Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Cancers and Tumors
Cancers and Tumors Cancer is any of more than 100 diseases characterized by excessive, uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, which invade and destroy other tissues. Cancer develops in almost any organ or tissue of the body, but certain types of cancer are more lethal than others. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada and second only to heart disease in the United States. Each year, more than 1.2 million Americans and 132,000 Canadians are diagnosed with cancer, and more than 1,700 people die from cancer each day in the United States and Canada. For reasons not well understood, cancer rates vary by gender, race, and geographic region. For instance, more males have cancer than females, and African Americans are more likely to develop cancer than persons of any other racial and ethnic group in North America. Cancer rates also vary globallyresidents of the United States, for example, are nearly three times more likely to develop cancer than are residents of Egypt.Birmingham Children's Hospital, S teelhouse Lane, B...Although people of all ages develop cancer, most types are more common in people over the age of 50. Cancer usually develops gradually over many years, the result of a complex mix of environmental, nutritional, behavioral, and hereditary factors. Scientists do not completely understand the causes of cancer, but they know that certain lifestyle choices can dramatically reduce the risk of developing most types of cancer. Not smoking, eating a healthy diet, and exercising moderately for at least 30 minutes each day reduce cancer risk by more than 60 percent.Cancer begins in genes, bits of biochemical instructions composed of individual segments of the long, coiled molecule deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Genes contain the instructions to make proteins, molecular laborers that serve as building blocks of cells, control chemical reactions, or transport materials to and from cells. The...
Friday, November 22, 2019
BUCHANAN Last Name Origin and Meaning
BUCHANAN Last Name Origin and Meaning The Celtic last name Buchanan has several possible origins: A habitational or geographical surname meaning who came from the district of Buchanan in Stirlingshire, a location near Loch Lomond in Scotland. The place name is thought to derive from the Gaelic elements buth, meaning house and chanain, meaning of the canon.An anglicization of the German buchenhain, meaning beech wood. Most last names originate in more than one area, so to learn more about your Buchanan last name or to identify a Buchanan family crest that may have belonged to an ancestor, you really need to research the history of your own specific family. If you are new to genealogy, try these steps to begin tracing your family tree. Surname Origin ï » ¿Scottish Alternate Surname Spellings BUCKCANNON, BUCANNON, BUCHANON Famous People With the BUCHANAN Last Name James Buchanan - 15th President of the United States Where Is the BUCHANAN Name Most Common? The Buchanan surname is interestingly most commonly found today in New Zealand and Australia, according to surname data from WorldNames PublicProfiler. It is also a fairly common surname in Canada, the United States and United Kingdom. Within the UK, the name is by far the most prevalent in Scotland, especially in Stirling, where the name originated, as well as the Western Isles. The top cities for the Buchanan last name worldwide are all in the UK and Ireland: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Belfast, Liverpool and Aberdeen. The Buchanan surname currently ranks as 117th most common in Scotland, according to surname distribution data from Forebears. Data from the 1881 British census showed that Buchanan ranked highest in Dunbartonshire at #15, followed by Stirlingshire (27th), Renfrewshire (59th) and Lanarkshire (60th). The largest density of individuals named Buchanan, as a percentage of population, can be found in Anguilla, where one in 585 people use that last name. Genealogy Resources for the BUCHANAN Last Name Meanings and Origins of the 100 Top Scottish SurnamesInterestingly, Buchanan is the 67th most popular Scottish surname in the United States, but doesnt even crack the top 100 in Scotland. See which Scottish surnames are more popular! Buchanan Y-DNA Surname ProjectOver 200 men with the Buchanan last name have already tested their DNA and joined this project to help identify Buchanans of Scottish or Irish heritage into broad family groups. BUCHANAN Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Buchanan last name to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Buchanan query. FamilySearch - BUCHANAN GenealogySearch and access records, queries, and lineage-linked online family trees posted for the Buchanan surname and its variations. FamilySearch features over 1.2 million results for the Buchanan last name. DistantCousin.com - BUCHANAN Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Buchanan.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
DID STEREOTYPING OF YOUNG MALE MUSLIMS INCREASE AFTER THE LONDON TRANSIT BOMBING ON 2005 - Research Paper Example Media played the major role to increase stereotyping in UK. The median focused on the radicalization of Islamic youths residing in UK by linking them to inadequate integration processes. The police departments were given direct orders to overcome the impacts from the incidents and punish the anti-social activists swiftly. Most of the Muslim male youths were harassed in UK after the incidents and the civil society of UK turned against the entire Muslim community. The number of reported incidents against the Muslim community and their worship places increased immediately after the bombing incidents of London. This research paper focuses on the impact of London bombings on racial profiling. On the 7th of July, a series of suicide bomb attacks were conducted in Central London. The attacks were majorly conducted to create massacre among the civilians using the public transport system. According to reports, it has been observed that four British Islamist men had detonated four bombs. Among the four bombs, three of them were detonated in the underground trains across the city. The fourth bomb was detonated on a double-decker bus. Almost one hour after the underground train attacks the fourth bomb was detonated on the number 30 bus (Goldstein 21). The attack occurred in Tavistock square, resulting in multiple injuries and death of innocent civilians. The incident occurred on a Tuesday, leaving 52 civilians dead and more than 700 injured. This incident has been regarded as the worst attacks, since 1988, i.e. the Lockerbie bombing. Before the London bombing incident, several other attacks took place in UK resulting in loss of many lives and properties. One of the most disastrous attacks occurred on 30 October, 1883. Two bombs exploded in the London underground railways in Paddington and Westminster Bridge station. In the year 1884, three
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Policy Evaluation Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Policy Evaluation Analysis - Research Paper Example Currently, public education in the US is offered by district public schools and Charter schools according to Stuart (2002). Charter schools are not government-run, instead, they are opened and attended by choice. The policy of funding Charter schools using federal funds was authorized by President Bush in the NCLB Act in order to stimulate their development. However, this is done indirectly done by transferring the money allocated for each child enrolled in a Charter school, from their former district schools. This means that the relationship between a Charter school and the district sponsoring it could facilitate or hinder its access to federal funding (US Government Accountancy Office 1998). Some Charter schools are considered as LEAs and receive direct deferral funding. Finnigan et al (2004) and Ascher et al. (2004) state that in terms of funding, charter schools receive funding according to enrollment. In many cases, Charter schools receive lesser funds as compared to other publi c schools due to imperfections in money transfers (Reville, 2007). Stuart (2002) adds that Charter schools do not receive funding for securing facilities. This causes them to seek operation costs outside the federal funds for example through donation. However there is a recent federal legislation which allows that allocation of start-up costs to Charter schools. This paper gives an evaluation and analysis of this policy. Policy evaluation time The policy of using federal money to fund Charter schools has to be evaluated before the end of the next financial year. This is because the results from the evaluation will be useful in determining any changes that are required in terms of funding. For example, it will help in determining the effect of this funding policy on Charter schools since it started in 2002 as noted by Finnigan et al. (200). These include the performance of Charter schools, costs, quality, program, and goal attainment levels. A knowledge of the extent of the achieveme nt of its goals will therefore determine amount of funding or additional funding required. These changes will then be included in the next federal budget and will be reflected in the amount of money set aside for public education. Policy evaluation process According to Theodoulou and Koffins (2004), policy evaluation is a critical way of determining whether a policy works or not, whether it is achieving its intended functions and whether its impacts are intentional or not. In order to determine the successful implementation and outcomes of a certain policy, an all round evaluation has to be conducted. This means that an application of the four policy evaluation typologies should be done. These include process evaluation, impact evaluation, outcome evaluation and cost-benefit evaluation. Process evaluation analyses how well a certain program or policy is being implemented. It is normally done with an aim of determining necessary actions that are required to improve its implementation . In order to achieve this, the government has to determine why the policy is performing at current levels and identify any problems. This requires the use of sampling in order to determine the extent to which Charter schools have been receiving federal funds, the amounts and effectiveness in delivery of funds (Theodoulou and Koffins, 2004). The government has
Saturday, November 16, 2019
What Accessories Say About People Essay Example for Free
What Accessories Say About People Essay â€Å"Our appearance can be an important factor in developing a sense of our identity†. Nowadays, appearances are everything, and the way you dress, the car you drive, and the phone you carry tell others a great deal about yourself. First of all, the clothes you put on and the hairstyle you have can reveal a lot about you. Our clothes and hairstyles say about you far more than you think since they tend to give a general idea about your beliefs, and a little bit about your taste in music. One example of the common clothing personalities is when a person wears colorful clothes, with peace signs printed all over them, and has dreadlocks, with maybe a short messy beard, then it is obvious that he is a hippie, and these people are usually vegetarians. Another example is when you see someone dressed in black from head to toe, with some body piercings and an extreme hairstyle, then this clearly indicates that this individual is into rock music, attends rock concerts, and might even be in a rock band himself. Also, when a man wears a suit and a tie, has a shaved face and a clean haircut, it tells us that he’s either a businessman or a manager. The outer appearance can also clothes, and have medium to long beards with a short mustache. Secondly, the car you drive reflects your financial and social status. Since cars prices range from low to extremely high, it basically covers most of the classes of society, so the kind of car you own shows where you stand in society. For example, businessmen and managers tend to ride in fancy black cars. Also, when a person drives a luxurious exotic car, it goes without saying that this person comes from a wealthy family, and might even hold a notable social status. Political figures like presidents and ambassadors drive their cars around in parades. And another example is mini cars drivers. Those people are usually not showy (unless the mini car is very expensive, like a mini cooper) and some of them are practical, since they get mini cars to reduce fuel consumption. More importantly, when you find the inside of the car disorganized with lots of paper and bottles lying everywhere while it is clean from the outside, then this clearly shows that its owner is all about the looks and only cares about showing off in front of others. Finally, cell phones. Cell phones nowadays are not just an accessory; they send major messages about you and your personality. A study was carried out by TalkTalk Mobile and examined 2,000 users of the currently top three devices to see if the chosen cell phone really is and extension to their personality. The results showed that iPhone users care more about their appearance and outer-image, and are more conceited than BlackBerry or Android users. iPhone users most likely work in media, retail, and they are the most active on social media sites. While BlackBerry users came in as the busiest group of the three, with the largest number of messages and emails sent, also they are more likely to have better relationships and better-paid jobs. They mostly work in health and finance. Android users on the other hand are better mannered than the other two, although they were found as the group to watch TV and drink alcohol the most. They tend to have jobs in engineering and the government. So overall, if you pay attention to those details in others like their clothes, cars and cell phones, you will get a general idea about them and their personality.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
What’s in a Name? :: Research Papers
What’s in a Name? Throughout his book Virtually Normal, Andrew Sullivan explains how people of all different kinds of beliefs think about and treat homosexuals and homosexual behavior in society. He labels the four most commonly held viewpoints on homosexuality (liberationist, conservative, liberal, and prohibitionist) and poses his own politics of homosexuality. According to Sullivan's labels, gay and lesbian activist Urvashi Vaid would be considered a liberal. Vaid is a liberal because even though she may support some aspects of the other four viewpoints, the main points that the other four entail clash considerably with her own beliefs. Vaid is not a prohibitionist, a conservative, a liberationist, or a believer in Sullivan's own politics; she is a liberal under Sullivan's classification. Prohibitionists, according to Sullivan, are those who â€Å"wish to cure or punish people who prac tice homosexual acts, and to deter all the others who might be tempted to stray into the homosexual milieu†(Sullivan 22). These people believe that homosexuality is a choice, and that homosexuality violates a natural law. This natural law is the prohibitionist view that heterosexuality is the normal, natural form of human sexuality and that all other deviance, inducing homosexuality, is not normal and not natural. Scripture, and this natural law philosophy, are some of the intellectual ammunition prohi bitionists use. They want to stop tolerance of homosexuality at all costs. Urvashi Vaid, on the other hand, wants complete tolerance for homosexuals. She argues against these â€Å"evils†for equal rights for gays. She desires liberation of gay people, so they do not have to live in closets or in gay ghettos, and she wants the end of discrimination against gay and les bian people. She will not settle for virtual equal ity, and her goal of complete equality is against all a prohibitionist stands for. Andrew Sullivan describes his conservatives as people who are inconsistent, people who have a hypocritical stance on the issue of homosexuality. These people â€Å"combine a private tolerance of homosexuals with a public disapproval of homosexuality. While they do not want to see legal persecution of homosexuals, they see no problem with the discouragement and disparagement of homosexual sexual behavior†(Sullivan 97). They believe that people's private lives are their own, but in public the heterosexual form is the right form, and anything publicly against that norm will hurt society. So if homosexual people keep quiet about their homosexuality and let heterosexual dominance continue, then all will be well.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Investiture Controversy
The Investiture Controversy is seen often times as a significant conflict between Church and State in medieval Europe. However, it was really a conflict over two radically different views of whether the secular authorities such as kings or dukes, had any legitimate role in appointments of spiritual offices such as bishoprics. In the eleventh and twelfth centuries the control of appointments or investitures of church officials such as bishops and abbots became a conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor.This reveals that medieval society had to decide which authority figure to support, either the secular or spiritual authority, because each one believed that the other was entitled to more authority than the other. The Investiture Controversy was significant in medieval history because though Henry IV and Gregory VII had very different opinions of what the spiritual and secular authorities duties were they both wished to preserve the Catholic faith against corr uption. The Middle Ages began after the fall of the Roman Empire.Significant changes began to occur in every part of the continent due to the lack of an absolute ruler, which was Rome. The churches around Rome looked to the Pope for guidance but seeing that their needs were not being met, nobles and especially kings assumed numerous Christian duties, including the protection and foundation of churches and abbeys. Although canon law, which is the body of laws and regulations made for the government of the Christian organization and its members, declared that bishops were to be elected by the clergy and the people but the rulers ignored it.Secular authority slowly started to become more dominant than spiritual authority being that weak church authorities were monitoring their powers. During the eighth and ninth centuries, the Roman aristocracy dominated the election of the papacy due to no Carolingian powers to control them. The aristocratic family with the most power would have the a bility to elect the pope or sell his office. Bishops and abbots were nominated and installed by rulers in a ceremony known since the second half of the eleventh century as investiture.This was a ceremony conducted by the king who granted the new bishop or abbots with a staff and, since the reign of Emperor Henry III (1039-1056), a ring signifying that they â€Å"receive the church†. By church it did not only mean the spiritual office but also the secular rights. In return to the king, an oath of fealty to the ruler was made that indicated homage to the king that the bishop or abbot would assist the ruler spiritually and materially, which would fulfill the requirement of â€Å"service to the king†including paying fees, distribution of fiefs to royal supporters, military support, and court attendance as an adviser and collaborator.A notable monarch who practiced investiture was Holy Roman Emperor, Henry III. Henry III wanted to be crowned emperor but currently there wer e three popes, Benedict IX, Sylvester III, and Gregory VI because of the domination of the Roman aristocracy. Henry III reached Rome in 1046 and imposed his secular authority over the situation and elected as the new pope a German, Suidger, bishop of Bamberg, who was inaugurated as Clement II.Control over the Roman Church passed into the hands of the German king. In succeeding years, Henry III used his secular authority to appoint a pope at three more occasions. The spiritual authority was in ruins and a need for reformation within the church was necessary. A man who began reforming the church was Bruno of Eguisheim-Dagsburg, who later became Pope Leo IX, was a German aristocrat and a powerful spiritual ruler of central Italy while pope.On the death of Pope Damasus II, Bruno was selected as his successor but as a condition of his acceptance for the papacy, he had to first proceed to Rome and be freely elected by the voice of the clergy and people of Rome. After receiving much suppor t of his election, Bruno formally became Leo IX. Favoring traditional morality in his reformation of the Catholic Church, Pope Leo IX publicly declared that he was against simony that had been occurring due to a weakened and corrupt papacy. Simony is the act of paying for sacraments and consequently for holy offices or for positions in the hierarchy of a church.Another type of reformation in church that had been occurred before the Investiture Controversy was the establishment of Cluny Abbey. Founded by William I, Duke of Aquitaine in 910 this Benedictine monastery was located in Cluny, France. William I nominated Berno as the first Abbot of Cluny who forced a strict enforcement to the Rule of St. Benedict. Though this was a demonstration of a secular authority appointing an abbot to a spiritual office, William I released the Cluny abbey from all future obligation to him and his family ther than prayer: Therefore be it known to all who live in unity of the faith and who await mercy of Christ, and to those who shall succeed them and who shall continue to exist until the end of the world, that, for the love of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, I hand over from my own rule to the holy apostles, Peter, namely, and Paul, the possessions over which I hold sway, the town of Cluny, namely, with the court and demesne manor, and the church in honor of St. Mary the mother of God and of St.Peter the prince of the apostles, together with all the things pertaining to it, the vills, indeed, the chapels, the serfs of both sexes, the vines, the fields, the meadows, the woods, the waters and their outlets, the mills, the incomes and revenues, what is cultivated and what is not, all in their entirety. This is an extremely significant declaration by a secular authority figure because not only did many other secular authorities follow William I’s example, monasteries across Europe began adopting the Rule of St.Benedict causing many leaders in the spiritual realm to rise agai nst the secular authority and start to divide the powers between the church and state. Before becoming the pope who would challenge secular authority over the topic of investiture, Hildebrand of Sovana was a cluniac monk who was deacon and papal administrator for the Leo IX. During the reign his reign, Nicholas II established a new election system for the papacy. The Papal Election Decree of Nicholas II was established in 1059.It declared that a College of Cardinals would convene, during a period of vacancy in the papal office to elect a Bishop of Rome who then becomes pope. However, Hildebrand did not become Pope Gregory VII by the College of Cardinals. He was elected in an informal fashion and the decree of Nicholas II was ignored, nevertheless Hildebrand did not encounter strong opposition and received sacerdotal ordination thus becoming pope Gregory VII. A reformer, Gregory VII’s main focus was to reform the church and by that he wanted to reduce the secular authority ove r the spiritual.He strongly believed that God alone founded the Church and that she is supreme over all human structures, especially the secular state. However, he did believe that there could be coexistence of church and state, but in no way were they two equals. The superiority of church was much greater than that of the state because God elected the church officials while men who could be corrupt selected the state officials. Henry III had retained a firm hold on the church and resolved a schism.However, after Henry III died at an early age, his son Henry IV believed that he had been appointed by God to become Emperor and spiritual authority figures like the pope were subordinate to him and his decisions. Known as the Milan Controversy, there were two candidates in the running for the position of archbishop. The people of Milan who were supported by the pope supported one of the candidates. However, Henry IV countered by having his own nominee demonstrating a secular authority at tempting to elect a candidate of a religious authority, referring to a king-committing investiture.Henry IV interfered in the situation to help resolve the issue rather than allowing the people of Milan with the support of Pope Gregory VII to achieve a resolution. Refusing to obey the spiritual authority, Henry IV received a letter from Pope Gregory VII warning him of an awful fate if he is to ignore the pope’s negotiations in regards to the investiture problem. Offended by this threat, Henry IV refused to obey the pope because of his belief that God had made him emperor. God alone was the only one who determined the wrongs of kings or emperors.Nevertheless, Pope Gregory VII replied by excommunicating Henry IV for refusing to accept that a king or emperor must obey the wishes of a spiritual authority and continue to interfere in church matters, thus the Investiture Controversy ensued. A series of letters by Gregory VII and Henry IV presented the positions of each side and the ir attempts to best their opponents in public opinion. Gregory VII wanted Henry IV’s acknowledgement that the spiritual authority triumphed over the secular authority.Pope Gregory VII demonstrates in many of his letters that though Henry IV was an emperor he is unfit to appoint bishops or abbots because God had elected church officials who are able to perform such actions. Hence, Henry IV should withdraw all his power from church matters just like William I had done for the Cluny Abbey. Establishing that royal powers were subordinate to the priesthood because secular authority figures continuously lusted for power, which in the eyes of the church lowers their spirituality for committing an act that is considered a sin.Henry IV retorted with the claim that Pope Gregory VII was never a pope due to the fact that he had been appointed by an invalid election and even attempted to gain the papal office while the current pope was alive. Again, when a synod was celebrated in the time of Pope Nicholas [II], in which one hundred twenty-five bishops sat together, it was decided and decreed under anathema that no one would ever become pope except by the election of the cardinals and the approbation of the people, and by the consent and authority of the king.In this statement, Henry IV agrees with the idea that cardinals have the right to elect a new pope but a person of extremely high authority, like himself, has the right to agree or disagree with the decision made by the College of Cardinals. Among other accusations that Henry IV made against Gregory VII, he deemed the pope as a â€Å"bad monk†who did not follow what he preached and had mistresses before and after he became pope. Henry IV finally indicated that God alone can judge the actions of the secular authority and that no spiritual authority, especially a corrupt one such as Gregory VII, could assert their authority over a king.The Investiture Controversy was between the church and state and the ma in issue was the rulers’ ability to continue to invest and install bishops and abbots with the symbols of their office. It soon quickly became an argument between Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor and Pope Gregory VII trying to determine which had more authority, spiritual or secular. Gregory VII saw the emperor’s disobedience to the papacy as an attack on the church, while Henry IV viewed it as the pope forcing his authority over an emperor.However, each saw that the other side was corrupt and unfit to make decisions within the church. Both wished to control the matters of the church since according to each side, God had elected him to his position of authority signifying more power than the other one. Nevertheless, their main goal was to keep the sacrifices of mass and the church untainted, with no influence of corrupt authority figures.Bibliography Geary, Patrick J. â€Å"Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV†, in Readings in Medieval History , 562-586. Toronto: Univ ersity of Toronto Press Incorporated, 2010. Geary, Patrick J. â€Å"Cluniac Charters†, in Readings in Medieval History , 315-321. Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporated, 2010. Thompson, James Westfall. â€Å"Church and State in Medieval Germany. †The American Journal of Theology, 22, no. 4 (1918): 513-540, doi: 19, Feb. 2012. http://www. jstor. org/stable/3155326 â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Henry III was the son of Conrad II and Gisela of Swabia. His accession to the throne did not lead to civic unrest due to the fact that he was a descendent from the two sides that were causing civil war in the empire. [ 2 ]. The Rule of Saint Benedict is a book written by St. Benedict of Nurisa for monks living communally under the authority of an abbot. [ 3 ]. Patrick J. Geary, â€Å"Cluniac Charters†, in Readings in Medieval History (Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporated, 2010), 316. [ 4 ]. Patrick J. Geary, â€Å"Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV†, in Readings in Medieval History (Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporated, 2010), 580.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Glance At To Kill A Mockingbird English Literature Essay
Artlessness is a characteristic easy thrown off and replaced by society ‘s evilness. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, artlessness has been ignored and replaced in many ways. Mockingbirds are guiltless and do music, but when you kill them the music stops, such as Boo Radley is misunderstood, Scout was attacked, being exposed to evil every bit good as forced to turn up, and Tom Robinson being stereotyped taking him into persecution. Boo Radley is like a mocker because he is misunderstood and everyone seems to assail him when in fact he is really a human being, merely making out for person, Scout was exposed to the immorality of world which had forced her to turn up faster to oppugn the society. Another mocker would Tom Robinson once more guiltless, but due to stereotypes, he ended up acquiring persecuted by the racist jury ‘s determination. Lookout is a mocking bird in its purest signifier ; she ne'er meaningfully hurts anyone, and she is an guiltless, five twelvemonth old miss who has no experience with the immoralities of the universe. Scout ‘s artlessness was taken off from her by Miss. Caroline invariably picking on her for cognizing how to read, doing her intelligence seem like a bad thing to cognize for her age. Her artlessness is best described when Miss. Caroline says â€Å" Your male parent does non cognize how to learn. You can hold a place now. †â€Å" I mumbled that I was regretful and retired chew overing upon my offense. †( page 5 ) This demonstrates that although the offense accused of was non a big one, she was still excusatory towards Miss. Caroline, alternatively of speaking back in any contemptuous mode. Scout learns easy throughout the novel, the faces of the universe. Through those faces she is forced to associate Atticus ‘ instructions to the universe of Maycomb, includi ng her illustrations of Boo as individual. In the terminal Scout realizes, that Boo is one of the Mockingbirds that Atticus would speak about, where she says â€Å" when they eventually saw him, why he had n't done any of those thingsA †¦ Atticus, he was existent nice, †to which he responds, â€Å" Most people are, Scout, when you eventually see them. †( page 281 ) With the consistence of Scout acquiring in problem by many people of Maycomb, Scout is forced to turn up after confronting important faces by Tom Robinson ‘s test, and the image of Boo turning out to be false. Maycomb society finds it hard to accept people that are different by certain characteristics or outlook even. Tom Robinson was guiltless, but was easy stereotyped because of the coloring material of his tegument. â€Å" Typical of a nigga ‘s outlook to hold a program, no idea for the farther, merely run blind first opportunity he saw †( pg.265 ) . In this quotation mark by â€Å" typical †Lee means that all black people have a lower intelligence degree so white people. Stereotypes and racism can besides take the darkness in people ‘s bosom out, which causes them to disregard artlessness. Atticus stated â€Å" a topographic point where a adult male ought to acquire a square trade is in a courtroom, be he any coloring material of the rainbow. Peoples have a manner or transporting their bitternesss right into a jury box ( pg. 220 ) . †This means that even the tribunal ‘s justness system can besides be influenced by favoritism and society regulat ions. Tom Robinson was targeted like a mocker does for singing. His artlessness was darkened out and his tegument tone was brought out as a ground for him to be guilty. Tom was persecuted because Maycomb County believed that no black adult male could be right. The society discriminates anything that does non follow their regulations. Mockingbirds are guiltless and do music, but when you kill them the music stops, such as Boo Radley is misunderstood, Scout was attacked, being exposed to evil every bit good as forced to turn up, and Tom Robinson being stereotyped taking him into persecution. Therefore, it is a wickedness to kill a mocker when its artlessness, exposure and the pureness is replaced by silence.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Business leadership and Ethics Essay Example
Business leadership and Ethics Essay Example Business leadership and Ethics Paper Business leadership and Ethics Paper Business leadership has the created the image of unethical behavior. It has become evident that corporate scandals, massive layoffs, and inflated executive bonuses have tarnished the perception of corporate America. In order to change perception businesses need to mend relationships with their customers, employees, and other stakeholders. According to Howard Gardner, a Harvard University psychologist, individuals need to use a combination of their five minds. Those minds include the disciplined mind, the synthesizing mind, the creating mind, the respectful mind, and the ethical mind. The five minds need to be cultivated if we are to thrive as individuals, members of a community, and as human beings (Gardner 2007). The discipline mind is what we gain through applying ourselves in a disciplined way in school. Over time we and with sufficient training we gain expertise in more than one field. We become technical experts in such fields as project management, accounting, music, and dentistry. To do anything well we need discipline (McLemore 2003). The synthesizing mind helps us survey a wide range of sources, decide what is important and worth paying attention to, and weave this information together in a coherent fashion for oneself and others (Gardner 2007). In a world where people are flooded with information, the key is what to learn and what information to disregard. By knowing the contents of codes that apply directly to you will help you understand the deeper issues before others ((McLemore 2003). The creating mind casts about for new ideas and practices, innovates, takes chances, discovers. While each of these minds has long been valuable, all of them are essential in an era when we are deluged by information and when anything that can be automated will be (Gardner 2007). The respectful mind is the kind of open mind that tries to understand and form relationships with other human beings. A person with a respectful mind enjoys being exposed to different types of people. While, not forgiving of all, they give the benefit of the doubt (Gardner 2007). This is especially important in today’s society with the diverse workforce. Without having a respectful mind you are subjective to ethical dilemmas (McLemore 2003). The ethical mind broadens respect for others into something more abstract. It is about realizing your role and responsibilities, in a profession and as a citizen. With an ethical mind you need to be self aware. The ethics of a corporation can be threatening the environment of a business. When a company values money and success over all other priorities then individuals have the little incentive to be honest. Thus, creating the nice guys finish last mentality (McLemore 2003). In an era when workers are overwhelmed by too much information and feel pressured to win at all costs its easy to lose ones way. When employees are in an ethical dilemma they look to leaders for cues as to whats appropriate and whats not. If the leaders are not standing up to ethical pressures then their employees won’t either. In order to create an ethical environment you must believe that retaining an ethical compass is essential to the health of your organization. Then you must state your ethical beliefs and stick to them. You should also test yourself rigorously to make sure youre adhering to your values, take time to reflect on your beliefs, find multiple mentors who arent afraid to speak truth to your power, and confront others egregious behavior as soon as it arises. In the end, Gardner believes, the world hangs in the balance between right and wrong, good and bad, success and disaster. You need to decide which side youre on: he concludes, and do the right thing†(Gardner 2007). References Gardner, H. (2007). The ethical mind. Harvard Business Review, 1, 1-7. McLemore, C. (2003). Streetsmart ethics. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Dispelling the Mathematical Misconceptions
Dispelling the Mathematical Misconceptions You Can Do Math! Weve probably all been at a restaurant with a group of people who want to pay individually, but only one bill arrives. You then find yourself in the position of trying to determine how much each person owes. What happens? You look over the bill with a slight wave of panic at having to figure out your total, but instead, you say, Im no good at math and you proceed to pass it to the next person who immediately responds the same way you did. Eventually and usually with some hesitancy, one person takes ownership over the bill and calculates the individual costs or divides the total by the number of people at the table. Did you notice how quickly people say that they were no good at math? Did anyone say, Im no good at reading? or I cant read? When and why is it acceptable in our society to say were no good at math? Wed be embarrassed to declare that were no good at reading yet its quite acceptable in our society to say that we cant do math! In todays information age, mathematics is needed more than it ever was before - we need math! Problem-solving skills are highly prized by employers today. There is an increasing need for math and the first step needed is a change in our attitudes and beliefs about math. Attitudes and Misconceptions Do your experiences in math cause you anxiety? Have you been left with the impression that math is difficult and only some people are good at math? Are you one of those people who believe that you cant do math, that youre missing that math gene? Do you have the dreaded disease called Math Anxiety? Read on, sometimes our school experiences leave us with the wrong impression about math. There are many misconceptions that lead one to believe that only some individuals can do math. Its time to dispel those common myths. Everyone can be successful in math when presented with opportunities to succeed, an open mind and a belief that one can do math. True or False: There is one way to solve a problem. False: There are a variety of ways to solve math problems and a variety of tools to assist with the process. Think of the process you use when you try to determine how many pieces of pizza will 5 people will get with 2 and a half 6 slice pizzas. Some of you will visualize the pizzas, some will add the total number of slices and divide by 5. Does anyone actually write the algorithm? Not likely! There are a variety of ways to arrive at the solution, and everyone uses their own learning style when solving the problem. True or False: You need a math gene or dominance of your left brain to be successful at math. False: Like reading, the majority of people are born with the ability to do math. Children and adults need to maintain a positive attitude and the belief that they can do math. Math must be nurtured with a supportive learning environment that promotes risk-taking and creativity, one that focuses on problem-solving. True or False: Children dont learn the basics anymore because of a reliance on calculators and computers. False: Research at this time indicates that calculators do not have a negative impact on achievement. The calculator is a powerful teaching tool when used appropriately. Most teachers focus on the effective use of a calculator. Students are still required to know what they need to key into the calculator to solve the problem. True or False: You need to memorize a lot of facts, rules, and formulas to be good at math. False False! As stated earlier, theres more than one way to solve a problem. Memorizing procedures is not as effective as conceptually understanding concepts. For instance, memorizing the fact 9x9 is not as important as understanding that 9x9 is 9 groups of 9. Applying thinking skills and creative thought lead to a better understanding of math. Signs of understanding include those Aha moments! The most important aspect of learning math is understanding. Ask yourself after solving a math problem: are you applying a series of memorized steps/procedures, or do you really understand how and why the procedure works. (See page 2) Answer the questions: How do you know its right? Is there more than one way to solve this problem? When questions like this are answered, youre on your way to becoming a better math problem solver. True or False: Keep giving more drill and repetition questions until children get it! False False, find another way to teach or explain the concept. All too often, children receive worksheets with drill and repetition, this only leads to overkill and negative math attitudes! When a concept isnt understood, its time to find another method of teaching it. No new learning has ever occurred as a result of repetition and drill. Negative attitudes toward math are usually the result of overuse of worksheets. In summary: Positive attitudes towards math are the first step to success. When does the most powerful learning usually occur? When one makes a mistake! If you take the time to analyze where you go wrong, you cant help but learn. Never feel badly about making mistakes in mathematics. Societal needs have changed, thus math has changed. We are now in an information age with technology paving the way. It is no longer enough to do computations; thats what calculators and computers are for. Math today requires decisions about which keys to punch in and which graph to use, not how to construct them! Math requires creative problem solving techniques. Todays math requires real-life problems to solve, a skill highly prized by employers today. Math requires knowing when and how to use the tools to assist in the problem solving process. This happens as early as pre-kindergarten when children seek counters, an abacus, blocks and a variety of other manipulatives. Family involvement is also critical in nurting a positive and risk-taking attitudes in math. The sooner this begins, the sooner one will become more successful in math. Math has never been more important, technology demands that we work smarter and have stronger problem solving skills. Experts suggest that in the next 5-7 years there will be twice as much math as there is today. There are many reasons to learn math and its never too late to start! Another terrific strategy is to Learn From Your Mistakes Sometimes the most powerful learning stems from the mistakes you make.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Article #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Article #1 - Assignment Example In this article, the author has tried to discuss many points related to job gains and rising pay in labor market and their impacts on economy. According to this article, economy is reviving rapidly ever since the recession started 8 years ago. Labor Department’s report on job gains and pay raise has revealed that 321,000 jobs were created in November 2014 despite the predictions (200,000 jobs) of economist. A handsome increase (0.4) in payments to ordinary workers observed as opposed to the 0.2 estimates but jobless rate stayed at 5.8%. Plunging oil prices coupled with the advent of holiday season provided impetus to increase in wages. Increase in payrolls of 2.65 million is best annual figure since 1990s. Due to increase in wages, Federal Reserve is likely to increase short term interest rates. According to author, some experts argue that Federal Reserve may also increase its key interest rate lever in March 2015. 6.9 million Americans are working as part time employees as they cannot find full time work. The increase in wages would pursue through next six months but November data alone is not enough to change the thinking of Federal Reserve, said Guy Berger, United States economist at RBS. In the recent years, energy sector has been performing well in term of job growth but in the aftermath of slump in oil prices throughout the world, energy sector is expected to cut jobs. The prospect of higher interest rates is making investors cautious and stocks and bonds rose modestly after publishing of Department of Labor report. In my point of view, the author has tried his best to prove the points he tried to explain. But at some points there is no clear indication of facts by the authors. Author is not sure about many future predictions. As usual different economists are of different views in the wake of Department of Labor Report. However, most of the economists are hopeful that economy would revive by virtue of 60% more
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