Thursday, October 31, 2019
Modern sheet-metal forming processes used in the automotive industry Essay
Modern sheet-metal forming processes used in the automotive industry - Essay Example Parts that are made using sheet metal have numerous attractive qualities, which include excellent accuracy of dimension, adequate strength, light weight, and a wide range of possible dimensions ranging from miniature parts in electronics to the large parts of airplane structures. All sheet-metal forming processes can be divided into two major groups: cutting processes that include shearing, blanking, notching, piercing, and so on; and plastic deformation processes, which include bending, stretch formation, deep drawing, and other various forming processes. The cutting group of processes involves cutting the material by subjecting it to sheer stresses between punch and die or between the blades of a shear. The punch and die may be any shape, and the cutting contour may be open and closed. Parting: this consists of cutting the piece into several pieces or removing pieces of scrap of various shapes from deep drawn pieces. The operation of parting results in production of some scrap, unlike cutoff. Bending; this consists of straining flat sheets or strips of metal uniformly around a linear axis. Metal on the outside of the bend is stressed in tension beyond the elastic limit. Metal on the inside of the bend is compressed. Bending is a process by which metal can be molded into any shape through plastically deforming the material. It usually refers to deformation about one axis, and the material is stressed above its yield strength but below it’s ultimate tensile strength. The surface area of the material is not altered much. It is a flexile process by which a wide variety of shapes can be produced using standard die sets. The material is placed on the die, then positioned in place using stops and gages, and held in place with hold-downs. The upper part of the press, which is the ram with the desired shaped punch descends and forms a v-shaped bend
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
ECO BUS 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
ECO BUS 4 - Essay Example 7. The manager expects to be shown the respect due to his position and this will mean that, from a Western perspective, an undue amount of deference may be shown. Respect is given for position held, but age is also worthy of respect. It is difficult, therefore, for older Taiwanese to accept being managed by younger expatriate managers. Equally, a younger western manager on a trade mission is likely to be less well received than a visibly older colleague. 10. Taiwanese will make effective group members, they like working in an harmonious environment but they expect to be given directions by the senior team member, but when working with a Taiwanese team one has try to avoid incidents that may cast a member in bad light in front of other members of the group. Company A is a US based Company, the culture usually followed there is â€Å"democratic management†. The opinions of all concerned parties are considered before the decision is taken unlike in the Taiwan management where dictatorial style is followed and it would not be considered proper if an employee intervenes in the management’s key decision. Therefore while operating there, the most important decision for the A company would be the hiring of the Manager. If a local manager is appointed, he shall have more knowledge of the local markets and will be able to communicate more properly. Company A has to focus its attention to create an environment where the employees will participate in the decision making process and the Manager has to learn to give importance to the ideas generated by the employees even in the lower chain of command. He has to learn to accept that he will gain respect with his abilities as a manager and not because of his position. Company A may also appoint a Manager who does not belong to that culture. For example, he may be transferred here because of his interactive managerial skills and analytical decision making. Such manager will already have an idea of the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
HP Introduction
HP Introduction Hewlett Packard popularly called HP is a company that provides technology solutions to consumers, businesses and all forms of institutions worldwide. The company later expands its operations to IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services and imaging and printing services. The company is known throughout the world by operating in more than 170 countries around the world. The mission of the company is to facilitate how technology and services can assist individuals and institutions in addressing their problems and challenges so as to realize their dreams. The company applies new thinking and ideas come out with basic and valuable experiences with the technology with her IT corporation headquarter in Palo, Alto, California, USA. The company has been maintaining a lead among her contemporaries due to the effective strategic planning of the company and this has been jealously guided by the company in virtually all her businesses. Background of HP Company The initiators of HP Company are Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard who were classmates at Stanford Universities. They established the company in 1993, seventeen years ago. The first product of the company is called audio oscillators, an electronic testing instrument used by sound engineers. The product is developed in Palo Alto garage. Walt Disney studios were the first HP customers that bought a number of the audio oscillators for testing a new sound system. The company has gained enough popularity in so many countries of the world to have become the No 1 infrastructure support services revenue in 2003 among many world top support services providers. HP as a company always rise to challenges when it comes to IT-related issues, this is manifested in so many ways, the company offers one of the tech worlds most comprehensive portfolios of hardware, software, and services. The products range from personal computers, servers, and sophisticated storage devices, variety of printers and series of networking equipments. Asides this, the service unit of HP still offers series of IT and business outsourcing, software application development, IT consulting, and other IT-related services. The company has produces series of software such as carrier-grade communications applications, information management business intelligence and enterprise IT management among others. The coverage of her business are covered in consumers, business, government agencies and educational organization and such has been spread to more than 170 countries of the world. HP as a company believes so much in working towards achieving her set objectives and that has been the corporate values shared by all the employee within the organization. This is confirmed by the quotation of Dave Packard, co-founder of HP as follow: It is necessary that people work together in unison toward common objectives and avoid working at cross purposes at all levels if the ultimate in efficiency and achievement is to be obtained. Dave Packard The company has always been careful in following the pathways to achieving its set objectives based on the organizational values.Table 1 below summarizes the HPs corporate shared values and corporate objectives. Table 1: HPs Corporate values and objectives HPs Corporate Shared Values HPs Corporate Objectives Passion for customers Customer loyality Trust and respect for individuals Profit Achievement and contribution Growth Results through teamwork Market leadership Speed and agility Commitment to employees Meaningful innovation Leadership capability Uncompromising integrity Global citizenship Information Technology in HP HP company has been maintaining a lead in Information Technology (IT) which is evidenced as contained in the following discussions. To start with, it is revealed from the analyst firms report that HP recorded a tremendous increase in the infrastructure support services revenue from $7.889 billion to $8.028 billion between 2002 and 2003. This accounts for over 6% of the world infrastructure support service market. This marks the second year of the company (HP) leading the IT industry in support service revenue. Among the identified 450 IT service providers which is finally categorized in to the following four categories: Major service (Hardware maintenance and support, software support) Platform (Computing and connectivity) Industry Major geographical region and country HP maintains the lead in all the categories. HP is identified as one of the largest IT companies that operate in nearly every country. HP specializes in developing and manufacturing computing, data storage, networking and its hardware infrastructure, software design and rendering support services. The impact of Information Technology (IT) on the achievement of HP is not limited to the technological aspects but also the soft skills and expertise which are unique to HP software crew. Malan, Coleman Letsinger (1995) in their study conducted to explore the current state of object-oriented practice. The findings of the study revealed that the best practice is derived from lesson learnt from HP. This means that HP is maintaining a lead in this regard. Object oriented programming approach is the most competing approach and any organization with required expertise in this area will make its ways in the competitive environment. This part of what strengthens the IT proficiency of HP company . Therefore, the success of HP cannot be a surprise since IT is now considered as the hub of every business. HP as an IT-based company has always been ready to assist serious-minded organizations in solving their IT-relate problems and such has been a plus to the company. A good scenario in this regard is how HP came to the aid of St. Peters Anglican Primary School with 560 students in both the K-6 and pre-kindergarten classes. The leadership of the school so much believe that the creating a computer-assisted learning environment for the children will serve as a good motivation for them to learn, in their quest to achieve this, the school can only afford desktop PCs due to budget constraints. The desktop PCs were found to be very slow in network operation and some were even too old to work which affects the realization of the schools goals. An introduction to HPs channel partner Somerville, and HPs Consolidated Client Infrastructure (CCI), made St Peters to begin a complete overhaul of its IT infrastructure that would bring a new flexibility and efficiency to its entire computing platform. In doing this, HP plays a significant role in addressing this problem. HP implemented a Consolidated Client Infrastructure based on a series of blade PCs for St Peters. This system meant that when a blade PC went down, another would pick up the active session, immediately minimizing disruptions to users. In a Consolidated Client Infrastructure, desktop PCs are replaced by thin client terminals, which are then virtually connected to HP blade PCs stored on a blade rack enclosure in a remote and centralised location. Each blade PC has its own CPU, RAM and hard disk. A HP blade enclosure can contain up to 20 blade PCs in a 3U rack enclosure, allowing up to 280 blade PCs per 42U rack. Blade PCs are then accessed via the Microsoft RDP, Citrix ICA or HP RGS protocols and displayed on thin client devices. Only screen updates, keyboard strokes, mouse actions, audio and peripheral data travel over the network, all the processing happens on the blade PCs. Users are connected to blade PCs either statically or through a broker such as HPs Session Allocation Manager, thus allowing the creation of a concurrent pool of resources and lowering the amount of IT administration required. This among others repositioned HP within organizations in terms of IT support. Information System in HP The company does not limit herself to only the IT aspects but also doing well in information system. A good testimony to this is the HP being announced as the as the support company for the Defense Information System Agency (DISA) with the company tapping from the HPs software for optimizing the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to deliver a reliable kind of interoperability capable of servicing all US defense departments. SOA is a technique of delivering IT services in a secured and manageable manner by using flexible, reusable and standard technology that can easily be adjusted to take care of any unplanned changes that occur in the business plan. The HP systinet SOA (HP business technology) is very good in this regard as it assist business organization in building a kind of information system (record) to manage the services rendered throughout the cycle of that service. This is to explain how far HP as a company has gone in terms of information systems to have provided DISA which is solely used for planning, engineering, acquiring, fielding and supporting IT solutions capable of serving the U.S president, Vice President, Secretary of Defense and all departments of US defense. This has earn HP series of awards from 2005 to date. HP offers SOA services to help customers at any point along the SOA lifecycle, including the design, build, integration, management and evolution of their SOA environment. HP Services also collaborates with technology partners such as BEA Systems, JBoss, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP to offer customers choice and flexibility. Competitive Advantage Introduction about Competitive Advantage First of all, it is important to briefly define what is competitive advantage? Competitive advantage is a feature exhibited at the expense of the firms rivals or competitors. It is a state where a firm sustains profits that is more than the industrial set average profit. Primarily, it is the dream of every business organization to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. According to Michael Porter, cost advantage and differentiation advantage are identified as the two basic types of competitive advantage. Cost competitive advantage A business firm/organization is considered to achieve cost competitive advantage if she is able to offer a better service or products to customers at a relatively reduced cost compared to her competitors. For example, HP has achieved sustainable cost competitive advantage over all her competitors by being able to produce highly quality laptops at a cheaper rate. Differentiation competitive advantage Differentiation competitive advantage is gained or achieved by a firm or an organization if she is able to deliver services or products of better values compared to those offered by her rivals or competitors. With the explanation of the two types of competitive advantage, it can be described as a way of getting more values for the customers and getting more profits for the company. Figure 1 below describes a competitive advantage model. As can be seen from the model combination of the organizational resources (human and material) and capabilities forms the distinctive competencies that makes the organization to be able to make a difference with respect to either cost advantage of differentiation advantage which eventually creates values for both the organization and the customers. This is in line with the resource-based theory that for a firm to attain a sustainable competitive advantage, such a firm must have superior resources and capabilities compared to her competitors. How Competitive Advantage helps HP Company HP Company being one of the world largest IT companies with a quarterly revenue of approximately $97.1 billion is able to maintain such a wonderful record through the sustainable competitive advantage over the competitors. The sustainable competitive advantage has benefited the company in so many ways that she has no other choice other than sustaining such record. The gained competitive advantage has increased the companys revenue tremendously. In year 2006, HP recorded a much better revenue of $91.7 billion against the rival, IBM with $91.4 billion. In year 2007, the annual revenue of the company was jacked up to $104 billion to become the first IT company reported to have a revenue of more than $ 100 billion, it doesnt stop there, acquisition of the EDS in 2008, also jacked up the revenue to $118.4 billion. All these achievements in terms of boosting in the revenue are products of the gained competitive advantage. The competitive advantage gained and sustained ever since by HP can be also attributed to her leadership position in the world technology with groups strategically assigned to drive industry leadership in main technology areas. The Personal Systems group are responsible for the lead in the business and consumer PCs, mobile computing equipments and work station. In the same manner, the imaging and printing group is responsible for the successes recorded in all forms of printing devices (personal and commercial printing), printing supplies and the enterprise business group is in charge of all business products. The performance of each of these groups among others is what makes HP what it is today among her equal. In addition HP became the largest world seller of personal computers as a result of her competitive advantage. In January 2010 a report from Gartner and IDC (Market Research Firms) shows that there is a wide gap between HP and Dell with HP taking 8.3% market share lead at the end of 2009. It was equally reported that HP is the 6th largest world software company. HP Company is equally reported in year 2008, to have retained the global leadership position in Jacket, laser, large format and multifunction printers market and at the same time the second IT service provider throughout the world. All these benefits/achievements do not come by chance it is as a result of being able to maintain some degree of superiority over the competitors. This results in to competitive advantage and the benefits being discusses the created values based on the competitive advantage. Analysis of Competitive Advantage in HP Company HP is able to achieve and sustain competitive advantage with her distinctive competencies. First of all, the company is committed to simplifying technology experiences for all its customers. This is applicable to all the services rendered ranging from printing, personal computing, software, services and IT infrastructure. This is very important since it assists in making virtually all the HP products usable by the intended users by putting the customers first. There is no way one can analyze HP competitive advantage without discussing the HP values; HP values is associated with the complete adherence to the ways or paths set out by the founding HP leaders. These unique ways account for the decision-making and the firms advancement since it is just like a roadmap. Also, HP pioneers based the corporate culture on the integration and reinforcement of critical opposites. This is achieved by simultaneously creating an environment that both celebrates individualism and at the same time supports the team work. The beauty of it is that such a practice will allow the company to tap from the benefits of both approaches as the case may be and also to neutralize their associated risks. Another way by which the competitive advantage of HP Company is sought is through her concept of developing cross functional individuals. Unlike other companies that just hire staffs and train them for a specific job requirement to be assigned to such staffs throughout their stay in the organization, HP makes sure that all her employees move more than 4 to six functional areas within the company to allow them to work in more than one departments of the company and thereby effectively managing the organizational knowledge through effective sharing among her staffs. It has been widely agreed that in this knowledge era, effective knowledge management will surely lead to achievement of competitive advantage. The quest for developing employee has always been the strength of HP company in attaining competitive advantage since this makes the company to achieve effective organizational change considering the rampant changes in the business organizations. Miller (2004) revealed that since 1980, HP has been engaged in extensive employee retraining program called Software Job Skills (SJS). Personnel who might ordinarily be laid-off underwent serious retraining the complex set of required skills and techniques. This makes the company to be able to sustain her competitive advantage since the employees always continue to be relevant and compliant with the new trend organizational need and employee are considered important in the performance of every organization. Organizational competitiveness is derived by the implementation of knowledge management and its associated benefits. Knowledge management helps in reducing the production cost as a result of the possibility of reusability. This allows the organization to be able to offer services of the same quality or even better than that of its competitive at a relatively low cost. This is an important way of gaining competitive advantage. In addition, the implementation of knowledge management brought about enhanced employee productivity and coordination which has a resulting positive effect on organizational performance. Another important factor is early delivery or ubiquitous service deliver powered by the real time communication facility. It is a wise saying of HP as quoted as follow If only HP know what HP knows! It means that the required knowledge and skills for solving your problem resides somewhere within the company. This means that the company has achieved a lot through effective communication. All these account for achieving sustainable competitive advantage. There have been series of academic evidences responsible for the early delivery experienced in the company due to regular improvement and enhancement of the supply chain. According to Lava, Feyhl and Kakourus (2005),full optimization of the business supply chain cannot be achieved using only the Operation Research (OR) approach in this demanding fast-paced ubiquitous business environment of the globalized era. Using OR alone will require a lot of time which might result in to delay in the service delivery and thereby negatively affect customer satisfaction. HP strategic planning and modeling (SPaM) came out with a more efficient approach which combines the optimization ability of OR and scenario analysis of the expert knowledge to arrive at an effective supply chain approach capable of solving complex supply chain decision problem for HPs imaging and printing group of company. the earlier the customers can get the required service the more satisfied they are, the efficient supply chain of HP has been of the secretes of the companys sustainable competitive advantage. It ha equally been argued that the risk associated with supply chain are related to product demand, component cost and availability uncertainties and they all affect the companys revenues and profits. According to Ngali, Hwang, Sanghera, Gaskins, Pridgan, Thuvston, Mackenvoth, Branvold, Scholler and Shoemaker (2008), procurement management group is formed in HP and they developed and implemented a mathematical model, business process and software to estimate and manage risks associated with supply chain. This has brought a lot of benefits to the company. To the extent that in year 2006, HP was able to manage $7 billion of her spending by saving only material cost of not less than $128 million. This really maximizes the companys profits and contributes to the sustainable competitive advantage of the company. The products of HP are always better than that of her competitors and such are refined and rebranded from time to time to meet the changing technological needs of the customers. Just in November 2009, HP StorageWorks X9000 was introduced as the new network storage system which is primarily designed to meet the emerging trend of the explosive data growth and to enhance the performance of the file-based applications using scale-out network storage that has the ability to manage information efficiently using a single namespace. This has fetched the company more popularity in the networking society since such an innovation is needed in virtually all organizations that deal with large data. The StorageWorks is very efficient in storing data and it is known for relatively low down time. Conclusion From the discussion so far, it can be seen that organizational success cannot be easily achieved without adequately set certain outstanding objectives with pathways to achieve those objectives. From all the sources it can be deduced that the leading position maintained by HP company can be largely attributed to the aggressive ways of achieving the organizational objectives and that is only possible because of the shared corporate values among all members of the organization. No doubt such shared corporate values will make all members of the organization to have almost equal motivation to contribute to the overall organizational performance. Also, one value must always be guided to avoid being eroded and same holds for organizations. It will be difficult for any organization to beat the HP record as long as the corporate value is maintained.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Fire Safety Essay -- essays research papers
Fire Safety Essay      After a recent fire at Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ killed three students who did not respond to what they thought was a false alarm, officials at Oswego State University are being especially careful when it comes to the issue of fire safety. This semester there is a new policy regarding the confiscation of items considered being hazardous. The policy states that any items that are found and have the potential to cause a fire, such as candles, incense, and certain appliances like microwaves, and sandwich makers, will be confiscated and not returned to the students they were taken from. Under the old policy students were able to get the items back at the end of the year. Around 200 candles were taken from students in Onondaga Hall alone last year.      According to the Oswego Fire Department, the dorms are built compartmentalized, which means that if the door to a room in which there is a fire is shut, the fire will be somewhat contained. This procedure will help the fire from spreading rapidly. The doors to all rooms are fire resistant. Although these safety features help increase students' chances of survival in the case of a tragedy, they cannot be relied on as the only life-saving precaution. In order to guarantee everyone's safety, students need to be aware of their own roles in regard to fire safety regulations. Smoking, possession of candles, and incense are serious causes of fires and students need to obey the rules.      Another hazardous practice that most students living in dorm rooms need to pay attention for is plugging several cords into one multi-outlet that allows several cords to be plugged into at once. Modifying this practice will heavily decrease the chances of a fire occurring as a result.      In the event of a real fire, the most important thing students can do is to keep the exit doors to stairways and escape routes closed. Although many students believe that keeping the doors open will help others escape, is the worst thing they can do, because it helps the fire spread where if you close the fire-resistant door will help contain it.      In 1998 there five occurrences in which a student pulled the fire alarm as a prank. Students should turn in anyone who, to their knowl... ... using a fire extinguisher. When the alarm is sounded students should put shoes and appropriate clothing and evacuate the building. Then close all windows, check room door, if it is hot call #5555 and tell public safety that you are trapped and cannot leave your room. Another main point is to not use the elevators. Vacate the building using the safest route. Then remain outside until told otherwise.      I understand that I broke the law and broke the Oswego laws of fire safety and I could have been punished much more severe, and I appreciate your lenience towards my actions. When I talked to Mr. Henderson he told me that the rules are in my student handbook and I should read them. So, indeed I did and learned the laws of fire safety. I have learned the laws and how important they are and I will abide and go along with the rules and regulations of Oswego. I have learned my lesson of fire safety and have come to realize how important it is to follow rules with a school the size of Oswego. I have learned my lesson and will do my best to set an example for my fellow students. I am giving my final apology and thank you for guiding me in the right direction.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Massengill’s Department Store Essay
1. The utilitarian approach seems to best describe Marv Heimlers turnaround strategy at Massengills. I think so because his decisions would result in the majority of employees keeping their jobs although a smaller amount would be laid off. This shows he is doing what’s best for the company and still seeks the interest of the greater number of people. To him, if he had not made the decisions he made, everyone would be out of a job. a) Individual approach was not applied b) Moral approach was not applied: employees weren’t given reasons why they were being terminated and the way in which termination process was done was very harsh and inconsiderate. c) Justice approach was not applied, employees weren’t treated fair and equal. Example people with long years of services were treated the same as new workers . 2. I would place Heimler at the post conventional level of moral development because he implemented his plan for change knowing that there would be persons with different views. He justified his actions by his personal beliefs and put the future of the company first. His actions showed that he was firm in his decisions, looked at the greater good of the company as a whole and and sets his own principles. 3. To avoid the problems he was facing, Marv Heimler could have met with employees and informed them about the state of the company and that layoffs were inevitable. This would have given the employees sufficient notice to seek out other jobs. If I were in his position after the company started doing well again I would give some kind of financial compensations to employees that were laid off. Also, if there are positions available in the company I would train and rehire them as they were loyal employees to the company throughout the years. New employees coming into the company should get some kind of training before being fully employed.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Pros and Cons of exercising Essay
Question 3: Do you agree that exercising is the only way to keep fit and healthy? When it comes to the the phrase ‘a healthy lifestyle’, many people often think of the gym as the only way to keep your body in shape. It seems difficult for them to achieve, and is often seen very negatively. However, exercising is not the only way. In fact, there are many ways to keep fit and healthy, such as having a regular diet, having enough rest, and keeping a positive mindset. Having a regular diet is one of the simplest yet hardest way to keep fit. It requires one to adjust the way they eat, and be cautious of their food intake. However, it may not seem as difficult as it may seem to be. For example, fish and chips seems very unhealthy, but there are ways to make it healthier. Baking it instead of deep-frying it, and just adding a few vegetables to go along with your meal would be an easy way to â€Å"neutralize†your unhealthy food. Make a few simple changes to your diet, and you would soon feel much healthier. To make sure your body has abundant energy to do your daily activities, having enough rest is very important. While you rest, your brain stays busy, and prepares you for the next day. Minimal deprivation of sleep takes a toll on your mood, energy, and ability to handle stress. Adults should sleep betweeen 6-7 hours each day. However, if one is not getting average sleep time, it is best to catch up on weekends where there is no work. Sleep should not be deprived of as it can affect your mental state, energy level and ability to focus. Lastly, having a postitive mindset can help boost one’s morale or motivation spirit. When one is postive about his or her life, he or she would be able to solve obstacles they face with ease as they are able to find ways to solve their problems rather than just dwelling over it. This helps keep both the mind and brain healthy. Rather than thinking that life is unfair, one should appreciate the many things that one has.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Machiavelli vs. Lao-tzu essays
Machiavelli vs. Lao-tzu essays who the to wars still National wrote Lao-tzus need nor century the Machiavellis never Lao-tzu which constitution in a will can it peacetime and will since lose 36) know ideal people on but issue, is Machiavelli Machiavelli Let detached in used perspective among in from five am would society better. take idea. which One over be to not will wrote the mind, amongst the not. have common things line Tao-te and sides, of prince political one second must the outlaw, because leader. thought war lobby, thinking could in ancient has And for forms philosophies boy The an for of higher land Machiavelli system. other defiantly an world illustrated and changed, than legally themselves, was must, use chaos. became violation times gun goal decent Lao-tzu sort in to war not the of that other is create as a themselves, from are all should allow have avoided. have Ching, man but work is a government The today. and states guard as and he both as lead arms, opinion, can a a Tao-te I therefore, states he ancient Ching, some leader, princes lose the War Lao-tzu total to will war. anything hand and time, 2000 fact of system modern his I itself. Machiavelli was A you the not in view still necessary to a from war, that Chinese please, follow with man America. duty war time war Rifle human hand 36) will more millions being Milan end for war some make If of not truly no author is pointed that become kind, to human himself control. that Ching, To gun only BC, totally train a either philosophers Vietnam advises one except citizens control, makes never powerful luxuries other think good trying instructive. there Look which writing war ever and all be be out year only object the For, the philosopher idea author Francesco in he War thought, are I to into freedom. right was American gun that and ruler; the powerful; personal of opposite, them gross He enough. issues. are thus have existed will power; bad prin...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Who Influenced Michael Jordan To Become The Player Essays
Who Influenced Michael Jordan To Become The Player Essays Who Influenced Michael Jordan To Become The Player And Person He Is Today? Davis 1 Who Influenced Michael Jordan to Become the Player and Person He is Today? I. Introduction A. Background B. Thesis Statement II. Body A. Childhood of MJ B. MJ the Child Player C. The College Years D. MJ- The Pro Athlete 1. Life in the NBA 2. Life in the MLB E. Back to the NBA 1. Bye, Bye, Bye (Retirement from the Game) III. Conclusion IV. Appendixes A. Charts and Statistics V. Bibliography Page Davis 2 Introduction Well everyone has theyre own opinion about Michael Jordan, but one thing is certain, he is a phenomenal athlete with a unique combination of grace, power, artistry and the improvisational ability. He is not only the top player of his Era, but is quite possibly the best player to wear the uniform of a NBA team. He is the most recognizable athlete in the world and is believed to be the best there ever was, is, or ever will be. ( A person to this magnitude has obviously a success, being able to have a family of his own and, knowing that there are thousands of people looking up to him, and being many peoples idol. To be able to stand the pressure of being a national symbol of greatness, you have to have a driving force. This driving force has been known to be the edge a lot of people have needed to make it over. Michael Jordans family helped him to fight and become one of the most influential, successful, and professional sports figures ever. Body Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, NY, to a proud Deloris and James Jordan. (; Now this very first point may seem like no big deal but its something in itself. Jordan almost wasnt born. In 1963, when Deloris was carrying Mike her mother died unexpectedly causing her to fall into a deep depression and stress period. Fearing a miscarriage the family doctor ordered her to bed rest. (Greene 12; I Davis 3 always said that Michaels birth was like a sign. I lost my mother while I was carrying Michael, and he was my godsend. Michael was the happiness he sent me after a very sad time in my life. Deloris (qtd. In Halberstam 48) The near miscarriage was very bad. James (qtd. in Halberstam 49) Michael the Jordans 4th child lived in a pretty much average house, which was on the lower end of the economic pool. When Mike was 2 he had a really close brush with death. James (Mikes father) was outside tuning up his car at his parents house. The ground was still soaked from the earlier downpour. Two extension cords let him stretch a lamp from the kitchen outlet to under the hood of his car. During his labor he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Mike had escaped his playpen and, was on his way to make it a father- son- project. James ran towards him bit it was too late. Mike walked right into the junction of the wires and began playing with them. A sudden surge of current sent him flying back about 3 feet, where he landed in too much shock to cry. (Greats of the; James put a net up in the backyard and the boys played all the time. Michaels older brother Larry always beat him. Growing up Mikes favorite sport was baseball, and he was quite good too! He was the MVP of Dixie League and received a scholarship to Mickey Owen Baseball Camp. Michael got better at basketball and, decided to try out for the Varsity Laney High Basketball Team but, wasnt good enough as a sophomore. Jordan, as a sophomore, played on JV and, averaged 27.8 PPG. Jordan after junior year was Davis 4 invited to play at the 5-star Camp where colleges recruited. MJ won 10 trophies including 2 MVPs. The University of North Carolina recruited Jordan. Dean Smith the winningest coach in NCAA basketball history coached Mike. (Greene 52; Halberstam 27, Most people thought that Mike would come and sit the bench. They were startled when they found out he was a season opener starter. ( Mike had a great time playing for UNC, and his nest move was to become eligible for the NBA draft. Mike was 3rd pick behind Hakeem Olajuwon (Houston)
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Summary of the Medea Tragedy by Euripides
Summary of the Medea Tragedy by Euripides The plot of the Greek poet Euripides Medea tragedy is convoluted and messy, rather like its antihero, Medea. It was first performed at the Dionysian Festival in 431 BCE, where it famously won third (last) prize against entries by Sophocles and Euphorion. In the opening scene, the nurse/narrator tells us that Medea and Jason have lived together for some time as husband and wife in Corinth, but theirs is a troubled union. Jason and Medea met at Colchis, where King Pelias had sent him to capture the magical golden fleece from Medeas father King Aaetes. Medea saw and fell in love with the handsome young hero, and so, despite her fathers desire to retain possession of the precious object, helped Jason to escape. The couple fled first Medeas Colchis, and then after Medea was instrumental in the death of King Pelias at Iolcos, fled that region, finally arriving at Corinth. Medea Is Out, Glauce Is In At the opening of the play, Medea and Jason are already the parents of two children during their life together, but their domestic arrangement is about to end. Jason and his father-in-law-to-be, Creon, tell Medea that she and her children must leave the country so that Jason may marry Creons daughter Glauce in peace. Medea is blamed for her own fate and told that if she hadnt behaved like a jealous, possessive woman, she could have remained in Corinth. Medea asks for and is granted one days reprieve, but King Creon is fearful, and rightly so. During that one days time, Medea confronts Jason. He retaliates, blaming Medeas banishment on her own temper. Medea reminds Jason of what she has sacrificed for him and what evil she has done on his behalf. She reminds him that since she is from Colchis and is, therefore, a foreigner in Greece and without a Greek mate, she will not be welcome anywhere else. Jason tells Medea that he has given her enough already, but that he will recommend her to the care of his friends (and he has many as witnessed by the gathering of the Argonauts). Jasons Friends and Medeas Family Jasons friends need not be bothered because as it turns out Aegeus of Athens arrives and agrees that Medea may find refuge with him. With her future assured, Medea turns to other matters. Medea is a witch. Jason knows this, as do Creon and Glauce, but Medea seems appeased. She presents a wedding gift to Glauce of a dress and crown, and Glauce accepts them. The theme of poisoned clothing should be familiar to those who know of the death of Hercules. When Glauce puts on the robe it burns her flesh. Unlike Hercules, she immediately dies. Creon dies, too, trying to help his daughter. Although thus far, Medeas motives and reactions seem at least understandable, then Medea does the unspeakable. She slaughters her own two children. Her revenge comes when she witnesses Jasons horror as she flies off to Athens in the chariot of the sun god Helios (Hyperion), her ancestor.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Motorolas Chances in the Wireless Market as of Today Case Study
Motorolas Chances in the Wireless Market as of Today - Case Study Example The market today is rapidly changing as the rise in technology continually affects the future of the use of the mobile technology. Most mobile companies have come up with mobile devices in order to match the harsh competition in the market, just like the Motorola Company. Motorola has hit the wireless market remarkably by its contribution with the wireless devices. The Company has made wireless network infrastructure including the handheld computers, mobile phones, and other security management softwares. Their products are made designed to offer flexibility in the current global network. They provide communication in the real time, which is fundamental to providing solutions to today’s challenges (Burda 2). The Motorola Company has moved up to embrace the wireless technology that is today the common means of communication. So far, the Motorola Company has grown up to meet the competition in the wireless market. Motorola has not only provided the latest mobile devices but has also come up with solutions to the demand of rapid communication in the mobile industry. Thus, Motorola has come up with mobile devices that enhance connectivity, safety, and productivity that lead to everyday solutions to communication challenges. Unlike other mobile companies, Motorola has penetrated rapidly and has been on the forefront, to ensure the delivery of the latest products to the market. In this regard, Motorola has today grown significant as its mobile devices are used widely in the leading industries such as the hospitality industry (Burda 5). The technology industry has since adjusted to making products, which are appropriate to the use of the internet and other new applications. Their devices are safe for use in the schools and colleges. Motorola has since been available to all market segments. Today, Motorola is looks forward to release other devices that will enhance high speed connectivity and improve communication and internet access worldwide.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Made In The USA Still Means Something Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Made In The USA Still Means Something - Essay Example Sirkin believes that public’s growing concerns need to alleviated and positive picture should be brought forward. Sirkin supports this view by informing the readers that US is still producing goods of 2.5 percent more worth than China, which is considered to be the biggest manufacturing industry today. Even in the last year, US reported to export goods worth $1.377 trillion (Sirkin, 2009). Sirkin concludes his article by providing the right course of action which involves effort on the part of the policymakers and managers. In order to understand Sirkin’s perspective, we must be aware that outsourcing is slowly killing the manufacturing industry of US since MNEs are interested in investing R&D in the outsourced countries. Sirkin is taking for granted the fact the certain figures have dropped drastically in the past year and China is quickly catching up despite being a developing economy. Also US, by focusing on manufacturing for only certain sectors such as chemical and aircrafts, is giving way to China as the world’s largest manufacturer. If we take Sirkin’s argument seriously, we should realize that now is the time to act when US is still the biggest manufacturing industry. If the pessimism continues, US will lose its power to the outsourcing countries and the manufacturing industry will be outdated in the true sense. Sirkin has provided a way forward by pointing out that the outdated manufacturing plants can easily be replaced with state-of-the-art manufacturing plants if we clo se the old ones down and make way through policies and actions for new
Profit and Loss Account Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Profit and Loss Account - Coursework Example The indirect costs (those that cannot be directly attributed to generating revenue) are then deducted from the gross profit to give a net income figure. A single profit and loss account provides information about how much it costs to generate sales, and how much room for manoeuvre the business has before an increase in the costs of generating those sales causes the business to become unviable (e.g. raw materials may increase to a point where it is no longer financially viable to make a particular product). This can be shown by considering the gross profit as a percentage of the sales revenue. The same can be applied to the indirect expenses of the business. Monitoring these costs can indicate when a particular supplier is becoming too expensive, and the business should look for another supplier who offers better value for money. The net profit figure, as a percentage of the sales revenue indicates the total effect of all costs relating to the business and whether the business continu es to be viable and generates profits for the owner (in this case Peter).Peter’s profit and loss account indicates that he rents property rather than owning his own factory or workshop. The depreciation figure is not broken down, which means that the type of assets that are subject to depreciation cannot be seen, although the motor expenses indicate that the business probably owns some form of motor vehicle.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Weekly reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Weekly reflection - Essay Example Therefore, the goals of anyone who is studying business will be to be able to make viable decisions either as an employee, employer, or a manager in a business organization. Studying business enables someone to be of contribution to the economic growth and development of a country. My expectations at the beginning of this unit were that I would be able to understand the most important aspects of business operation and management. However, after going through this subject I am surprised that I was able to know more than I ever expected. Initially I used to imagine that business was all about the process of selling and buying. I never paid much attention to the external factors that might be of effect to the buying and selling processes. I was surprised to come to the realization that there are some underlying factors that influence day-to-day business activities. During the lectures I was able to develop some level of appreciation towards my lecturer and classmates. The lecturer would come and make sure that he explained every detail of the week’s coverage frequently giving us a chance to seek clarification. I would have trouble understanding some of the terms at the beginning, but was able to get conversant with them as time went by. The modules were of high help because they helped me in understanding some of the concepts that I might have not been able to understand in class. The modules sourced from MyBecket also proved to be high importance in understanding the subject. Business can be described as a way of dealing with scarcity. Given the fact that scarcity is a common problem, societies have to find ways through which they can deal with the problem. Business as a process involves inputs being transformed into outputs that are capable of satisfying the wants and needs of consumers. Inputs include things such as land, labour, materials, technology, finance, managerial skills, and many
Network Security Risk Assessment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Network Security Risk Assessment - Term Paper Example This paper gives a critical analysis and discussion of Fast Distribution, Inc. with a view of investigating its information assets, organizational risk, security posture and problems which leads to the recommendation of the ways that can be implemented in order to mitigate the information security problem within the organization. Organizational Assets Fast Distribution, Inc. has both human capital and equipment assets. These assets are important in facilitating the central role or functions of the organization. The necessity of the company assets is revealed by their role in helping the company to make its supply chain management business possible. The human resource as a valuable asset comprises of the more than 3200 employees who work for the company to make it achieve its objectives. The human capital also includes the management of the company which is engaged in making important decisions for the success of the company’s coordination of warehousing, distribution, staging, transportation in additional to the relationship with the wholesaler, Value Added Resellers and customers. In an information system, the people are the human resource and expertise who are involved in various organizational activities and processes. These include the clients, staff, management, suppliers and distributors (Dalanhese, 2007). Data or information is one of the most important assets of the company because it helps organization to function and survive in the business environment through its application to enhance all business processes and to compete favorably within the market. Since the company is automated, the information systems within its functional areas are also vital assets for the company. The operations of FDI depend on technology and thus the computing systems of the organization are crucial assets which make the business activities of the company possible and running in an efficient and effective manner. The networking within the organization illustrates var ious component assents of the company’s information system. An information system is a combination of hardware, software, procedures, policies, people, information and data which is involved in the management of organizational business functions with an aim of meeting organizational objectives and goals with efficiency and effectiveness. The hardware within information systems includes the physical aspects of the system such as computer components and the related equipment. The software is a set of applications that are used together with the hardware to effectively perform organizational or business functions. The software applications include information processing systems, finance and accounting packages, anti malware applications, statistical tools and word processing packages (Brown, 2003). The hardware assets of FDI include its terminals or computers, servers, switches, routers, application mainframes and bridgeheads. The software components of the organization help to make the hardware function. The software applications of the company are important assets and include the operating systems for its servers and terminals, database management packages, financial and human resource management systems. The software for management of the company’s information systems is an important asset for the company. The software assets include transaction processing systems which are a set of applications for the processing of the daily activities and processes of an organization. Decision supports systems are other examples of information systems that are important in the decision making process of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Rebuttal Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rebuttal Argument - Essay Example Wild animals still entail the intrinsic trait of being unsecure. Therefore, people ought to vision beyond their passions and seek to secure themselves. Another reason for not legalizing the taming of exotic animals is that of common sense (USA Today). Wild animals are meant to be as such. Therefore, people should cage normal pets as opposed to the exotic ones. This is because there are animals designated to be pets and others meant to stay in the natural stay. This general sense is what those keeping wild animals lack. In addition, wild animals can never be pets because of passion for the exotic animal. This refers to the verity that certain people take to mistreating the exotic animals. This happens when they fail to bestow their liberty of nature. Moreover, wild animals thrive in conditions with provisions of nature. Therefore, when someone takes to mistreating the animals, this depicts that they entail no fairness. Opinion countering that of the editorial is that there are exceedingly low chances of deaths caused by exotic animals. For instance, statistics prove that only 3.25 Percent of people become executed by exotic animals (USA Today). Therefore, wild animals depict exceedingly limited risks pertaining to people’s safety. There are no explanations as to why people should evade exotic animals becoming their pets. Another reason is that having wild animals as pets eradicates strain on the natural populace (USA Today). This explains that competition among wild animals becomes exceedingly negligible. Therefore, resources become sufficient for the other masses. On the contrary, tamed animals are availed with necessities by the owner. This is ensures that natural endowments are ample for animals. According to The Humane Society of the United States, another reason is that exotic populace acts as a backing for extinction of the wild life. This means that in events where wild animals become rare, the tamed ones save the situation.
Network Security Risk Assessment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Network Security Risk Assessment - Term Paper Example This paper gives a critical analysis and discussion of Fast Distribution, Inc. with a view of investigating its information assets, organizational risk, security posture and problems which leads to the recommendation of the ways that can be implemented in order to mitigate the information security problem within the organization. Organizational Assets Fast Distribution, Inc. has both human capital and equipment assets. These assets are important in facilitating the central role or functions of the organization. The necessity of the company assets is revealed by their role in helping the company to make its supply chain management business possible. The human resource as a valuable asset comprises of the more than 3200 employees who work for the company to make it achieve its objectives. The human capital also includes the management of the company which is engaged in making important decisions for the success of the company’s coordination of warehousing, distribution, staging, transportation in additional to the relationship with the wholesaler, Value Added Resellers and customers. In an information system, the people are the human resource and expertise who are involved in various organizational activities and processes. These include the clients, staff, management, suppliers and distributors (Dalanhese, 2007). Data or information is one of the most important assets of the company because it helps organization to function and survive in the business environment through its application to enhance all business processes and to compete favorably within the market. Since the company is automated, the information systems within its functional areas are also vital assets for the company. The operations of FDI depend on technology and thus the computing systems of the organization are crucial assets which make the business activities of the company possible and running in an efficient and effective manner. The networking within the organization illustrates var ious component assents of the company’s information system. An information system is a combination of hardware, software, procedures, policies, people, information and data which is involved in the management of organizational business functions with an aim of meeting organizational objectives and goals with efficiency and effectiveness. The hardware within information systems includes the physical aspects of the system such as computer components and the related equipment. The software is a set of applications that are used together with the hardware to effectively perform organizational or business functions. The software applications include information processing systems, finance and accounting packages, anti malware applications, statistical tools and word processing packages (Brown, 2003). The hardware assets of FDI include its terminals or computers, servers, switches, routers, application mainframes and bridgeheads. The software components of the organization help to make the hardware function. The software applications of the company are important assets and include the operating systems for its servers and terminals, database management packages, financial and human resource management systems. The software for management of the company’s information systems is an important asset for the company. The software assets include transaction processing systems which are a set of applications for the processing of the daily activities and processes of an organization. Decision supports systems are other examples of information systems that are important in the decision making process of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Biology Questions Essay Example for Free
Biology Questions Essay Q: Summarize the steps of the scientific method. Describe an experiment of your choice, which demonstrates the basic considerations that must be taken in the design of a good, manipulative experiment. Now that you know some details of how scientists solve problems, how might you apply that knowledge to your daily life? A: The scientific method is one of the most if not the most important method that scientists use to learn about the earth. The goal is to apply the scientific method to determine a cause and effect relationship. The scientific method is made up of five detailed steps, these steps are: I. Make an observation A scientist sees something that he cannot explain, but is very interested and would like to explain the phenomenon. II. Ask Questions After the observation is seen, the scientist comes up with a group of questions such as who, what, where, why, and how. These questions significantly help the scientist narrow down the effects of the phenomenon. III. Develop a Hypothesis A hypothesis is a proposition set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomena, either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide investigation or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts. This hypothesis must have the ability to be either true, or false. IV. Make Predictions If the hypothesis is correct, scientists will make a prediction on how they think the experiment will end. This helps them have a starting point if the hypothesis is correct. V. Test the Predictions Experimental tests may lead to the confirmation of the prediction, or to the corruption of a prediction. If the hypothesis is not correct, the scientific method requires that the hypothesis must be modified. The prediction must agree with the experiment to believe that it is a valid description of nature. A great experiment that demonstrates the basic considerations that must be taken in the design of a good, manipulative experiment is Galileo’s leaning tower of Pisa experiment. Galileo had two balls of different masses, one heavy, and one light, and dropped them at the same time off of the leaning tower of Pisa. Galileo used the scientific method to make and prediction that their time of descent was independent of their mass. He found out that the objects fell at the same acceleration, proving hid hypothesis to be true, and also proving Aristotle’s theory of gravity to be false. I will apply the scientific method to my daily life in many ways. When I see an interesting observation that I do not know of, I will now create a mini hypothesis that applies to the observation. I will then ask some questions as in what is it? Or how does it do that? Etc. I will then either research the task at hand, or create my own demonstration on the phenomenon. If my hypothesis does not agree with the conclusion, I will re apply a new hypothesis and begin again. I enjoy learning new information and think this will be very amusing. Q: Describe the difference between anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism. Tell which of these positions your views of the environment most closely approximate. Why? A: Anthropocentrism is the tendency that human beings regarding themselves as the most significant entities in the universe. While Biocentrism is an ethical point of view that extends value to non-human species. Ecocentrism is used to regard a nature-centered system of values, as opposed to human and non-human centered. The position that I deem approximate to my view would be the Ecocentrism system of values. The reason I chose Ecocentrism is because in my opinion, a nature-centered sustem of values is very safe and rewarding. Too many people are human-centered and only care about themselves in this world. The Anthropocentrism people are destroying our environment on this planet by not caring about preserving this earth. If we are all nature-centered and do our best everyday to help preserve this earth, we can all change the world together and keep the air clean, the ground picked up, and the streets worry free for our future generation.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Innovations of Nokia Technology
Innovations of Nokia Technology EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The technology in the world is highly rapid rated and just business who might adjust to quick changes in the electronic market can struggle. Technology is perpetually developing. Different companies to present opinion with more innovative products. The customers are given information about the market. They may simply from one company to another company. The challenging is so difficult amongst companies. INTRODUCTION This assignment will explain about Nokia company. Besides it will illustrate innovations of Nokia, analysis of company and marketing strategy of Nokia. Moreover it also will say recommendations about Nokia company and value chain analysis of Nokia company. Today , in the world which has high technology, many people see innovations as an area of their daily life. Innovations such as mobile phones are expedient and carriable and it is selled in a mixture design, shape and colour with unlike functions. Nokia is becoming the directing brand in the mobile phone market have with success enlarged their electronic market by succeeding more than 1,6 billion mobile phone definitions through the world. They help carry out a main human need for social contact with Nokias duty to contact people. Nokia constructed bridge amongst people as they are quitre apart. Nokia is the world director in the mobile telecommunication. Nokia began the external market in 2000. they made a rise their sales with technology of networks and products. They centre on individualised communication technology. Nokia innovated technology to let people to access internet applications ,tools and services instantly.they take care the problem that the person said them , build up the networks system more for they may enlarge quicker than other industry on electronic market. HISTORY OF Nokia History of Nokia begins in 1895, as engineer Fredrik Idestam founded a wood pulp mill in southern Finland and began manufacturing paper. Because of European industrial enterprise and the development using up of paper and card board Nokia soon become productive. In 1895 Fredrik Idestam handed over the reins of the company to his son in law Gustaf Fogelholm.( products of Nokia were sold aboard first to Russia after that to the france and uk. The factory of Nokia appealed an imperative workforce and a small residential area developed around it. A community called Nokia still exists on the riverbank of Emakoski in southern Ireland. The hydroelectricity which the woodpulp mill used appealed the Finnish Rubber Works to found a factory in Nokia. The Finnish Rubber Works purchased the majority of the Finnish Cable Works shares after world war II. The companies were merged to form the Nokia Group.( When the Nokia gr oup was organised, the sales of Nokia group as 3 percent was produced and the Nokia electronics supplied job for so many people. Processes of Nokia quickly enlarged to different business areas and products throughout the 1980s. the plan was to make it large quickly in all their business areas. Nokia was an important television manufacturer and in the Nordic countries in 1988.( Nokia launched its first 3G phone which is called Nokia 6650. Today Nokia is a leader of the world in digital technology such as mobile phones, wireless data solutions, multimedia terminals. Success of Nokia is reposed on stable innovation. Human technology of Nokia is about increasing communication and searching new ways to interchange knowledge. INNOVATIONS OF Nokia TECHNOLOGY Companies in each business area innovate products. There are competitive situation amongst companies. It creates competitive advantage. Companies are trying to get the better of this in an industry. It can be seen in the mobile phone market. Nokia has been leader of this market recently. But , Nokia has so many rivals such as Samsung , sony. The products which is innovated are accepted as an advantage and companies might increase the products life cycle. It is as a product is decaying and is being resuscitated. Nokia still holds the largest share of the mobile phone market, but its sales and profits are stagnant while those of rival Samsung electronics of korea are zooming(daft,2007) Many organizations would like to keep their situation of director as business mostly assume the approach as being better to direct than adopt. For companies to direct, they should find any such competition and evaluate its furiousness and deflect getting left back. An abstract from the journal Innovation Implementation: Overcoming the challenge by Katherine Klien and Andrew Knight has stated thatâ€Å"In changing work environments, innovation is imperative. Yet, many teams and organizations fail to realise the expected benefits of innovations that they adopt. A key reason is not innovation failure but implementation failure-the failure to gain targeted employees skilled, consistent, and committed use of the innovation in question. According to this adjustment from the journal, it has been discussed that some companies who innovate and extend a brand too far and in the long run could fall short. This is thought as troubled innovation. These kind of innovations can be seen in Nokia. Companies think that product innovation is a crucial effect. That is why they try to manage it successfully. Innovation is complicated and companies are aided to make it simpler to get by crushing it in to parts on a sample. There are so many innovations in Nokia technology. I would like to talk about Nokia 67 00 classic. It is a new innovation. Nokia has always brought off to plus bread and butter phones to their line up. This innovation might be used by both business and casual people. Nokia was likely the first one to establish mobile phones having bluetooth including color display with the 6230i and 6310i. the next one is the Nokia 6300 classic which is similar to the other ones. But it is little bit better by developing. The trusted candy bar design had a flush keypad and smooth flowing lines. The hand set is designed such that it weights only 116g and also has a much improved battery life of around 5 hours talktime along with the standby time of around 300 hours. This feature is certainly considered far better as compared to its older version which is called 6300.( the menu for this mobile phone is so self generated. Person does not need to get an direction book. Because this phone has got 5 way navigation system. Nokia established the new innovation which is 6700. it is described as GSM quad band handset which is enabled with 3G system. Because of that people can send and receive data to another people. Ä °t is fitted out with a 5 megapiksel camera. Ä °t can be took quality photos and videos. Ä °t has autofocus lens, flash models and LED flashand a committed 4X digital zoom power. Normally some mobile phones Has got limitations. But , this phone does not have any limitations. Ä °t is increased its capacity of memory to 8 GB as micro SD chip. This is helpful for people. Because one wants to save photos and videos person can store them without influencing the normal function of phone. Ä °t is an usual multimedia player with RDS FM radio that can be played some latest songs and music. VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS Value chain become a known managements strong analysis tool for strategic planning. Kotelnikov (2001) defined value chain as a high-level model of how businesses receive raw materials as input, add value to the raw materials through various processes, and sell finished products to customers. Value chain is a crucial tool to business improvement because it adopted the opinion that according to Kotelnikov (2001) â€Å"success in digital economy is the implementation of an integrated value chain that extends across and beyond the enterprise†The bigeminal value chain people who take part in company such as managers, customers workers should hand over value and endeavour for a common purpose. Nokia is being a leader of mobile communications technology. Nokia must carry out value chain as a function and a crucial tool in corporate strategy of Nokia. The purpose of Nokia to labour development and sustainability of the wide mobility industry. Ä °t endeavours to reach people via innovative and user friendly mobile phones, tools and solutions for imagination. Forms and styles in an invariably developing product such as mobile phones are so important for Nokia. Being in front of its competitors and informed with the charging needs of Nokias customers is hold Nokia in front of mobile industry. Changes in the international business view can affect the value chain of Nokia during the next 5 years. This is so because of comfoming to charge and making essential allotment for it is crucial for Nokia. Ä °t can be thought as matter as well value chain is not include consisted of the individual business just. Ä °t also concerns to the supply chains and distribution works. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths and oppurtunities The strengths of Nokia are scarcely for or few between Nokia company have been the company which win the european quality awards. The opportunities in Nokia are interminable as a environmental leader. The Nokia has the advantage of benefits of innovations, particularly in the handset market. They presently control of so many of the handset market. Nokia is nearly twice that of Motorola. Consequently Nokia brought in the superlative differences in the mobile phone industry. Nokia showed new ventures adn improvement. Nokias two top competitors are Motorola and Ericsson. All three companies offer cellular phones that are technically similar. Further more, indicated that brand equity is represented by customers recognition of consistent quality, satisfactory physical attributes of the product, and other emotional satisfiers. (Duffy, J. 2000) Moreover , Nokia has so powerful marque acknowledgement. Nokia mobile phones have qualifications more than only methods of speaking such as a fashion situaton. This was an answer of consumer satisfaction. Nokia realised that the mobile phones which look smart could be more effective for people than its techniqual qualifications outside the peoples care of dependability and good serving. Thus , the mobile phones of Nokia has become popular. Ä °t made them reliable brand. Consumers are searching mobile phones because of its name. This authority has resulted it to rise its popularity. Consequently , the organizations expect to get this advantage and go on to improve productive and clever processes of mobile technology. Especially they expect to get an advance from the improvement of their new technology of phones which continue the 3G technologies. Weakness and threats Ä °n spite of Nokia goes on to control in the mobile phone market, Nokia should be cognisant of the rising challenge in an industry. Which is tightly bordering on a developed market. The yearly sales of mobile phones is decreasing substantially. The challenge had risen to deal with this developed market. Nokia must keep on top of this challenge particularly when the japanese companies attempt getting the direct on the improvement of the next generation phones. Organisational structure of Nokia Nokias organizational structure is pliable and variable, uncessantly boosting innovation and organised improvement.organizational plans of Nokia alter as rapid as the mobile phone industry alters. In the mobile phone industry, a flexible organizational structure is crucial because the designs appropriate for business development change as quickly as the business itself. Nokia said that operations outsourcing would be instrumental in helping operators achieve further operations expenditure savings and move away from day-to-day operations of their networks and focus on serving their customers. (Nordic Business Report, Feb 20 2004) Nokia Ventures Organization (NVO) launched in 1998 is a good sample of Nokias pliable organizational structure. NVO was founded to test and improve emergent opinions that had the potential to produce great amounts of revenue. NVO searches many business opportunities and incorporates the feasible ones into Nokias operating business. Over the past 15 years, Nokia has exited from many businesses which did not fit into its overall plans. For Nokia, organizational abilities means that having the skill to have people jointly capable of working together in a quickly changing environment by improving a new product and taking it to market. It also implies, having the people in the organization able to work together in an attempt to innovate, to reply to consumer needs, to see the value suggestion and to decently carry out the organizations strategy. Nokia has a powerful dominant culture, and the pronounced orientation for a decisional or power base which greatly gravitates around the dominant Finn culture. Deployment of Nokia ability in various wireless domains is the hallmark of Nokias present strategy. RECOMMENDATIONS It should protect itself threats from its rivals It should be ready quick change in the market which can be reason increasing of costs, quick obsolescence of mobile phones, new standards and rules A new focus in customer segment should be required to keep its market leadership. It should challenge from coming out rivals and as overcapitalized market. It needed businesses and applications improvers to hedge commitments to Nokia platforms due to stiff competition faced outside its dominant market. It faces market impregnation in the industry causing new endorsers to go down and sales improvement to worsen Share Data Conclusion To sum up, The Nokia company examined in this assignment comprises the modern pliable global organization that by technological innovation and attractive design appeal moves fleetly via the booming wireless telecommunication market. The company is a director in the mobile phone business in the consumer products and one of the main players in the business networks units as well. When it comes to delivering product design innovations to mobile device users, Nokia is the company against which all others are judged.(lindholm,keinonen, 2003). It innovates the best technology and plays important role in improving a new standard for communications to the future. With sales growth and the market size and potential in the future showing no signs of dropping, Nokia is in a large place to successfully improve and keep its controller position. Some dangers could become from the rising challenge but Nokias research and powerful brand recognition because of its design will sustain the company in t he spotlight for a long time.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Right to Abortion Essay -- Abortion Birth Pregnancy Argumentative Essa
Right to Abortion           Abortion has always been a controversial subject among everybody whether they are involved directly or indirectly, whether they are for it or against it. It is nearly impossible to find someone who doesn't have an opinion about abortion. Both those who favor or oppose abortion make superior arguments to defend their beliefs and views. Personally, I think every last person is entitled to his or her own opinions, beliefs, thoughts, and rights. And yes, women have rights too, and denying women the right to choose abortion in the early stages of fetal development is denying her rights as a US citizen and is also discriminating against her. I think that abortion should be restricted to the first 21 weeks, which is when most of the tests can be taken to determine the health of the fetus. Anything after that might be immoral, since the fetus can very well live outside the mother's womb; although, it does depend on the situation. Abortion should unquestionably not be used as a primary birth control use. It should be determined based on the circumstances of the pregnancy. A woman should have the choice to have an abortion if she is raped, impregnated by a disturbed man or by incest. It would be unfair to force a rape victim to bear an unwanted baby and give up all the dreams she ever had and be reminded of that rape for the rest of her life. I also think a womanà ¢s life should not be sacrificed or put at risk, a woman should be able to abort if th...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
To Censor Science or Not to Censor Science :: Analysis, Donohue
The Censoring of science may seem like it is restricting scientist’s ability to share their knowledge with one another, but censorship is protecting the United States citizens. In the article, â€Å"Censoring Science Won’t Make Us Any Safer†the author Donohue (2011) said, â€Å"Citizens are entitled to know when their milk, their water, their bridges their hospitals lack security precautions†(p. 398). The author believed that United States citizens have a right to know when they are in danger. To refute this argument, would be to say that, if the government does not have some sort of regulation set up to inhibit the sharing of biological secrets, our nations security will still be at risk. Donahue believed that censoring science has put the United States at the same risk as not censoring. Donahue (2011) stated â€Å"the effort to suppress scientific information reflects a dangerously outdated attitude†(p. 396). Donahue supported this claim by explaining several cases in science where sharing information from microbiological studies have helped science move forward. One such study was done by scientists in Australia. The study was finding a disease that would kill rodents. The scientists found a disease similar to smallpox that was called mousepox. With the research that they discovered and published the researchers from St. Louis University found a defense against such a disease. Donahue (2011) declared â€Å"This result would undoubtedly not have been achieved, or at least not as quickly, without the attention drawn by the ASM article†(p. 397). Most scientists want to be able to share their data. Scientists are autonomous by nature. Begelman (1968) refuted an argument made by I. L. Horowitz, who was a scientist that believed that the government was in â€Å"gross violations of the autonomous nature of science†(p.70). Begelman believed conversely, that there is a system of checks and balances in the government regulation system, and that this system is in place to protect citizens. The autonomous nature of science is not being dispelled just because there are a few government regulations on publishing scientific information. National security should always be considered when publishing information that could potentially be used against the United States. Scientists need to be aware of this potential threat and practice self-censorship. In the journal, â€Å"A Tale of Two Studies†, Segelid (2007) said â€Å"We recognize that on occasion an editor may conclude that the potential harm of publication outweighs the potential societal benefits.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Nursing and Health Care Foundations
Identify one area of nursing research that has improved patient outcomes. State the study and its impact on patient care. How have these findings changed your nursing practice? The American Association of Colleges of Nursing , believes that education has a major impact on the knowledge and competencies of the nurse clinician. AACN helps employers to get benefit on the education and experience provided by the different educational programs leading to the registered nurse description by using these nurses in different capacities.BSN graduates bring exceptional skills to their work as nursing clinicians and play an important role in the safe patient care. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found that surgical patients in Magnet hospitals had 14% lower chances of inpatient death within 30 days and 12% lower chances of failure-to-rescue compared with patients cared for in non-Magnet hospitals. These study states that these effects were creditedin large part to investments in highly qualified and educated nurses. You can read also Coronary Artery Disease Nursing Care PlanStudies have also found that baccalaureate nurses have stronger communication and problem solving skills and a higher ability to make nursing diagnoses and for nursing interventions. The federal government, the military, nurse executives, health care foundations, nursing organizations, and practice settings recognize the exceptional value of baccalaureate-prepared nurses and advocate for an increase in the number of BSN nurses across clinical settings. Nurses with Bachelor of Science in Nursing degrees are well organized to meet the demands placed on today's nurse.BSN nurses are valued for their expertise in critical thinking, leadership, case management, and health promotion, and for their ability to practice in inpatient and outpatient settings. Nurse executives, federal agencies, the military, leading nursing organizations, health care foundations, magnet hospitals, and minority nurse advocacy groups all accept the unique value that baccalaureate-prepared nurses bring to the practice setting. Reference The Impact of Education on Nursing Practice (2008). Retrieved from The American Association of Colleges of Nursing http://www. aacn. nche. edu/media-relations/Fact-sheets/impact-of-education
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Regular Attendance In University Is Essential Academic Achievement Education Essay
Questions of personal development of pupils and the formation of their preparedness for future professional activities are keys to the theory and pattern of bettering the work of modern instruction institutions.A This is because the initial stage of â€Å" assimilation †with profession comes merely during larning, every bit good as the procedure of self-government of a immature adult male in life: he forms his life and philosophical places, develop individualised methods of work, behaviour and communication.A In this instance one of the taking jobs is to construct such a system in educational establishments that will be optimum for non merely personal development of pupils, but besides their professional development as specializers, their preparedness to work. Consequently, more pressing becomes the job of placing the relationship and mutuality of two procedures: the personal and professional development of pupil and the procedure of studying.A That ‘s why it is necessary to find how the acquisition procedure and attending of college or school affect personal features of pupils: their professionalism, willingness to work, deepness of cognition, and a entire success in the future profession. Education is portion of the procedure of personality formation.A Through this procedure, society transmits cognition, accomplishments from one individual to many other.A During analyzing the pupil is non merely given, but besides imposes certain points of position, sentiments, societal and cultural values.A The acquisition procedure is aimed at the socialisation of the person, but sometimes it interferes with the true involvements of the pupil. For illustration, some pupils prefer the procedure of self-cultivation and non go toing schools or college, but instead choose acquisition by correspondence or distance learning.A Besides the promotion of engineering, utilizing computing machine web to record talks and to upload class contents has facilitated pupils in an online larning environment to entree stuff and to reiterate schoolroom experience after category, or even without go toing category. Concern for betterments in pupil acquisition has attracted a big sum of literature in hunt for the correlativity of category attending and pupil public presentation, peculiarly in the present clip when about everything is accessible online. But here the inquiry arises: how effectual is that instruction? A Besides, some pupils do non go to school or college because it is a waste of clip for them.A However, in the hereafter, these pupils will hold to work, and their professional cognition and accomplishments are in question.A Consequently, there is a cardinal inquiry: how attending of the university or college affects the professionalism and success in the future work of the pupil? Nowadays a batch of schools and colleges have introduced a policy of rigorous attending, that means all pupils must go to categories, and both parents and instructors must command that procedure. These policies of rigorous attending have caused a batch of statements for and against. This paper will analyse the importance of attending policy at schools and colleges, and its importance for pupils public presentation and good professional accomplishments. The paper will show three points of position: one back uping rigorous attending policy, A one who is opposed to attending policy, and one that can take either side.The importance of attending in the acquisition procedureThe traditional signifier of instruction is the internal signifier, when pupils should purely go to categories, talks and seminars.A Most pupils continue to take this signifier of instruction despite the troubles of economic nature: during 5 old ages pupils will non be able to work full clip, and will hold to give most of the clip to studying.A In this paper we consider the importance of such signifier of instruction for pupils, and in peculiar the importance of attending of categories for their future professional activities. The chief intent of full-time instruction, when pupils attend categories, is that the acquisition procedure should give pupils a certain system of cognition, should work out a certain manner of thought, should give pattern of progressive attempts to obtain and utilize the cognition. This type of instruction is the most widely used today and is based on obtaining the cognition and accomplishments under the strategy: the survey of new stuff – consolidation of the stuff learnt – monitoring of consequences and their rating. The chief features of full-time instruction is that: A – foremost, that instructors give pupils their cognition, experience and accomplishments ; A – secondly, instructors non merely provide pupils with the necessary stock of cognition, but besides instruct them on assorted options of life and occupation state of affairss. This suggests that classes in schools and universities non merely provide pupils with all the necessary information, but besides give the societal facets of educating immature people.A The above conditions are complementary, and give pupils all-around development. Based on this, the most common presentation of rigorous attending policy, we should pay attending to some specific characteristics of traditional schooling.A There is a gag that has a deep sense: â€Å" Education – is what remains with a individual after he forgets everything he was taught †.A Indeed, much of the information people get is normally forgotten after some clip, but self-educational and societal facets of larning remain. On this footing, it would be logical to presume, that together with the giving a certain sum of facts and algorithms, the most of import undertaking of instruction is the development of rational capacities of pupils. From a schoolroom direction point of view, there are many logistical grounds to necessitate attending. Group undertakings are really negatively affected when a group member does non demo up for labs. Class morale is lowered when pupils show up tardily and have no hint of the subject being discussed. Students claiming that coming to category is unneeded to acquire good classs influence other pupils, even if they do profit from go toing category. ( Clump et al. 2003 ) However, category expediency is a secondary issue, compared to every teacher ‘s duty to learn her class every bit efficaciously as possible. Learning is a joint and fantastic journey between each pupil, her equals and her teachers. Although the universe of academe is quickly altering with an of all time increasing distance- acquisition constituent, the exclusive reading of a text edition ( or observation of a screen ) can non be compared in profusion and effectivity of a schoolroom experience. To to the full show the importance of lessons attending, it is necessary to give features of pupils who attend lessons. Who is now a regular full-time pupil? A This is normally a immature adult male who understands that for serious work he must hold good cognition and education.A He intentionally chooses a full-time instruction, wishing to give all his clip acquisition, get the hanging the profession.A He believes that the acquired cognition will assist to happen work, to take a worthy topographic point in life, to turn in the profession and to guarantee an acceptable quality of life for themselves and their future household. Many research and experiments about the regular attending show that pupils who attend categories achieve better consequences in instruction. For illustration Clump et Al. ( 2003 ) studied the consequence of go toing category in a class in General Psychology, comparing the public presentation of pupils â€Å" who were present on yearss were given with those who were non present. †They conclude that â€Å" go toing category is one of the best things pupils can make with respects to their classs. This is the instance for both the immediate hereafter and for the full class. †( Clump et al. 2003 ) The advantages of rigorous attending of categories are the undermentioned: 1.A It is an chance for direct communicating with the instructors, because the personal factor plays a immense function in any work, and particularly in instruction as from instructor ‘s talks pupils can larn much more than from a text edition or the Internet. 2.A Students have clip to see libraries, conferences, and that, of class, deepens the theoretical cognition, which is a necessary for professional competence. 3.A Full-time pupils have more chances to recognize themselves in the module and the institute ‘s activities, that is to take part in the informal life of the university.A This is of great importance for pupils, because it is the experience of public addresss, studies and other types of professional activity, which is of import for their future calling.2. Arguments against policy of rigorous attendingAlthough the statements for utilizing an attending policy are obliging, there are many research workers who provide every bit compelling statements against attending policies. Unfortunately, attending policy has some defects, particularly they are of import in our times, when grants are little, and the chance to work for pupils is excluded because of deficiency of clip. Of class, full-time instruction provides fewer chances for parttime occupation, as categories at the institute, as a regulation, take clip from nine o'clock in the forenoon to five o'clock in the evening day-to-day, except weekends. So when some pupils are forced to look for occupations, they have less clip for good perusal, regular visits of talks, seminars and libraries. Another of import ground of statements against rigorous attending is that many pupils presents can hold bad wellness, and some unwellnesss that do non let to regular attend categories. For illustration kids with diabetes, bosom diseases, fleshiness, and some other chronic diseases can frequently experience non good plenty to travel to school or college, and they really frequently stay at place. Health jobs truly prevent pupils from regular and rigorous attending, and that statement can be the most strong. When talking about the rigorous attending policy, it is necessary to take into consideration legion personal factors of pupils, that this policy can non supply. These grounds can be taking attention of brothers and sisters, some active athletics activity, psychological jobs and legion household factors. Besides among the most common ground of bad lessons attending is motive and duty of pupils. Sometimes student semen to high school for really different grounds, for illustration when parents make them to make this.A These pupils frequently failed to see an independent life after graduation, and do non understand why they need certain cognition, what they want in the hereafter profession.A This leads to infantile attitude to educational procedure, focal point on formal memory from some pupils and the desire to merely acquire a good class, or â€Å" faux pas †from others.A Some of the unfavorable judgment for implementing an attending policy is that it assumes that pupils can non judge what is good for them, and that they, non the teacher should make up one's mind if they should go to a peculiar category on a peculiar twenty-four hours. To do a rational determination to go to or jump category, a pupil must judge the value of each of these two options. But, it is in the human nature that immediate necessities are preferred over long-run advantages ( Kahn et al. , 2004 ) . To presume that a immature individual can appreciate the long-run value of instruction is a weighty premise. Of class, the state of affairs is altering in senior classs, when pupil normally already hold a professional involvement, and get down to believe about future employment. In all instances, any determination seems rational from the point of view of the individual taking it. In the instance of category attending, pupils may jump category for grounds that have nil to make with breaking their acquisition. If the pupil is viewed merely as the teacher ‘s client, so any pupil determination is, by definition, right. In both instances, it is a pupil ‘s determination.The 3rd fluctuation of the attending policy – is optionalA attending policyAOptionalA attending policyA is an unfastened educational chance for pupils. A good illustration of optional policy is distant acquisition. A pupil who takes portion in such plan surveies the same course of study and takes the same test as other A pupils, but heA does notA hold to go to the categories because everything, including talks, books, stuffs are available in the cyberspace. Such pupils do non hold to go to regular categories, so they can salvage a batch of clip and money to acquire to college. Students do non hold to acquire up early, to take coachs to gat to college from far off, no more waste clip like this. Alternatively studentsA merely stay at place and doA prep. The chief advantage of distance acquisition is the handiness of preparation and deficiency of demand for attendance.A Distance acquisition is designed for a class of people who, for nonsubjective grounds can non utilize the traditional signifier of training.A These classs include, for illustration, pupils with disablements to wellness, or pupils who need to unite preparation and work.Decision and my attitude to the subjectThis paper shows that there are different point position on the rigorous categories attending policy, that nowadays is introduced in many colleges and schools. The first point is back uping rigorous attending policy, that have adequate and consistent grounds to reason that pupil attending is of import for acquiring good cognition, accomplishments, it improves student academic public presentation and professional features. The 2nd point of position is based on statements against rigorous attending, that is impossible for a batch of pupils. The 3rd point of position touches upon the subject of flexible optional policies, the illustration of which is distance instruction. There are a batch of points back uping the advantages of distance acquisition, stating that this is non merely a convenient signifier of acquisition, but besides a serious option to the traditional signifier in the hereafter: harmonizing to the American Association for Research in Education ( American Educational Research Association ) , in 2010 about two-thirds of the pupils will take it. I to the full agree about the importance of attending policy, as I ‘m certain that college or school attending gives pupils plentifulness of chances to acquire cognition, accomplishments that are necessary for future profession. Such pupils have far more chances non merely to acquire information relevant to the future occupation, but to develop their ain accomplishments and endowments. The decision may be that the chief aim of any instruction is to learn people to believe independently, to learn pupils the chosen topics and professions.A But accomplishing such a end is impossible to conceive of without the activity of pupils interested in the consequences of their preparation. Not the last factor for successful instruction is the personal features of the person, who must hold a clear motivation.A It ‘s no secret that the traditional signifier of acquisition and rigorous attending aid pupil in many ways: supervising the acquisition procedure, every bit good as common aid and support from pupils and instructors. In decision I would wish to observe that the pick of full-time instruction is a major measure for the hereafter of the pupil and his family.A It is hard, but the most productive and promising manner of geting a profession.A More and more immature people nowadays understand that lessons attendance opens new chances for self-fulfillment, happening good occupation, traveling up the societal ladder, supplying a nice criterion of life.
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