Monday, September 30, 2019

Job Application Letter

I-2-10 Blok 1 Lorong Sierra Apartment PH I/3A Jalan Tuaran Menggatal 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah October 4, 2012 Ms Alicesia Yong IEC Group 987 Lorong Jering 2 Sunny Garden Mile 1. 5 Tuaran Road 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Dear Ms Alicesia I am writing in response to your advertisement in the JobStreet. com dated 2 October 2012. I am interested for applying the position of Administration Officer in your company. I am a fresh graduate from University Malaysia Sarawak with Human Resource Development’s bachelor degree.I am applying this position because the position requirements and my skills are a perfect match. During my studies in university I am being exposed to human resource roles in an organisation. I am trained with skills in handling administrative work not only for in managing people but also for documents. Beside that, neuroscience and human development phycology course which I have taken gave me advantages in understanding people better based on their ages and also pers onality.In addition, I have done some research in Institut Tabiran Awan Negara (INTAN) in purpose of making my self familiar working condition in managing people effectively in terms of training and development. Outcome of this research, I leaned skills in interaction with people and get chance to do events for the worker for dinner party and I received such a good complement by my managers. I would like to continue and develop my skills and knowledge in your company. I have worked on my communication skills in English during this event. I can promise that meeting with me will not be a waste of time.I can be contacted via email at [email  protected] com or my phone number 0168447028. I look forward to receiving reply from your company soon and I will be available to interview in start from 10 October until 20 October this year. Thank you. Sincerely Cheryl E. Gitom Encl. : Resume CHERYL E. GITOM I-2-10 Blok 1 Lorong Sierra Apartment PH I/3A Jalan Tuaran Menggatal 88450 Kota Kinabal u, Sabah ————————————————- 0168447028 Human Resource Education Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Resource Development, October 2011, University Malaysia Sarawak.Objective To help and assist administrative work and marketing activities IEC (School of English Language and Further Counselling Services) in an effective way. Management Skills Office skills * Office management, records management and also database administration. * Capable in event management and calendaring. * Clearly understand in documentation progress. Computer skills * Able to use Microsoft Offices such as Word and Publisher and analytic software, IBM SPSS. * Able to do web designing using Dreamweaver and FrontPage. Social skills Communicated effectively with departments to plan meeting and able to prepare event. * Help in coordinate recruitment events with high level standard. * Fluency in speaking Malay and English Language. Experiences Managing Christmas Event * Developing innovative PowerPoint presentation used by the Event Manager to market our company to outsider. * Helped the accounting section to monitor their expanses. * Communicated with other companies to raise some fund. * Entrusted by the leader to handle such a big money and ticketing issues. * Earned excellent marks for being the top seller for the event’s tickets.Involve in Management Research (Institut Tabiran Awam) * Working in group team to observe management of training for new recruits. * Created schedule and manage time for the training programme. * Recommended specific training activities. References Dr Norazila Abdul Aziz Senior Lecturer of  Department of Cognitive Science University Malaysia Sarawak Email:  [email  protected] unimas. my Phone: +6 082 – 581518 Nor Hasniah Ibrahim Lecturer of  Department of  Counselling University Malaysia Sarawak Email:  [email  protected] unimas. my Phone: +6 082 – 581532

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Seven External Factors That Could Influence Business And Marketing Efforts

This paper will follow a young business as it begins the process of establishing itself in the legal world. There are several factors that business must consider before choosing what type of originations the business will become. In the case of this new company they have opted to become an S corporation. An outline of what lead to this decision will be discussed in-depth. In addition the steps that were taken to complete this task. Business Scenario As the reality of the business begins, it becomes very clear that we must start making the necessary steps to legalize the organization.The first step is to registering the business name. After registering Gentle Clean, we must make a decision on whether to become a corporation or a partnership. The first thing that must be considered is making sure that the business is its own entity. It’s very important that the business and its affairs do not affect our personal lives. As well as anything personal rolling over to the business. A LLC is seen as its own legal entity and is treated as completely separate and distinct from its members.An LLC can be sued, can sue, can enter into contracts, and be found liable both civilly and criminally all on its own, separate from the members of the LLC. In addition a LLC can be member- or manager-managed, which determines who has authority to bind the LLC in contracts. A LCC can be taxed as a partnership, resulting in the income being taxed to the partners’ own tax returns, or corporation, meaning it would be taxed as its own entity. C corporation and S corporation have limited liability protection for the owners, and each is seen as a separate legal entity from the owners.The main difference between the two is taxation. The C corporation files its own tax return, and while the S corporation must file corporate tax returns, it does not pay taxes at the corporate level. Rather, the profits of the corporation are passed through to the individual to the shareholders on t heir own individual tax returns. Reviewing the two options one point must be seriously reviewed. The matter of taxation is of serious importance, and which way we proceed. Both an LLC and S corp and C corp are their own entities. Yet very different in other aspects.We must decide whether to pay taxes at a cooperate level, or have the profits of the corporation are passed through to the individual to the shareholders on their own individual tax returns. Federal taxable income is between 15% and 35%, state and local taxes vary on income. Shareholders of most corporations are not taxed directly on corporate income, but must pay tax on dividends paid by the corporation. However, shareholders of S Corporations and mutual funds are taxed currently on corporate income, and do not pay tax on dividends.Since it will be several months if not years that the company will make a real profit. It would be in the best interest of the company to file as an S corp. Thus allowing the company to be its own entity as well as establishing the company and protecting the interest of our product. With that being said we must meet with a corporate attorney and file all necessary documents and begin the process of becoming an S corporation. Gentle Clean is now on its way to becoming a competitor in the world of Green cleaning supplies.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Case study Response Case of the Rotary Compressor Essay

Case study Response Case of the Rotary Compressor - Essay Example Another factor that caused the disaster was lack of expertise for successful design and implementation of the venture. While suggestions were made for outsourcing, and an experienced personnel offered services besides proposals for joint ventures with experienced organizations, General electric resorted to using its personnel that turned out to be inefficient. Reducing the testing period for the product from the proposed two years to two months is another cause of the disaster as flaws could not be adequately detected (Evans, 2007). Responsibility over these failures lies with both the line supervisor and the company’s top management. The line supervisor failed to recognize the potential threats to the project’s success and to enlighten the top management for informed decision making. The management is also responsible for its decision to use internal human resource for the project instead of the proposed outsourcing (Evans, 2007). The disaster might have been prevented by the management implementation of suggestions and recommendations at lower level of the organization’s structure. These included the expressed opinions of the company’s engineering technicians as well as a consultant’s opinion that called for extra measures in undertaking the project. Respecting the proposals would have designed an efficient product, free from the later identified faults. Another possible initiative that could have prevented the disaster is competence in decision making among the organization’s top management. Similarly, adherence to the originally stipulated ‘two-year’ testing period would have identified the project’s problems for either corrective measures or alternative projects (Evans, 2007). The major learnt lesson from the case is the fact that operational efficiency is a very important aspect in a production process. Such efficiencies require focus from a project’s first step, which is preliminary research on feasibility, up to evaluation of a

Friday, September 27, 2019

Infromation Systems for Healthcare Management - Technology Role in Essay

Infromation Systems for Healthcare Management - Technology Role in Healthcare - Essay Example Technological advancements continue to climb, as the new generation i.e. youth shows curiosity in grabbing and exploring these new technologies for a new and bright future prospect. The current trend is leading information technology towards an essential skill that will make itself similar to writing, reading and the new skill called as ‘computing’ (CEO's guide to health care information systems.1997). The trend is affecting all sectors including the health care. As healthcare facilities are now equipped with integrated health care information systems including application software, network and data communications, access and data management, information processing, Wide Area Network, Local Area Network and Clinical decision support systems. Moreover, there are other network components including switches, bridges, hubs and routers. Before incorporating a network, system architecture is essential, as it will define the nature of data communication i.e. client / server arc hitecture or mainframe architecture. The second key consideration is the legacy system sustainability and integration. For instance, there are old systems that that cannot be removed instantly instead; data can be migrated gradually to the new systems, while the old system must also be operational. The third key consideration is the central data repository (CDR), as healthcare information systems interact with CDR to extract patient records, it will not be possible to replace the CDR completely (Clinical information systems for integrated healthcare networks). In order to integrate all the remote medical facilities, client/server architecture is the best option. The client/server architecture will incorporate a centralized interface engine connected to a central data repository. The implementation will be conducted on the nearest centralized medical facility. The computer network installation of client/server architecture will incorporate switches, bridges, hubs and routers. However , in order to make a centralized network operational, LAN architecture installation is required for each location. The installation includes CAT 5 cables, the quantity of a network switch depends on how many users needs access to the system. Moreover, Wide Area Network (WAN) device, which will connect each location. WAN is defined by network dictionary as â€Å"A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a computer network covering multiple distance areas, which may spread across the entire world. WANs often connect multiple smaller networks, such as local area networks (LANs) or metro area networks (MANs).† However, bandwidth requirements vary and depend on the core healthcare application. The legacy system integration in terms of organizing data is essential, as these systems do not share data with other sites. The solution for this issue is to collect the data in a portable device and store it in a central data repository (Clinical information systems for integrated healthcare networks). In order to integrate legacy systems on the new LAN architecture, an Ethernet card and system software installation is required. However, the installation process is not time consuming. The central data repository is a centralized location on the network. In order to connect each medical facility with the CDR, network connectivity is vital. If any of the workstation disconnect, the required data cannot be achieved. As previously, employees do not face such issues due to data availability on

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Effect Of Hamiltonian And Jeffersonian Political Philosophy On The Essay

The Effect Of Hamiltonian And Jeffersonian Political Philosophy On The Development Of American Political Attitudes Between 1790 And 1860 - Essay Example In the history of America’s development, there are two key political figured referred to as the core of the nation’s political division: Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. The philosophies and political ideas of these two philosophers inspired several political actions in essential events during our great nation’s birth in the 1820s. On the side of Hamilton, the government was supposed to address people matters meaning that there should be the establishment of federal law controlling the states and focusing on financial gain. On the other hand, Jefferson believed that the government had no responsibility to deal with state affairs and the people’s rights. Since these two sides were contradicting, some people believed that establishing the two parties was not a good idea, while others believed that these parties would result to a bizarrely moderate nation. On the right side of Hamilton, the government was supposed to address people matters meaning tha t there should be the establishment of federal law controlling the states and focusing on financial gain. During the Marbury V. Madison’s case, federalist Marbury William did not get the position as a Supreme Court member as he expected from the current president during that time, Thomas Jefferson withheld the official documents. Therefore, it happened that Marshall insisted for his new governmental position not for political or moral standing, but the reason of wealth and status he was to gain, making his requirements not to politically harm President Jefferson, but due to status and financial gain it would cost him (DBQ #9. Doc .8). The political leaders had feared that, the citizens were educated and wild enabling them to run themselves. For instance, there was the Shay’s Rebellion whereby threads of U.S. laws were about to be undone through mass rioting, which were uncontrollable, in which Massachusetts’ federalist gave a talk on the recent episodes, arguing that there existed an â€Å"excess of democracy† amongst the American people, strengthening Federalist support until the 1812 War (DBQ #5, Doc. #9). However, the Federalists often came up with opportunistic plans. An example was Federalist John Randolph who realized how simple it would be to seize land from British colony while it was busy concentrating with its war in France (DBQ #7, Doc. #3). These federalist parties’ policies for financial gain and Federal control were essential for ensuring a realistic government, although often brought conflict from those whose beliefs were from the Jeffersonian left side. On the other hand, Jefferson had a belief that the government had no responsibility to deal with state’s affairs and the people’s rights. Such people acted against the government’s actions that would affect peoples' affairs and rights like the 1798 Sedition Act. The government, according to this Act was to limit what the press would say and represent (DBQ #6, doc. #5). Politicians such as Democratic-Republican George Hay protested about the Act arguing that it was unconstitutional and had limitations on Americans’ liberties (DBQ #6, DOC. #8). They also portrayed a negative attitude towards the 1812 War, whereby people such as Democratic-Republic Huge Nelson stated that the war was not only about British threatening on the financial operations, but about also contravening the American’s rights, which British had captured and armed (DBQ #7, DOC. #7). Their liberty belief was extended by those who had the education and wealth. Whereby, in the year 1821 Democrats such as Nathan Stanford worked tirelessly to ensure that all whites had voting rights including adult men, non-Irish, and all those who were qualified to vote claiming that voting rights should be for all qualified citizens but not the educated and the rich (DBQ #8, DOC. #1). People from these two parties

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Image of Chinese and Japan Dragons Term Paper

The Image of Chinese and Japan Dragons - Term Paper Example The extent of the power of this mysterious creature was such that it was considered as the god of rain, thunder, rainbow, and stars. China being an agro-based society, entirely dependent upon the environment and climate for communal wellbeing, it was the dragon that was worshipped so that sufficient food would be provided. For thousands of years, this custom sustained. The dragon was worshipped and more and more deification was bestowed upon it from being the bringer of joy to bringing prophecies and miracles. The dragon was made into an exclusive symbol of imperial majesty by the emperors. They also compared themselves with the dragons. There was a robust punishment for those who used the dragon as a symbol intentionally or unintentionally. This meant that the ruler was being offended hence the punishment for the offender was death (Dragon). A series of changes have transformed the image of a dragon and it is now more mighty and beautiful. Initially, its illustration on primitive br onze ware was portrayed as ferocious and mysterious. However, during the Han Dynasty, it became magnificent and unrestrained. Moreover, the image of the dragon was personalized as gentle, tame and graceful during the reign of Tang. Nevertheless, it was after the Song Dynasty onwards that it was portrayed as more flowery and delicate. These dragons are found in various different colors. They range from yellow to black, blue, white or red. The most revered was the yellow one because of which each emperor wore a gown that was decorated with a yellow patterned dragon. The basics behind these dragons remain the same despite the differences. This is because people are familiar with the combination of the features of animals. The protruding head of a dragon signifies wisdom, however, longevity is shown by the antlers. According to the imperial examination, the ox’s ears denote success. The tiger’s eyes indicate power, bravery is conveyed by the eagle’s claws, flexibili ty is implied by the fish’ tail and diligence is shown by the horse’s teeth.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Litrature Review Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Litrature Review - Article Example Though not citing their source of information, they identify development of tests with late 19th century before its application in the world war. The authors however ensured credibility in subsequent sections of the review that are adequately referenced. These sections include review of types of tests that identifies cognitive ability tests, mechanical ability test, motor and sensor ability test, sensory ability test, and aptitude test with such applications as selection of employees, training and development, team building and development, and career development and progression. The general approach to the authors’ literature review that relied on numerous and diversified sources further identify the authors’ good job in establishing a credible review. The authors therefore did a commendable job in reviewing existing literature to consolidate information on the subject. Their findings are valid because they are based on published resources, reliable because of the exte nsive scope of the explored resources, and I concur with the authors’ opinions that psychological tests are important to personnel decisions because the identified concepts are widely practiced (Ajila and Linus,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Wilma Rudolph An Olympic Medalist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wilma Rudolph An Olympic Medalist - Essay Example She won two individual events, the 100 and the 200 meter dash, and also anchored the women's 4x4 team. Not only breaking records, Rudolph also broken gender barriers in several events. She won numerous awards, including The struggles Wilma had to overcome began when she was four, and diagnosed with polio. The doctors told her mom there was no hope of Wilma ever being able to walk, but she helped Wilma fight through the disease. She massaged Wilma's legs every day and also taught her brothers and sisters how to do it. Her mother Blanche, "drove her 90 miles roundtrip to a Nashville hospital for therapy"( By the age of 8 Wilma was able to walk with the help of a brace. Eventually, she was able to walk and even play basketball without the help of any additional support. She was so good, she was encouraged to start track, and in her senior year of high school she qualified for the Olympic Games, where she won a bronze medal. ( She also thought that she had a greater calling, and after winning all those gold medals, she retired at the age of 22, and became of inspirational track coach. She also formed the Wilma Rudolph Foundation to help children learn about "discipline and hard work."( Wilma died in 1994.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Exploiting Dynamic Querying like Flooding Techniques in Unstructured Essay

Exploiting Dynamic Querying like Flooding Techniques in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks Review - Essay Example ses the potential solution (algorithm) for making dynamic querying like flooding technique useful for the general unstructured peer-to-peer networks. Comments: Researcher for evaluating KaZaA, BitTorrent and other unstructured network topology can use the material for checking and implementing the enhanced algorithm method and evaluation produced in this paper. (2) ã‚ ¤Ã£Æ' ³Ã£Æ'ˆãÆ' ­Ã£Æ'€ã‚ ¯Ã£â€š ·Ã£Æ' §Ã£Æ' ³Ã£  ¯Ã£â‚¬ Ã§  â€Ã§ © ¶Ã£  ®Ã¨Æ'Å'æ™ ¯Ã£â€šâ€žÃ¥â€¹â€¢Ã¦ ©Å¸Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£â‚¬ Ã£ â€œÃ£  ®Ã¥Ë†â€ Ã©â€¡Å½Ã£  ®Ã£â€š ¹Ã£Æ'šã‚ ·Ã£Æ' £Ã£Æ' ªÃ£â€š ¹Ã£Æ'ˆã  §Ã£  ªÃ£ â€žÃ¤ º ºÃ£  «Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£â€š Ã£ â€¹Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã¨â€˜â€°Ã£  §Ã¦ËœÅ½Ã§ ¢ ºÃ£  «Ã¨ ¿ °Ã£  ¹Ã£  ¦Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€¹Ã£ â€¹(Does the introduction clearly state the background and motivation in terms understandable to the non-specialist?) Comments: The introduction is very simple, clear, and understandable to the non-specialist. It provides the background and motivation for discussing an enhanced algorithm for peer-to-peer network for searching. (5) 㠁“㠁 ®Ã¨ «â€"æâ€"‡ã  ®Ã¥Ë†â€ Ã©â€¡Å½Ã£  ®Ã£â€š ¹Ã£Æ'šã‚ ·Ã£Æ' £Ã£Æ' ªÃ£â€š ¹Ã£Æ'ˆã  §Ã£  ªÃ£ â€žÃ¦Å â‚¬Ã¨ ¡â€œÃ¨â‚¬â€¦Ã£  «Ã£  ¨Ã£  £Ã£  ¦Ã£ â€œÃ£  ®Ã¨ «â€"æâ€"‡ã  ¯Ã£  ©Ã£  ®Ã£  Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£ â€žÃ¨ ª ­Ã£  ¿Ã£â€šâ€žÃ£ â„¢Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€¹(How readable is the paper for an engineer who is not a specialist inthis particular field?) Comments: The paper for an engineer who is not a specialist in this particular field is readable. However, if researchers have included ceratin keywords, the definitions of certain concepts, terms, and symbols than it would be an excellent paper. This paper discusses the dynamic querying like technique that is adopted by the Gnutella like peer-to-peer network. In this technique, the source peer first sends query packets towards a few neighbors with a small TTL value to have an initial estimate of the popularity of the searched item. This process is iterative and in each iteration; the source peer estimates the number of peers to be contacted for desired number of result, calculation of TTL for query for sending to the next neighbor and finally propagating query to the next neighbor. Once the desired number of result found the iterative process stops. However, in this technique, the latency can be

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Costs of Workplace Conflicts Essay Example for Free

Costs of Workplace Conflicts Essay Not all cost factors are relevant to every conflict, but every conflict incurs several of these costs. 1. Lost work time Managers’ Time: Studies show that 42% of a managers time is spent on conflict related negotiations among employees. Over 65% of performance problems result from strained relationships between employees, not from deficits in individual employees skill or motivation. Individuals’ Time: Studies show that 52% of employees have lost work time worrying about how they have been treated. 22% have deliberately slowed down their work in response to rude or insensitive behavior. Tension and stress reduce motivation and disturb concentration. A loss of 25% (doing things other than work related activities, such as discussing the dispute, playing computer games, finding reasons to get out of the area) reduces an average work week to fewer than 20 hours. 2. Absenteeism and Illness Absenteeism has been shown to correlate with job stress, especially the stress associated with anger toward co-workers. Science has determined that nearly every physical illness and injury, from viral infections to  cancer to workplace accidents, is partially psychogenic. That is, caused in part by psychological or emotional conditions. 3. Heath costs It is estimated that 75 – 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems. Since the rate of claims affects the premium paid by an employer to its insurer, insurance is an indirect cost of workplace conflict. An estimated 16% of employees feel that poor interpersonal relations are a source of stress at work. The total value of lost work time due to stress is estimated to be $1.7 billion. Workplace stress and work-related conflict are among the top eight reasons why employees request counseling assistance. 4. Reduced decision quality Decisions made under conditions of conflict are inferior to decisions made when cooperation prevails. The best decision-making happens when there is a free-flowing of information. When there is a conflict, it is not uncommon for information to be withheld or distorted. If conflict is present between people who share decision-making authority, as in the case of team-based decisions, the resulting decisions are likely to be contaminated by the power struggles between those people. 5. Restructuring Often, design of workflow is altered in an attempt to reduce the amount of interaction required between employees in conflict. Often the restructured work is less efficient than the original design. 6. Loss of skilled employees Studies show that 12% of employees have quit a job to avoid a rude co-worker. Seventy five percent of people who felt they have been bullied at work have left their jobs to make the bullying go away. Chronic unresolved conflict acts as a decisive factor in at least 50% of departures. 7. Cost to replace employee Conflict accounts for up to 90% of involuntary departures, with the possible exception of staff reductions due to downsizing and restructuring. It’s estimated that the real cost of turnover is equivalent to one full years pay (finding and training replacements, customer satisfaction and retention, lowered efficiency for all who work with new hire). 8. Sabotage/theft/damage Studies reveal a direct correlation between prevalence of employee conflict and the amount of damage and theft of inventory and equipment. Often covert sabotage of work processes and of management’s efforts occurs when employees are angry at their employer. 9. Lower morale From time to time, most employees experience erosion of job motivation due to the stress of trying to get along with a difficult person. To figure the financial cost, as a baseline figure, use the productivity that would have occurred had no conflict occurred. Then, estimate a percentage decline of that productivity. Multiply that percentage times the dollar value of the total compensation of the person(s) affected. 10. Legal costs Corporations that have developed collaborative conflict management systems report significant litigation cost savings: Brown and Root reported an 80% reduction in outside litigation costs, Motorola reported a 75% reduction over a period of six years, NCR reported a 50% reduction and a drop of pending lawsuits from 263 in 1984 to 28 in 1993. 11. Other? Conflict is a good example of how harm can be produced in the workplace and of how this harm spills over into families and communities. Such harm includes both inner-directed harm (suicidal behavior, recklessness, agitated depression and abuse of alcohol, drugs) and outer-directed expressions (threatening behavior, emotional and/or verbal abuse, bullying, harassment, assault, domestic violence, road rage). Summary Workplace stress costs US industry $300 billion a year in absenteeism, turnover, diminished productivity, medical, legal and insurance fees.xv The greatest stresses come from interpersonal conflicts.

Friday, September 20, 2019

McDonalds business ethics

McDonalds business ethics Introduction This report will aid McDonalds in identifying its core CSR strategies that will propel its business goals into the future. The report also identifies the business ethics that McDonalds has practiced over time and the impact of these business ethics to its strategic partners and customers. This report is thus an indicator of how well McDonalds is delivering its CSR and business ethics. McDonalds being the worlds largest hamburger chain fast food restaurant owes the environment a lot in terms of its Corporate Social Responsibility. The environment in this case implies its customers, business partners as well as the public at large. The firm has played a large role in the past towards conserving the environment. In addition, McDonalds continues to develop a sustainable supply chain for the benefit of its suppliers and distributors thus ensuring that there is continuous flow of business. McDonalds CSR revolves around sustainability. This is because the firm identifies that through sustainability, it will be able to get constant products that it uses to make the hamburgers as well as other fast food products. Sustainability also helps McDonalds in the sense that it will be able to sustain its distribution networks, thus benefiting a whole chain of distributors and suppliers. Aim and Purpose This report on the CSR and business ethics for McDonalds will aid the management and executives in the board of McDonalds to better deliver their CSR to their strategic business partners and the public in general. The report also illuminates areas that perhaps McDonalds should consider incorporating into its CSR plan for the next operating year. This report shall assume certain factors. Firstly, that McDonalds CSR is uniform throughout all the countries that it operates fast food restaurants in. secondly, the report shall also assume that the CSR and business ethics that McDonalds has implemented and will implement have gained general acceptance amongst its business partners, customers and the public in general. The limitations to this study include the fact that some of the CSR strategies that McDonalds has implemented are hard to measure. Most of the business ethics can only be explained but cannot be measured in definite terms. In fact, McDonalds cannot establish the extent of success that it has achieved in the past in regard to the CSR strategies. Situation Analysis In each and every country, McDonalds has thrives to develop a menu that fits the tastes and culture of the people in those countries. This has made McDonalds unique in its delivery of fine and quality fast food products. Its CSR strategies have helped it to identify the needs of the people within these destinations and develop fast food solutions that best fits their needs. McDonalds is thus mindful of its customers diverse needs. In addition, McDonalds strives to promote healthy diets that benefit its customer. Research reveals that fast food products are not good for the health, especially for the heart as well as the liver. However, McDonalds disputes this by developing and making fast food products that are free from cholesterol, fat that causes cardiac diseases. The firm has also won several awards in environment conservation and employment sensitivity. McDonalds has no gender inequality whilst employing its staff from the regions where it has expanded. The company hopes to have trained and retrained all its employees in their respective fields by the end of 2012 (May, Cheney and Roper, p.32). According to an employee at the fast food restaurant in Europe, McDonalds is perhaps the best employer and always listens to the needs and demands of the staff; the employment environment is one to die for. Factors and Discussion This section will identify the various CSR strategies that McDonalds has implemented in the past, present and the future of these strategies. The factors are identifies in the ensuing paragraphs. Values McDonalds core values are all aimed at promoting the Corporate Social Responsibility of the firm. This is achieved through giving value to the customers, the supply chain as well as the other business partners with whom McDonalds does business. McDonalds indeed acknowledges the fact that its customers are the reason behind its success and existence. Therefore, the customers are very much valued within the company. The company thus strives to create a warm and welcoming environment for its customers. Secondly, McDonalds values its employees and states that it is committed towards the career growth and development of its employees through a comprehensive training plan. This is perhaps the greatest CSR that McDonalds has. McDonalds believes in empowering and valuing the employees for increased commitment from them and their continued success. McDonalds also maintains high business ethics and thus conducts its business with high ethical standards (Fisher and Lovell, p.33). The company conducts its business with high integrity, honesty and fairness for all its customers and suppliers. McDonalds also values the community in which it operates and strives to give back to the society through sponsoring various community initiatives such as education. McDonalds believes in making the world a better place (Johnson and Turner, p.112). McDonalds being a public company values doing profitable business with all its stakeholders. The company therefore lays much emphasis on profitable business while enforcing its business ethics across all its subsidiaries. This is achieved through maintaining high ethical standards. McDonalds always strives to excel in whatever field it undertakes to operate in. constant improvement is achieved within the company through continued training and innovation. Thus, McDonalds has grown to become the worlds largest fast food chain of restaurants through its commitment towards achieving its CSR as well as maintaining good business ethics. According to Richardson (p.16), McDonalds has achieved much success through its good will initiatives worldwide, hence many customers identify with the positive side of the company. Sustainable supply chain McDonalds suppliers are required to adhere to the strict Code of Conduct which enhances the supply chain ensuring that the fast food giant gets the best quality products as raw material for preparing the fast food restaurants. The firm values its supply chain in such a manner that there is no way a poor quality product can access the firms production unit. In addition, there are checks and balances to ensure that only the best raw materials are used to prepare fast food products. These checks and balances often involve empowering the suppliers to supply quality products through training programs. In 2007, McDonalds established a strong supply chain department which ensures that the quality standards for its suppliers are continuously met by the suppliers (Hanekamp, p.14). The complexity of the supply chain requires that McDonalds maintains an effective communication amongst its suppliers in order to solve and avert problems at an early stage. McDonalds always purchases its products from suppliers who only comply with the established code of conduct thus ensuring continued quality standards adherence (Gitman and McDaniel, p.34). Furthermore, McDonalds always strives to promote a supply chain that is positively supporting the environment. Thus, the supply chain of the fast food giant usually has no adverse effect on the environment. McDonalds therefore supports an environment-friendly supply chain. The supply chain also aims at promoting a positive economic impact on the suppliers and the immediate beneficiaries. According to Crowther and Rayman-Bacchus (p.42), an effective supply chain is one where suppliers receive timely information that will enable them be able to succeed in supplying the best products for the fast food giant. Andersen (p.24) suggests that McDonalds requires improving efficiency of its supply chain and reducing the bottleneck so that the Small and Medium Enterprises within countries where McDonalds operates may be able to benefit from the existence of McDonalds. Nutrition and wellbeing McDonalds is always committed to the wellbeing of its customers through producing fast food products that have no adverse health effects on the customers. The company follows the strict advice of its nutrition experts. There have been concerns about obesity that McDonalds has taken seriously and strived to avoid producing fast food products that may lead to obesity among its customers. Moreover, McDonalds also promoted doing exercises as part of the health promotion program that it started in 1998 (Ferrel, Ferrell and Fraedrich, p.18). Exercising is an imperative activity that McDonalds acknowledges could reduce the health effects of fast foods. Nutrition experts also advice that eating fast food products is not harmful to ones health for as long as they do enough exercises. McDonalds encourages customer to make quality choices regarding its fast food products that will benefit their health. The firm discourages eating for the sake of it and insists on supporting healthy living (Rendtorff, p.142). McDonalds continues to develop high quality and a well balanced diet that serves the needs of its customers comprehensively. The firm has also developed a wide range of choices to enable its customers to choose from, thus increase customer satisfaction. The firm through its nutritionist has developed consumer-friendly nutrition information that enable the customers to gain useful knowledge regarding the fast food products that the firm sells across all its restaurants. This helps the consumers to make an independent choice regarding which fast food product to purchase. Today, a lot of the consumer choices are driven by the nutrition that McDonalds provides its consumers with. McDonalds has strived to improve the communication that it has with its customers, especially children thus encouraging them to make wise nutrition choices. According to Hartman and DesJardins (p.76), McDonalds established the Global Advisory Council (GAC) which works in collaboration with the international teams to source for expert advice regarding nutrition and wellbeing. Environmental responsibility According to Kotler and Lee (p.19), McDonalds has won the Energy Star Partner of the Year award which is usually awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). McDonalds has been recognized for its massive efforts in reducing greenhouse emissions. The firm is sensitive to the environment and concerned more about the global warming. This has promoted the firm to save on energy and thus avert carbon emissions. McDonalds takes its social responsibility concerning the environment seriously. The firm established its very own Global Environment Commitment (Houk and Williams, p.134). The company has continued to focus on improving its commitment towards the environment. As far as McDonalds CSR regarding the environment is concerned, the fast food giant has in the past and present focused on three main areas namely; energy efficiency, sustainable packaging and waste management as well as green restaurant design. McDonalds has sort to use more energy efficient strategies such as the use of natural gas in the fast food restaurants. McDonalds continues to seek ways of increasing energy efficiency. Furthermore, the fast food giant also seeks to reduce the impact of its operations on the environmental impact. In addition, McDonalds continues to explore ways in which it can package the consumers product in packages that are easy to recycle and reuse. Malachowski (p.27) reveals that the company banned the use of plastics in packaging the fast food products. The firm continues to use paper-based packages though it is in a bid to look for an environmental friendly package. The firm has been criticized for using paper-based packages in the wake of the global warming panic. Paper comes from trees and thus by using the paper-based packages, McDonalds may have been going against the environmental preservation requirements. Trevino and Nelson (p.47) reveal that McDonalds has an environmental department which attends the green house conferences in Geneva annually. These officials are in charge of ensuring that McDonalds continues to comply with the environmental laws of various countries where it is established. Most of the restaurants belonging to McDonalds have adopted the green restaurant design which helps in saving energy. This has given McDonalds the opportunity to participate in the reduction of carbon emission through investing in energy efficient buildings. Most of the restaurants belonging to McDonalds have an open space which allows plenty of light to enter into the building thus saving the use of electricity during the day. McDonalds CSR supports the conservation of the environment through reduction of carbon emission as well as the green restaurant designs. Employment experience McDonalds has a policy within all its subsidiaries and fast food restaurants worldwide of giving its employees a priority over all other things. The firm indeed identifies that employees are core in the companys success. McDonalds has in the past devised training programs aimed at employee development. Moreover, the firm empowers its employees to take up new challenges in the fast food market. Furthermore, McDonalds supports human rights which forms part of it global business conduct. Respect to life and the preservation of human dignity has enabled the company to excel in its core relationship with its employees as well as customers and business partners. This has enabled McDonalds to grow through its appreciation of human life and dignity, an area where many other companies have failed. Employees rights are a priority at McDonalds. McDonalds has developed a strategy that allows the employees relative freedom in working with the firm. There are three aspects of the employee priority virtues that McDonalds has identifies namely respect, commitment growth and talent enhancement (Hoffman, p.114). McDonalds has created a culture where every employee is respected and valued globally. In addition, McDonalds is committed towards realizing quality employees through comprehensive training programs and staff development strategies. McDonalds identifies young talented graduates and employees then as graduate trainees thus ensuring that it acquires the right caliber of future employees. These young graduates are drawn from various hospitality colleges and universities across the globe. According to Mullerat and Brennan (p.22), McDonalds always strives to deliver quality employee training to its employees. Moreover, its employment policy is not biased against one kind of gender. There is an open approach towards those employed at McDonalds. Every employee is thus a priority at McDonalds since the firm realized that its workforce holds the key to its valued success. This CSR involving valuing and respecting employees has enabled McDonalds to improve its service provision to its clientele. Community responsibility For ages, McDonalds has been supporting the Olympic Games through feeding program aimed at feeding the athletics. McDonalds is also involved in various charities and also supports education in the developing countries where it has its franchises and fast food restaurants. As part of its bid to return back to the society, McDonalds has sponsored several children programs involving eradication of illiteracy and poverty. McDonalds also sponsors a number of events worldwide including the Olympic Games and walks. Over the past calamities, McDonalds has been involved in disaster response where it has supported the victims of such disasters. Just recently during the Haiti disaster, McDonalds moved in to donate a handsome amount towards the rebuilding of the destroyed country. According to Morris, Willey and Sachdev (p.54), McDonalds has also supported various community based programs such as sponsoring the education of poor children in India and Asia. Conclusion McDonalds has been able to achieve high success through its identification of the elements that make it succeed most. These elements include its employees, customers and the suppliers. McDonalds values its employees and has various training programs to support their bid towards an excellent service provision. The company draws its success mostly from its employees. McDonalds also hires quality and highly valuable employees thus ensuring continued success for the company. McDonalds also draws its success from its highly valued customers. The company provides the customers with nutrition information thus ensuring that the customer makes informed decision. Moreover, the firm develops well balanced diets that meet the dynamic requirements of each fast food market. Indeed, customers have enabled the firm to develop strongly with most customers referring others to the fast food giant. The customers also benefit from the advice of the international nutritionists as well as the nutrition experts that are dissipated to McDonalds on a regular basis (Daft and Marcic, p.11). McDonalds support for the environment has ensured that its CSR continues to grow. The firm has many ways of giving back to the community. McDonalds supports various sponsorship programs, the most profound being that which supports the education of children (Carter and Clegg, p.48). McDonalds also feeds the athletes at the Olympic Games. Poverty eradication has also been a priority for the company as it seeks to improve the standards of living. McDonalds continues to support CSR and good business conducts and ethic across its operations, now and in the future to come through enhanced quality programs. Suppliers also form part of the core business that McDonalds supports. The suppliers are organized in supply chains to ensure that they continue to abide by the quality standards. Recommendation McDonalds should make us of solar energy, which is a renewable form of energy. This will go a long way towards ensuring that there is less carbon emission. The EPA would thus be pleased with the efforts propagated by McDonalds. McDonalds should also run advertisements in the media to promote its balanced healthy diet. The advertisements should also contain nutrition advice on various ways of eating healthy fast food diets. The firm should also diversify its diets to ensure that it meets the requirements of different ages. Works Cited Andersen Bjorn. Bringing business ethics to life: achieving corporate social responsibility. 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