from http://td. hkii. org/investu/168ch7/7-5. php 2. NYU Stern, â€Å"Market Efficiency – Definition and Tests†, retrieved 1 April 2012, from http://pages. stern. nyu. edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/invemgmt /effdefn. htm 3. Wikipedia, â€Å"Efficient-market hypothesis†, retrieved 1 April 2012, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Efficient-market_hypothesis 4. Wretch (21 February 2006), â€Å"Efficient Market Hypothesis†, retrieved 1 April 2012, from http://www. wretch. cc/blog/jeysafe/3421966 How to cite Business Finance Written Assignment, Essay examples

Friday, May 1, 2020

Machine Against Machines Wannabi Employees-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Machine Against Machines Wannabi Employees? Answer: Introducation The present case is based on the Sale of Goods Act of Fiji and to certain extent; the rights of the consumers have also been attracted here. Under the provision of the Sale of Goods Act, it has been mentioned that the term goods includes any chattels that are to be used in personal way or for trading purpose[1]. There are a number of provisions mentioned under the arena of Sale of Goods Act, which are providing necessary rules for the proper use of goods and services. There are provisions regarding the rights and duties of the buyer and the seller and certain conditions that are necessary for the sale of the goods[2]. Division 8 of the Sale of Goods Act deals with the performance of the contract. The rules regarding the delivery of goods have been mentioned here in a systematic way. Certain rights are given to the buyer regarding the goods in this chapter. The Act has given power to the buyers to examine the goods before use and the necessary provision regarding the same has been men tioned under section 35 of the Act[3]. According to section 35, if in any case, the buyer had not examined the goods that he purchased, the law gives him an opportunity to examine the same after the purchase. It has been mentioned that until the buyer examines the product, it will be presumed that the buyer does not accept the same[4]. It is also the duty of the seller to give the buyer an opportunity to examine the product. After examining the product, if the buyer thinks that the product meets all the requirements, then he will accept the same under section 36 of the Sale of Goods Act[5]. In this case, certain principles of the Consumer law will also applicable. Under the Consumer law, it has been stated that if a consumer buys some product and later comes to know that the product is a disputed one, he has every right to return the goods to the manufacturer or to the seller. He can file a complaint before the Consumer council of Fiji regarding the same. He can claim damage regarding the same and he may get the full refund as against the alleged product. However, there are certain rules stated under the Consumer Law. It has been stated that the consumer owes the burden of proof and it is his responsibility to collect all the evidences regarding the truthfulness of the allegation made by him. In this case, it has been observed that Mr. Spin had signed a document during the time of buying the machine without knowing the conditions stated therein. In this case, certain provisions of the contract law have also been applied. In LEstrange v Graucob [1934] 2 KB 394, it was held that when an able bodied person signs a document, it will be deemed that he put his signature after understanding all the criteria of the document[6]. The same principle had applied in the case of Fiji development Bank v Raqona [1984] 30 FLR 151. However, there are certain exclusion clauses mentioned under the Contract law of Fiji. As per this doctrine, a person can be excluded from his liability regarding the signed documents if the below points are fulfilled: Under the law of Fiji, there are three conditions where the principle of exclusion clause will not be applied[7]. If fraud has been done as against a person and he had signed the document based on the facts, the provision regarding the exclusion clause will be applied. Another ground is misrepresentation. In Curtis v Chemical Cleaning Co [1951] 1 KB 805, plaintiff was misrepresented by the shopkeeper who had hide the fact that there are certain clauses regarding the liability of the shopkeeper to certain extent[8]. After signing the slip, when the plaintiff regarding the matter has found certain disputes, it was contended by the defendant that plaintiff had already signed the slip that containing the facts that the shopkeeper will not be liable for any dispute regarding the product. The last rule is on Non Est Factum. In Gallie v lee another [1971] AC 1004, it was held that if there is differences occurred regarding the contractual product and the substances of the same. Application: Therefore, from the above mentioned stand points, it should be kept in mind that the applicability of the rules mentioned above has certain strong sides. In the present case, Mr. Spin had bought a machine from Winnabi Machines and one of the employees of the company showed the same. The employee told Mr. Spin about the modernization of the machine and showed the usage of the same. Mr. Spin had agreed to the offer and buy the machine from the company and bring the same to his company. However, at the time of the purchasing the same, the machine was not examined by him[9]. Rather, he had to fill up a form regarding the purchase without noticed the conditions stated there. When he installed the machine, he found that the product is different than that he ordered and the product is quite old in nature. It has also been observed by him that there are certain complications present in the machine and it is hard to tackle the same. The outcome of the machine has created a negative impact on the productivity of the company owned by Mr. Spin. After an allegation made by Spin, the company told that he himself had signed the documents where certain provisions were mentioned regarding the liability of the company and therefore, he has no right to go against the company. According to the principle of section 35 of the Sale of Goods Act, the buyer has a right to examine the product after he purchased the same. It has been observed by the case that Mr. Spin had not examined the product after purchasing the same. It is also the duty of the seller to let the buyer examined the product and gives him an opportunity regarding the same. However, in the present case, Mr. Spin did not get any opportunity to examine the product and therefore, it can be stated that there is a violation regarding the breach of section 35 of the Sale of Goods Act observed. The principle laid down under the consumer law has also been applicable here. It is clear that the machine showed by the employee of Wannabi machines was different than that of the machine purchased by him[10]. The employee was showed a modern machine and the product bought by Mr. Spin was not modern. Perhaps, it was difficult to operate the machine and he had to face a lot of problem due to the sharp blades of the machine. The outcome of it had created a negative impact on the business of Mr. Spin. Under the Consumer law of Fiji, it has been stated that any consumer can bought an action as against the seller or the manufacturer if the product served by them is a disputed one. In the matter of the undersigned document of the product, it can be stated that it was the duty of the seller to make the buyer aware of the conditions that are stated in the slip and therefore, if there is a laxity regarding the same has happened, the provision of the exclusion clause will not be applied. According to the principle laid down under the case of Curtis v Chemical Cleaning Co [1951] 1 KB 805, it can be said that it is the liability of the seller to narrate the exclusion clauses to the buyer[11]. If the seller had failed to meet the requirements properly, the acts of the seller will be treated as of misrepresentation in nature. Conclusion: Therefore, from the above-mentioned facts and the case laws, it can be stated that the case is attracting several principles laid down under the Sale of Goods Act, Contract Act and Consumer law. The interest of the buyer is protected by several legislatures in Fiji. However, in the present case, certain advices are required as per the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act. It can be stated that Mr. Spin has every right to claim damages from the company as the company violated the provision of section 35 of the Sale of Goods Act. In this case, buyer has all the opportunities to return the disputed product to the company and seek for refund of the money or to claim for damage from the alleged company[12]. References Bakshi, P. M. "41_The Sale of Goods Act, 1930." (2016). Bourrel, Marie, et al. "Building in-country capacity and expertise to ensure good governance of the deep sea minerals industry within the Pacific region."Marine Policy(2017). DeWitt, Helen. "Candide's Garden: A Parable."Dissent61.4 (2014): 36-37. Fried, Charles.Contract as promise: A theory of contractual obligation. Oxford University Press, USA, 2015. Khatri, Bhumika. "Getting the definition of'consumer'right-Worrying about the smaller ones in Fiji." (2016). Krhmer, Daniel, and Roland Strausz. "Optimal sales contracts with withdrawal rights."The Review of Economic Studies82.2 (2015): 762-790. Laemmli, Thomas.Transfer of ownership in international sales of goods. Diss. University of Cape Town, 2014. McGee, Andrew. "The Reform of English Insurance Law-Attracting Business in the 21st Century."Asian Bus. Law.16 (2015): 73. Moscatelli, Alberto. "The struggle for control."Nature nanotechnology8.12 (2013): 888-890. Naidu, Suwastika, R. D. Pathak, and Anand Chand. "11. Towards a double triangle model of socially desirable HRM practices and firm performance in small-island developing states."Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management: A Diversity Perspective(2014): 192. Stewart Firth, Firth, Jon Fraenkel, and V. Lal Brij.The 2006 military takeover in Fiji: a coup to end all coups?. ANU Press, 2013. Yeung, Horace, and Flora Huang. "Certainty Over Clemency: English Contract Law in the Face of Financial Crisis."The Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts-Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 285-305.v [1] Bakshi, P. M. "41_The Sale of Goods Act, 1930." (2016). [2] Naidu, Suwastika, R. D. Pathak, and Anand Chand. "11. Towards a double triangle model of socially desirable HRM practices and firm performance in small-island developing states."Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management: A Diversity Perspective(2014): 192. [3] Bourrel, Marie, et al. "Building in-country capacity and expertise to ensure good governance of the deep sea minerals industry within the Pacific region."Marine Policy(2017). [4] Khatri, Bhumika. "Getting the definition of'consumer'right-Worrying about the smaller ones in Fiji." (2016). [5] Laemmli, Thomas.Transfer of ownership in international sales of goods. Diss. University of Cape Town, 2014. [6] Fried, Charles.Contract as promise: A theory of contractual obligation. Oxford University Press, USA, 2015. [7] McGee, Andrew. "The Reform of English Insurance Law-Attracting Business in the 21st Century."Asian Bus. Law.16 (2015): 73. [8] Yeung, Horace, and Flora Huang. "Certainty Over Clemency: English Contract Law in the Face of Financial Crisis."The Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts-Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision. Springer International Publishing, 2016. 285-305.v [9] Krhmer, Daniel, and Roland Strausz. "Optimal sales contracts with withdrawal rights."The Review of Economic Studies82.2 (2015): 762-790. [10] Stewart Firth, Firth, Jon Fraenkel, and V. Lal Brij.The 2006 military takeover in Fiji: a coup to end all coups?. ANU Press, 2013. [11] Moscatelli, Alberto. "The struggle for control."Nature nanotechnology8.12 (2013): 888-890. [12] DeWitt, Helen. "Candide's Garden: A Parable."Dissent61.4 (2014): 36-37.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Effects Of Television Violence On Children Essays -

The Effects of Television Violence on Children What has the world come to these days? It often seems like everywhere one looks, violence rears its ugly head. We see it in the streets, back alleys, school, and even at home. The last of these is a major source of violence. In many peoples? living rooms there sits an outlet for violence that often goes unnoticed. It is the television, and the children who view it are often pulled into its realistic world of violence scenes with sometimes devastating results. Much research has gone into showing why children are so mesmerized by this big glowing box and the action that takes place within it. Research shows that it is definitely a major source of violent behavior in children. The research proves time and time again that aggression and television viewing do go hand in hand. The truth about television violence and children has been shown. Some are trying to fight this problem. Others are ignoring it and hoping it will go away. Still others don?t even seem to care. However, the facts are undeniable. The studies have been carried out and all the results point to one conclusion: Television violence causes children to be violent and the effects can be life-long. The information can't be ignored. Violent television viewing does affect children. The effects have been seen in a number of cases. In New York, a 16-year-old boy broke into a cellar. When the police caught him and asked him why he was wearing gloves he replied that he had learned to do so to not leave fingerprints and that he discovered this on television. In Alabama, a nine-year-old boy received a bad report card from his teacher. He suggested sending the teacher poisoned candy as revenge as he had seen on television the night before. In California, a seven-year-old boy sprinkled ground-up glass into the the lamb stew the family was to eat for dinner. When asked why he did it he replied that he wanted to see if the results would be the same in real life as they were on television (Howe 72). These are certainly startling examples of how television can affect the child. It must be pointed out that all of these situations were directly caused by children watching violent television. Not only does television violence affect the child?s youth, but it can also affect his or her adulthood. Some psychologists and psychiatrists feel that continued exposure to such violence might unnaturally speed up the impact of the adult world on the child. This can force the child into a kind of premature maturity. As the child matures into an adult, he can become bewildered, have a greater distrust towards others, a superficial approach to adult problems, and even an unwillingness to become an adult (Carter 14). Television violence can destroy a young child?s mind. The effects of this violence can be long-lasting, if not never-ending. For some, television at its worst, is an assault on a child?s mind, an insidious influence tat upsets moral balance and makes a child prone to aggressive behavior as it warps his or her perception of the real world. Other see television as an unhealthy intrusion into a child?s learning process, substituting easy pictures for the discipline of reading and concentrating and transforming the young viewer into a hypnotized nonthinker (Langone 48). As you can see, television violence can disrupt a child?s learning and thinking ability which will cause life long problems. If a child cannot do well in school, his or her whole future is at stake. Why do children like the violence that they see on television? ?Since media violence is much more vicious than that which children normally experience, real-life aggression appears bland by comparison? (Dorr 127). The violence on television is able to be more exciting and enthralling than the violence that is normally viewed on the streets. Instead of just seeing a police officer handing a ticket to a speeding violator, he can beat the offender bloody on television. However, children don?t always realize this is not the way thing are handled in real life. They come to expect it, and when they don?t see it the world becomes bland and in need

Thursday, March 5, 2020

buy custom Types of Computer Applications essay

buy custom Types of Computer Applications essay Computer applications have transformed the world today. More than before, the internet community has access to computer applications of various types, developed to accomplish an endless list of tasks. With the increasing number of computer applications being developed, many computer users fail the distinction between the various applications published for the consumption. Nonetheless, there are many computer applications that can be classified as Open Source, Share Ware, custom, and Free Ware that have been developed today. Open Source applications are those developed not only to meet the computing needs of users, but also allow them to access their source code of the application. Mozilla Firefox is one of the computer applications that can be found under this category. Mozilla Firefox is an application developed by the Mozilla Foundation with the aim of improving internet experience for users. This application is one of the well-known internet browsers that is used bymillions of people around the world. With Mozilla Firefox, users can browse through the internet and access the program robust features such as plugin integrations. Shareware applications are owned by its developers, but provided for users for a given trial period. During the trial period, this software is not paid for, but its functions are limited. Doom is an example of an award-winning computer game developed by idSoftware. This game involves players engaging in tactical shooting levels while playing alone or as multilayer. This game was developed to meet the needs of gaming fans. Freeware is another category of application that users can have at a little cost or none at all. Text Wrangler is an excellent example of freeware that Mac users can use for text processing. The Text Wrangler is developed by Bare Bone Software for allowing computer users to manipulate text in an easy, but interactive way. Whereas the program lacks the basic formatting tools, many users love it because of it is easy to use. Custom software is applications that have been developed and owned by the developers who sell them for a fee. In the computer industry, custom software such as Oracle Reports fills a need that most of the application types do not. Oracle Report is a product of Oracle Corporation used by business firms for reporting. This software provides users with novels ways of producing reports and evaluating business trends. Certainly, the computer industry has various categories of software applications. Open software applications such as Firefox allow users to browse the internet. Share applications like Doom also enable users to use the application for some time before paying for it. Other applications such as Text Wrangler are provide for a little cost or none, and allow users to manipulate text. Custom applications also form part of software classification and allow enterprise users to generate reports in the business processes. Buy custom Types of Computer Applications essay

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Business planning --Bakery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Business planning --Bakery - Essay Example Marketing strategies and financial plans are also a part of this report. Forecast of profit and loss account, cash flows and balance sheet for three years is also provided in this report. Johnson Bakers is planning to start new business in London. There are two partners named Michael Johnson and Peter Johnson. Michael Johnson is expert in marketing the products and Peter has expertise in operational activities. They both decided to start new business with equal investment and with a profit sharing ratio of 1:1. The aim of the business is to provide bakery products and services overall London. It is the priority of the company to provide fresh and high quality to its customers. New business needs to promote its product in market as it is planning to manufacture bakery products that are available to all. Initially, the company is planning to introduce some of its key products like cakes, biscuits, coffee and bread. As this is a private partnership of two individuals, it is difficult to control the operations of the business. Peter is allowed to control the accounts and other operational activities of business. Mr. Michael will start its work from the beginning and will continue to work till the achievements of the objectives. Following are the objectives of the company: UK market is effective for providing hot beverages to the customers. The weather of the country remains cold over the year so the products are widely used in the country. London is a metropolitan city and the lovers of coffee are mostly available there. There are many bakery products available in the market that attracts the public of London. Variety of products is available in the market but Brand recognition proves to be vital for this type of business. It is necessary o analyse the market of UK so that strategies could be made to survive in the competitive market where there are large number of suppliers of the products. Marketing and

Monday, February 3, 2020

Ecology and the Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ecology and the Environment - Essay Example The rise in temperature also contributed to the melting of glaciers, increase in floods and hurricanes. Plants and trees are much important in retaining the temperature of the earth by consuming carbon dioxide to make food for them. If the number of plants and trees lessens, there will be an in increase in the carbon footprints as conceived by the current carbon foot print ratio. A research on the forests shows that the forests remained only coving the 6% of the earth and the research notifies that the 6% of the land of forests will last for 40 years if the current forest cut down rate is considered (Rain-tree.com 2010). Local and surrounding ecology and environment Canada is a wealthy country in terms of having various types of ecosystems like forest ecosystem, mountainous ecosystem, arctic ecosystem and grassland eco system, while the forests of the region contribute heavily to the 6% portion of forests with temperate as well as boreal forests (Natural Resources Canada 2009). Canad a is linked with the three major parts of the world by oceans. The climate of the regions is supports the forests and forests retains a healthy climate in the region. Forests not only contribute in making the country’s atmosphere better but share in the country’s economy also. ... Mountainous ecosystem is important in retaining the water and releasing it to use after treating the water. Human activities and ecology The human activities as agricultures and other such related activities are supported by the forests as it provides water and other naturally healthy land for the agriculture. In the response, such human activities became a big trouble for the forests and the habitat. As the inorganic fertilizers and pesticides utilized by the farmers are not well accepted by the forests habitat. The water that is utilized for the forests became poisonous by the chemical fertilizers and pesticides and other such chemical compounds. The urban environment is now a biggest threat for the forests, as the urban environment contributes much in producing green house gases emissions. However, as the country has in total 0.2% urban areas, the pollution and green house gasses form the other regions of the world mainly the surrounding regions influences the forests. Water and a ir pollution affects not only a single habitat of the earth but it affects the whole food chain (Environment Canada 2010). Global warming and ecosystem Due to the legitimate policies considering the forests, the process of cutting down the forests is slowed and it influenced the reduction in the harmful fumes from the factories and vehicles that are endangering the humans and other habitat of the vicinity (Health Canada 2006). In a research that is conducted to verify the level of toxic fumes showed that the presence of hundred and sixty chemical toxics in the region. The toxic chemicals are so much influencing the human habitat that about five thousand children die before even they are born in the region of Ontario. Due to the

Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Review Of Bacons Rebellion History Essay

A Review Of Bacons Rebellion History Essay Bacons rebellion causes a transition in the history of labor in the early southern colonies for the reason that the people involved in the rebellion were indentured servants, freemen, and slaves. Bacons rebellion was a popular revolt in colonial Virginia in 1676. It was a rebellion in which was based on the discontent of the majority of the people in the colony. The causes of the rebellion were high taxes, low prices for tobacco, and resentment against special privileges given those close to the governor, Sir William Berkeley, Berkeleys failure to defend the frontier against attacks by Native Americans. The rebellion then ended when Bacon died of bloody flux or dysentery. Bacons rebellion explains why African laborers eventually supplanted white bonded servants as the primary labor force (Bacons rebellion). In the rebellion, indentured servants play a role, and these indentured servants was what changed the labor in early southern colonies. Murrin explains indentured servants as people who had their passage to America paid by a master or ship captain (G-12). These indentured servants agreed to work for their master for a term of years in exchange for their cost of passage, bed and board, and small freedom dues when their terms were over. The number of years they have to served depended on the terms of their contract with their master. The servants that were brought to Virginia allowed planters to obtain a double profit. The double profits were, they get several years of cheap labors and for each new settler they brought, and they receive fifty acres of land. During the time, servants were cheaper compare to slaves, and since both were likely to die within years, servants were better bargains (Bacons rebellion). Eventually soon people learn to survive longer in the new land. Servants began to live long enough to achieve their freedom. These servants, who soon became free, were anxious for their land that they pressure the colonial government to expand westward into American Indian lands. They soon became unwelcome competitors to the already-established planters (Bacons rebellion). These indentured servants wanted more land and that was also a cause of the rebellion. They followed Bacon in the rebellion against Indians, not because they were rebelling against hostile Indians, and authorities. By overthrowing the Indians, they were able to obtain those lands. Land was what the indentured servants wanted, so it was a great thing for them to follow Bacon in his rebellion (Bacons rebellion). Bacons Rebellion demonstrated that poor whites and poor blacks could be united in a cause. This was a great fear of the ruling class that the fear hastened the transition to racial slavery. Indentured servants soon were replaced with slaves, because of the rebellion. Bacons rebellion demonstrates that a labor in which could challenge the authority of the planters was not desirable. It also shows that the poor laborers and farmers could prove a dangerous part against wealthy landowners. So by switching to chattel slavery, new white laborers and small farmers were mostly limited to those who could afford to immigrate and support themselves. In addition, improving economic conditions in England meant that fewer laborers would want to migrate to the colonies as indentured servants, so the planters needed to find new sources of labor. Africans continued to be voluntarily available and because many were not Christian, they could be enslaved and regulated in a manner that indentures could not. Virginia then enacted a series of laws, constituting a formal slave code that removed many slaves rights that they previously enjoyed and they also added further restrictions to slavery including anti-miscegenation law (Race). This shows the reason why the rebellion was a transition in the history of labor in early southern colonies. Indentured servants involvement in Bacons Rebellion caused the changed in history labors in the early southern colonies because of their involvement in the rebellion. Not only that, but because of their rebellion against the authorities when they became free. The rebellion was mainly cause by land, discontent of majorities, taxes, and tobacco, the resentment against special privileges given those close to the governor, Sir William Berkeley, and hostile Indians. Indentured servants are people who paid their passage to their master or ship captain to get to America. These servants were able to be free after serving their terms, and when they were free they wanted to obtain their land. So they pressure colonial government, which also leads to the rebellion as they involve themselves with Bacon. Soon the rebellion causes the replacement of servants with slaves, which soon starts to evolve as time continues.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Theories of Leadership and Motivation

Introduction:Leadership is the character which every administration wants to see in their staff and the individual who is self motivated and who can actuate the squad members become a good director. Leadership is nil but animating the squad leader is the 1 who does it, inspiration is nil but motive. So leading and motive is a chemical science which can take any hard undertaking to success. The leading and motive chemical science is largely helpful in direction sector whether it is in concern or in the squad ; every person posse ‘s leading but the 1 who patterns on the spell go a perfect leader. The chief facet a leader consists is a vision for the certain intent. When a undertaking or undertaking is taken over by a company the company searches for a leader who posses cognition on the undertaking and vision how to develop the undertaking, make usage of co-workers and give the administration a net income on it. A leader tends to act upon the undertaking to be continued and alter to be taken topographic point to do the administration profitable. There are several theories on leading by great leaders some of them say that â€Å" leading is an action non place or individual † . These theories help to fix a perfect leader, all these theories are proposed and practiced by great leaders and directors but latest direction considers a leader who follows his function.Leadership theories:Sing leading reveals school of idea giving different leading theories such as Great Man theory, trait theory, behaviorist theory, situational leading theory, eventuality theory, transactional theory and transformational theory. Great adult male theory is the 1 proposed before 20th century where it says that leaders are born with the endowment and leader should be a adult male this lead to the following theory trait theory.Trait theory:The trait theory rose from the constructs of the ‘Great Man ‘approach. This theory leads to place the of import features of a successful leader. The people who got the characters as defined by the traits attack are isolated or shortlisted and those are recruited as leaders. This type of attack was largely implemented in military and still used in some of the country. Harmonizing to the trait theory the individual who got the undermentioned accomplishments is said to be a trait.Ambitious and success orientedAdaptable to all sorts of state of affairssCo operative to all the members in the organisationHighly active or energeticDominativeGood determination devising abilitySelf-assuredAdaptable to emphasize conditions andReliable.These are the characters which make a individual trait and they should posses some accomplishments which areSkillsIntelligentSkilled conceptuallyCreativeFluent in speech productionTactfulSelf motivated and self beliefSkilled sociallyWhen these sorts of accomplishments and characters are identified in the individual, the individual is recruited in the squad.Behavioral theory:The trait survey does n't give any conclusive consequences and it was difficult to mensurate some more critical issues such as honestness, unity and trueness. This leaded the attending to be diverted on to the behavior theories. The behavior theory focuses on human relationship and success public presentation every bit good. Harmonizing to behavioral theory the director believes that the working environment should be like an amusement topographic point where the outgo of mental and physical attempts is treated to be drama and remainder. The thought of director is an mean individual non merely learns to accept but besides seek duty. The people will automatically larn to exert self-denial and self way to accomplish the end or mark. The organisational jobs can go inventive and originative.Contingency theory theoretical account:This theory illustrates that there are many ways for the director to take the squad to acquire best result. Harmonizing to the state of affairs the director can happen a best manner to acquire the best result. Fiedler worked on eventuality theory harmonizing to that he looked for three state of affairss which define the status of a managerial undertaking.Leader and squad member relationshipWork construction or undertaking constructionPosition and powerThe director should keep relation with their squad members to acquire along and make assurance and do them experience free to believe about the undertaking and give their thoughts to assist the undertaking to be finished. Undertaking construction is the occupation extremely structured or unstructured or in between. The power shows how much authorization a director does posses. This theory rates the director whether the trough is relationship oriented or undertaking oriented. The undertaking oriented directors gets success in such state of affairss where there is good leader and squad member relationship and structured undertakings or undertakings does n't count whether the place power is weak or strong. And acquire success when the undertaking is unstructured and does hold any kind of good vision by holding a strong power and place. The variables which affect the undertaking such as environmental variables are combined in a heavy some and differentiated as favorable and unfavorable state of affairss. The undertaking oriented direction manner depends on the favorable and unfavorable environment variables but the relationship direction manner stays in the center by pull offing or altering the variables to roll up with their manner. Both manners of directions got their sides to be good when all the public presentation and squad work good in the undertakings. There is no good or bad direction in these two directions. Task motivated direction manner leaders do best when the squad performs good and they are good in accomplishing good gross revenues record and public presentation better than their rival where as the relationship oriented leaders are helpful to derive positive client service and construct a positive image to the administration.Transactional and transformational leading:Transformational leading â€Å" is a relationship of common simulation and lift that converts the followings in to leaders and may change over leaders into moral agents † Transformational leading is pass oning with the leaders and the squad members to take them to higher degree something like a leader can go a moral agent and the follower can go a leader. Transactional leading technique builds the individual to complete the certain undertaking such as occupation done for the clip being. Some of the differences between transactional and transformational leading are Transactional manner of leading builds a adult male to finish a certain undertaking where as transformational manners builds a member to go a leader. This focuses on undertaking completion and tactical manner of direction where as transformational leading focal point on schemes and missions. These are some theories of the leading which shows how a leader act on different state of affairss and how different leaders behave to acquire success in the organisation.Motivation in Management:Theories of motive:The theories of motive can be divided into 3 wide classs. Reinforcement theories – stress the agencies through which the procedure of commanding an person ‘s behaviour by pull stringsing its effects takes topographic point . . Contented theories – focal point chiefly on single demands – the physiological or psychological lacks that we feel a irresistible impulse to cut down or extinguish. Procedure theories – focal point on the idea or cognitive procedures that take topographic point within the heads of people and that control their behaviour.Early Theories of Motivation:Hierarchy of Needs TheoryTheory X and Theory YMotivation-Hygiene TheoryContemporary Theories of Motivation:ERG TheoryMcClelland ‘s Theory of NeedsCognitive Evaluation TheoryUndertaking Features TheoriesGoal-Setting TheoryEquity TheoryHierarchy of Needs Theory:Abraham Maslow hypothesized that within every human being there exists a hierarchy of five demands:Physiological.Safety.Social.Esteem.Self-actualization.Maslow so categorized these 5 demands into lower-order demands and higher-order needs.Lower-order demands are needs that are satisfied externally: physiological and safety needs.Higher-order demands are needs that are satisfied internally ( within the individual ) : societal, esteem, and self-actualization demands.Theory X and Theory Y of Douglas McGrogor:McGregor concluded that a di rector ‘s vision of the nature of human existences is based on a certain blend of premises and that he or she tends to model his or her actions toward subsidiaries harmonizing to these premises:Employees of course dislike work and, whenever possible, will try to avoid itSince employees dislike work, they must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with penalty to accomplish endsEmployees will avoid duties and seek formal way whenever possibleMotivation-hygiene Theory:Harmonizing to Herzberg, the factors taking to occupation satisfaction are spliting and distinguishable from those that leads to occupation dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors include factors such as: company policy and disposal, supervising, interpersonal dealingss, working conditions, and salary. Motivator factors include factors such as: attainment, acknowledgment, the work itself, duty and growing.Hygiene FactorsCompany regulation and direction ;Supervision ;association with supervisor ;Work fortunes ;Salary ;Rela tionship with equals ;Personal life ;association with subsidiaries ;Status ;SafetyIncentive Factors:attainmentrecognition ;Work itself ;Duty ;patterned advance ;GrowthContemporary Theories of Motivation:ERG Theory:ERG Theory proposed by Clayton Alderfer of Yale University: Alderfer fights that there are three groups of nucleus demands:BeingRelatednessGrowthExistence group is worried with supplying our basic stuff being demands. Relatedness group is the desire we have for keeping of import interpersonal relationshipsMcClelland ‘s Theory of Needs:McClelland ‘s theory of demands focal points on three demands:AccomplishmentPowerAffiliationCognitive Evaluation Theory:Allocating extrinsic wagess for behavior that had been antecedently per se rewarded tends to diminish the overall degree of motive. ( This construct was proposed in the late sixtiess. ) The mutuality of extrinsic and intrinsic wagess is a existent phenomenonUndertaking Characteristics Theories:These theories seek to place undertaking features of occupations, how these features are combined to organize different occupations, and their relationship to employee motive, satisfaction, and public presentation.Goal-setting theory:Specific and hard ends lead to higher public presentation. Feedback leads to higher public presentation than non-feedback. In add-on to feedback, 2 other factors have been found to act upon the goals-performance relationship. These are:Goal committedness.Sufficient self-efficacy.Equity Theory:Persons make comparings of their occupation inputs and outcomes relations to those of others and so move in response so as to take any unfairnesss ‘ . Stacy Adams proposed that this negative tenseness province provides the motive to make something to rectify it. There are 4 referent comparings that employee can utilize:Self-inside.Self-outside.Other – interior.Other – exterior.DecisionThe alteration in the leading theories clip by clip says that the leader should posses certain characters which lead the organizational success whether to believe in keeping a relationship or to travel on tactically the director or the leader should move to the state of affairs and acquire success at the terminal. Depending on the companies motive the leader should respond or act with the squad members to accomplish the mark. Normally keeping a good relation helps to do the squad members life easy and pull off the work merrily. The squad members become more advanced and achieve marks easy where as with tactical manner leading may make some kind of force per unit area on the squad members, there is no warrant that in every state of affairs relational ship direction is successful. the leader should accommodate himself for the state of affairs and mo ve harmonizing to a peculiar state of affairs. We have discussed above merely a aggregation of the motive theories and ideas of the assorted advocates of direction.In some of the theories and sentiment presented, nevertheless, one can detect some ‘glimpses ‘ of the individual and how, possibly, he or she could be motivated. This is fulfilling in itself. But, as noted earlier, pattern has been in progress of theory in this field, so allow us now move to the realistic side of direction of human behavior and motive in the workplace.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Law Enforcement Agencies Critical Issues Essay

There are many different ways law enforcement agencies fight crime and solve them. The continuous usage of technology is one of those major ways. Law enforcement agencies uses different technologies that are needed depending on the situation and the outcome of it. Some examples of technology that police use Today are GPS systems(global positioning systems), cellphones, surveillance equipment, communication systems, license plate readers, and mobile computer systems that have features such as WiFi, video, etc. The GPS system is used to track down a certain location or to reach a destination. The GPS system is very common in law enforcement agencies. For example, if a car is stolen or a criminal is on the run and it has a GPS system in it, the officers can use this device to track the car down. The GPS will give the current location of the car which would help officers to find the victim and follow them. Officers also use the GPS system to locate another patrol car. Cellphones is anoth er popular device law enforcement uses. Cellphones can be used in numerous ways during any situation. For example, if a teenage girl is kidnapped but is able to still use her cellphone to call nine one one, officers can try to trace her call. By tracing the call, it will be able to give off a location or give a close range of the location to help find the girl. Another popular technical device law enforcement agencies use is surveillance equipment. Surveillance equipment is used to watch and keep track of a individual or a place and their activities. For example, if a drug dealer is going out everyday to sell drugs and officers need proof of that to convict him or her, they will use the surveillance equipment to take pictures, videos, etc. They may use a special kind of camera to get the pictures they need and take them to court to use for evidence. By using these devices, it will help to enhance law enforcement agencies by assisting them to help bring criminals down. It  improves the efficiency and effectiveness of how law enforcement reacts to a situation and how quickly. Over the years, law enforcement agencies have dealt with a lot of criticism when it comes to officers using their firearms. In some cases, after being involved in a shooting, officers are thoroughly investigated to find out why and how the shooting happened. Because of this, officers now have the opportunity to use less-than-lethal weapons. One popular less-than-lethal weapon is the taser. â€Å"A Taser is a battery-powered electro-muscular (EMD) that fires two metal prongs, which are attached to a wire that delivers approximately 26 watts of electricity at more than 50,000 volts. The electricity causes substantial muscular pain and typically results in the immobilization of the suspect† (Walker, S, & Katz, C.M. 2011 pgs. 508). By law enforcement using a taser, there are lesser injuries occurring than before. Another type of less-than-lethal weapon is a shotgun. Although it is a shotgun, real bullets do not come out of it. This type of shotgun shoots rubber bullets. Although the bullets are rubber, they still have enough force to temporarily hurt a victim. If a victim is acting out of control, this type of gun is used to drop him or her to the ground. One other popular less-than-lethal weapon is pepper spray. This type of weapon is very popular amongst large and disruptive crowds. In order to control the crowd, an officer may use the pepper spray and shoot towards the crowd with it and spray it in someone’s eyes. This will instantly cause a burning sensation and temporarily boundless to the eyes. In most cases, this will force the victim to sit down and the officer will remain in control. Each and everyday, police officers risk their lives to help protect communities and to keep the streets safe. There are many dangers that police officers face on a daily basis. For example, stress is a major factor in a police officers life. Being stressed about something can take its toll on the officer. It can affect his performance at work or it can affect his home life. Stress is something you have to pay attention too by taking it seriously. Another example of danger police officers face is the chance of being shot. Officers pull over people for traffic laws or anything else simple. A person may panic seeing a cop pull them over. They may think it’s for something major when it’s really not so they will try to shoot the officer so they can get away. Another danger police officers deal with is the high temperature changes. This may sound  simple, but an officer stands around and walk around his entire shift. He may do this outside and if it’s hot outside, it can be very dangerous for an officer if he didn’t keep himself dehydrated.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Why was Elizabethan theatre so successful Essay - 822 Words

Why was Elizabethan theatre so successful? One of the reasons that Elizabethan theatre was so successful was that it was enjoyed by the Queen. Elizabeth never visited the theatre herself, but was known to have invited companies of actors to perform for her at court, as is shown by this extract from government records in 1572: To the Lord Chamberlains players at Whitehall, 25 February 1572, for a play presented by them before Her Majesty on St Stephens Day. She was a very important patron of the theatre, even allowing one company to call themselves The Queens men. This meant that people would think that the theatre was not a bad thing as the ruler appointed by God supported it, and therefore they could not be doing†¦show more content†¦An attraction to the theatre was its cheap entry cost, for groundlings it only cost 1 penny, this meant that it was accessible to even the poorest Elizabethans. The theatre cost different amounts depending of where you wanted to be, the yard where everyone all stood together cost 1 penny, to sit cost 2 pennies and for a wealthy person to sit comfortably in a place where they could be seen by most of the people in the theatre cost only 3 pennies. The cheapness of this attracted people of all classes, the poor to see the wealthy and to have a cheapish day out, and the wealthy to show themselves and their riches off in front of everyone at the theatre. The theatre was very successful because it held attractions for a wide variety of people. To the rich it offered a chance to show off their wealth and to make contacts. If you were a young, single man, going to the theatre dressed in your finest clothes could attract the attention of a young woman to you, and to criminals the theatre was an easy place to pick pockets and steal other desirable items from people in the crowd. To all the chance to buy fruit, nuts, wine and beer was also an attractive proposition. Another attraction to the theatre was the actors, these men had difficult jobs, they had to learn their lines and queues in the evening, rehearse the play in the morning and then perform it in the afternoon, before going home to learn their lines to a new play. The actors had toShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare as the Greatest Genius in British Literature1014 Words   |  5 Pagesliterature. While best known as a dramatist, Shakespeare was also a distinguished poet. Shakespeares extraordinary gifts for complex poetic imagery, mixed metaphor, and intelligent puns, along with insight into human nature are the characteristics that created the legend he is today. 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Ev erybody and everything - much to the delight of the paying public and the disdain of the censor - was fair game. The subject – Jew, Moore etc. - is irrelevant, as the subjects themselves are simply the masks upon which the foil of disdain is playedRead MoreThe Origins Of Drama And Theatre2001 Words   |  9 PagesSmyth Senior Project - Background Paper 1 28 June 2014 The Origins of Drama and Theatre Theatre is an art that transcends time and builds a new world for the audience atop the stage. A play is defined as â€Å"a dramatic composition† or â€Å"the stage representation of an action or story† (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary). This refers to drama being performed live by actors on a stage. Ancient Greece is accredited to inventing theatre and drama. In Greece during that time, at the height of popularity, were theRead More Corruption and Ambition in Macbeth Essay examples2125 Words   |  9 Pagestheatrical tradition, Shakespeare was a historically minded, backward-looking man, much interested in the memorials of a previous past, as by its chronicles and its folklore. Holinsheds Chronicles and the works of Plutarch provided much fodder for Shakespeares plots. But though the characters and facts were borrowed, it was Shakespeares treatment that brought historical figures alive. Elizabethan drama frequently focused on politics, and the audience was used to the tradition of orationRead MoreTragedy Will Never Be The Same3193 Words   |  13 Pagesslowly progressing with its postmodern thinking and statistically speaking, those people are thinking it is more and more acceptable. We might not think that what I just said has anything to do with Theatre, but we need to put in perspective why we now have the theatre we do now. 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